Happy Wednesday** to you.... if you're here to see a crafty workspace for WOYWW then once again you catch me with nothing in progress on my floor - just my bulging journal! I did get some bits done at the weekend when it was a little bit cooler (for a while) but have already blogged them (and there's one coming up later today for the DragonsDream challenge)
** Julia has posted early due to internet issues, so I'm publishing now too!
So here is my space on the floor...
Not sure how fat it will be when it's full!!
and a slightly more interesting shot for you!
I have been gripped by the news of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their new baby boy - they looked a lovely family when they left the hospital on Tuesday evening - but it was hilarious watching the tv crews filling for hours before the baby was born, trying to find something interesting to say while saying nothing new at all!
But good luck to them all...
Have a good day, and I'll be round to check out your desks - or as many of them as time allows - soon!
I'm with you on the news crew waffling front !
But at least it is happy nonsense & not the normal crisis & calamities ! Ali #6
Ditto the news crews!!! That part got to be very irritating. Happy for Kate and William on the safe arrival of their son. Happy WOYWW Anne x #9
It's only Tuesday!!!
Wow...You have a A LOT of crafting goodies on your desk. Congrats to Kate and William. Thanks for stopping by. Happy crafting #12
A busy desk indeed! I was able to get my craft room tidied while watching all the exciting Royal baby developments over the last two days!
Bernice #23
Hi H
its been a 'busy' week for film crews don't you feel sorry for them?.... No .... me neither, I hope they leave the new family alone for a while.
How many pages do you get to the inch, have a good week
Hi Helen, not a lot going on for me either in the heat. I have an altered book on the go that's starting to look like your journal!! Happy WOYWW Cindy
Morning! (It's One in the morning here!) Yes didn't the TV crews talk a load of old rubbish...just didn't know what to say! Desk looks very tidy, with a journal dying to burst open!Have a great craft week! Thank you for my snoop,
Happy WOYWW!?
((Lyn)) #36
Hi Helen
wow your floor looks very busy and you have so much lovely crafting stash down there. I had a poke around and a bit of a play but I put everything back in the right place.
Your journal is going to be one very very large book when it is finished and I am sure you will have enjoyed the making off it
Sending hugs for WOYWW and hope you enjoy the rest of your week
Ria #45
The Americans are going mad for the new baby, I keep reminding my colleagues what they thought of the Crown back in 1776 and to stop being so hypocritical!!! That journal is absolutely bulging! Is it anywhere near done?
Brenda 28
Great news for both parents. Great desk, I always love snooping to see what you have in your jars or tucked away on the desk. Your journal is sure growing.
Eliza & Yoda 55
I bet its very exciting over there, its all over the news here, of course because we are a commonwealth country.
Bridget #24
I bet the UK is really celebrating and rightfully so. Your journal is gaining weight yes? They never leave enough space in them.
Krisha #22
Now that's what you call and art journal. Nice and full of goodies. I've been watching the craziness of the media too, lovely to see the family come out of the hospital.
Have a great week.
Von #53
Hi looks like your journal is coming on very well....is it only me or are you also doing less scrapping and more journaling? Keep cool.xxx
Bulging but happy journal.
Certainly gripping news of the baby, he seems to have a quiff on the right hand side of his hair, so cute that he was waking to us all as well. BJ#74
love the workspace and that journal is just about bulging now and you still have so many pages yet to fill...I can't wait to see what it looks like when full! Thanks for sharing. Vickie #71
I love to see a really fat, bulging journal - so satisfying and exciting too to think what's inside! Have a great woyww and let's hope things cool down just a little before we all melt away to nothing! Julie Ann #17 x
I loved how MALE the Duke was..carrying the baby, strapping in the seat and driving himself. My memory is of not being able to get in the car (carefully) fast enough..and home for a good private cry - and I'm a normal, no publicity mother. Wow. Am delighted for them and wish them months of privacy!
Your journal looks good even closed - something very satisfying about a book made fat from use and addition.
Good morning Helen your journal is starting to look very for Your Cratfin space looks very busy however I'm aware you like myself don't love this extreme heat
Jackie 72
Hi Helen,
I've enjoyed seeing the new little prince too but do really hope the press will leave them alone to enjoy this very special time together now. Such a lovely little family.
A x # 8
Wow your journal looks jammed pack with lots of crafty goodness, and your space definitely looks like it is getting used well and often. It is definitely amusing how they can fill a day of news reports with nothing to report. Happy WOYWW! Danie #74
You might need to reinforce the spine on your journal before it blows. You don't look to be even half way through it yet. Is it a Moleskine? Your desk looks like lots of fun to play on. So the newest Royal has been all over our news too. That's all that pretty much aired yesterday waiting for the birth. I wonder what they'll name him? Thanks for stopping by and visiting my desk. Hope you have a fabulous week. (((HUGS)))
Journal looks great, yummy and thick. You should do a youtube flick when its done. Love your workspace too, all good whatever makes us happy.
Lynda #1
Happy WOYWW. Love the thick journal. I haven't done any crafting for a while due to moving house, and now sitting surrounded by boxes that need unpacking, but am determined to comment on plenty of blogs today. Ali x #67
I do love your space even when there isn't a WIP. I like trying to spot different things amongst your stash! Take care Zo xx 91
Hi Helen - was a bit over the "news" on every single channel this morning here in OZ - but happy for Wills & Kate - thanks for popping over - Happy WOYWW - Mxx #4
Hello Helen.
That journal is just amazing! It is going to be HUGE when finished...
I think my age is showing, as I cannot imagine getting comfy enough these days to craft on the floor - Oh for the past days of youth!! You must be exceedingly young.
Have a great week.
Margaret #32
Wow, that is one crazy space. Am so impressed that you craft on the floor. I can't even get on the floor without building up to it for several days!
Karen #77
Creative chaos spills onto floor! That's big News headlines too!!!! Great stuff, looks like you are having fun but will you be sad or happy when you have finally completed it? :O) #87
Wooo... look at all that gorgeous stuff and fabbo bulging Journal. Marvelous !!!
IKE x #13
Wow - look at the size of that journal!!
Alison x
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who has a bulging art journal. It makes it tricky to take photographs of the pages sometimes. Blessings!
Helen whenever I see your floor and all its goodies, I wish I could just have a sit with you and art journal! I'm worried that my crafty British friends are going to faint from the heat! We had a warmup, but now it is a perfect 82-degree day, thank goodness. I always have more energy when it's not too hot. Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #46
Hi Helen, Happy WOYWW!
Do you sit on the floor and craft then? I really wish I could sit on the floor, I would last 5 mins max and be in agony!
Lots of lovely stuff on your floor!
Cazzy x #97
H, you seem to sit quite comfortable at 7 - seems like I've seen yu there ore than elsewhere! And now you've driven me to Google. I'm just sure there was something called a "fat book" - and no, I don;t THINKit was a weightloss journal LOL! - but I have to hunt it down. AHA:
"Fat books are an increasingly popular mixed-media form. These little books, also known as chunky books, are four inches by four inches in size. Despite the tiny size of the pages, the assembled book is extremely bulky because the artists making the pages tend to embellish them with plenty of fibers, trims, charms and ephemera. The bound books often cannot close flat because of the thickness of the decorated pages. They look chunky, which is how they came to be called fat or chunky books...."
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (41)
I'm not sure that journal will close when it's full, looks like you are having fun with it.
Blessings to you from Angela
That looks like a very interesting journal. I never can get mine to look neat and close. Sloshing paint around is such fun. Watched the RB fiasco and the anticipation of media. Now they can play with names
Monica 26
Thank you for your visit today, and I would be quite happy with a little more water on the garden. The torrential rain we had just ran off the hard baked ground. Like you, I was so amused by the antics of the film crews and the commentators desperately trying to find a different way of saying the same thing over and over again. At least the roof is done now, and the holes in the plaster filled in. They have to come back tomorrow to just tidy up a few loose ends, and we are waiting for the scaffolders to remove their stuff. Even the British Gas is playing the game and told me today they will start to clear up tomorrow and fill our road in. The caravan dealers have also said they have done the necessary modification (designed by me, a mere woman) to the caravan brake. I reckon your journal will not close when you have finished, but what a labour of love. Have a good week. xx Maggie #39
Woo hoo, check my blog... you've won a prize,
Jo x
That is such a fun shot of your journal from the side, it sure is a thick one so far! How fun! Happy for the happy family with their baby boy! Glad all turned out well, and now I am looking forward to hearing the name! Winnie#82
That book looks pretty chocka already! Hope you fit in what you want. Have a great week! #2
Interesting that you work on the floor. That'd kill my back. Your journal is definitely growing! Happy WOYWW and thanks for visiting!
Carol N #18
Hi Helen, every week I study your floor space and note just how much stash you have around you but today, I looked at the second shot and looked again ... how do you get to the stuff right at the back in the corner, behind the table, or do you just never go there? I'm delighted for the couple, their first baby ... reminded me of the thrill I had taking my baby son home too ... but got to agree with yo about the repetitive witterings from the news reporter, best seen and not heard :)) Have a great week, despite the humidity, Elizabeth x #37
I'm so happy that you are taking the class too!! I hope to see you there! I LOVE looking at your journal from the side! A fat journal is a happy journal, I always say!
Ooh can I come dig erm play in your crafty stuff?! :) there's a royal baby? Really! Guess I should look in on the news more often huh. :) Not! Try and stay cool...place a bowl of cold water in front of a fan...that's what we would do in Denver Colorado before my place had a/c. Thanks for the earlier visit. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #49
Over here in the US we watched the Sun's baby monitor site-a wee bit boring for sure! Finally such a sweet baby though! Love your busy desk this week! Happy WOYWW! Sue Kment #54
Your book of art looks ready to burst with ideas. There is so much stuff to explore in your room and floor. Have a lovely week.
Sandra @87
Helen, your journal looks lovely and FAT and well used, there is always something so special about books like that! Oh yes, agre on the news peeps... it must be a real trial for them to think of another way to say the same thing!! LOL They did look a lovely little family on leaving the hospital, didn't they? Annette #17
That journal looks well used, and especially well-loved! Makes you want to pick it up & leaf through. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #70 x
That looks like an interesting journal. Great news on the Royal front - but if only it had been a girl - maybe next time.
Hugs and Thanks for visiting me earlier - Neet 44 xx
oh wow, is all that stuff actually on your floor? my cupboard is getting there, although i need a lamp to see past my RUBs.
thanks for visiting earlier
caroline (akilli melek)#39
Oh it's going to be a big book when your done and I'm sure it will be fantastic :) hugs Nikki 31
G'day Helen
Just popping in for WOYWW. Yes i am late again lol. I have a sore right shoulder and I am right handed so I can omly do spurts of typing before i give up. Anyway here I am at your FLOOR LOL. Love you spread out on the floor. Your journal is looking well fed.!
Annette In oz #60
You have an awful lot of creative chaos going on! I would love to have a play at your desk.
Sorry I am late visiting
Laura x x
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