Can't believe it's Wednesday already! Time to head over to
Julia's for a big old party nosing at the world's crafty spaces!
So, what's on my
desk floor today? I seem to have gone shopping again.... oops, wonder how that happened!
My toes are in the way again - I love this green, it totally matches my fave fave skirt! I promise not to make this a regular, Wednesday, "nail polish watch" feature of my WOYWW!
Here's a proper look at the new stash. Thanks, Leandra for getting them to me so quick - great service!
(and I wasn't going to get anything more till Stevenage in August, but I couldn't wait... I've also pre-ordered a couple of new Wendy V sets - only 2 for now and some fab Graphic 45 paper is on the way... I have no will power, at all!) Not shopping, I'm not shopping...
A couple of weeks ago, these boxes turned up at the office, with some promotional material from one of the life insurance companies, and a great apple-shaped stress ball inside. We kept
them at work - well, everyone gets stressed sometimes and they are really nice squishy stress
balls apples! Anyhow, I snatched the empty boxes and the outer wrappers, cos I KNEW I'd be able to do something with them - one day! I've been meaning to show you for a while. Watch this space, as they say!

In the foreground of that shot, and here for a better look, is a tag I'm working on for my Tag Tuesday challenge "faces" which isn't finished yet. I'm playing with this great flower template on it, that I got at Newbury (thanks,
Alison, for the heads up on how great it is!)
Ok. those were taken Tuesday evening. Now I am going to completely embarrass myself at the total MESS that is my living room/craft room with these taken at 6 am today. This is the overall view of my room... yikes it needs a tidy up! The first one is from the window to the door.
This is from the door to the window. You can see the arm of the chair I stood on (see Monday post) so I wasn't in danger at all!
However, as I've said before, I don't have children and I don't have pets, so there is only me here!!
Anyhow, it's time to head over to Julia's to catch up on some more of your desks to see what you've all been up to. I know this is another great waffly long post,sorry! I can't do short and sweet. Have a great Wednesday.
(p.s. sorry about the lack of background, tried to change it and can't get it to work from work! Will restore it later!)