Last weekend the weather was lovely (and people are still going out and congregating; the idiots) but I did have an hour sitting on the wall outside (no chairs I can move outside) reading a book... Jan might recognise it
it's my comfort read series, my Desert Island Discs books...
I have read and re-read them so many times
ignore the hair, it needs cutting and re-colouring! going to be a long 3 months!
a bit later on I cracked open the new journal.
no real ideas, but I had to have something to show you today
So I played with the hares..

Since then, Paperartsy have started another new release of some stamps...
I "might" have ordered the new JoFY stamps and stencils which are on the way to me... and I really like the Seth Apter stamps that were launched today (writing this Tuesday evening)
So far I've held off those...
That's it for me today - the new stash may be here by next week, delivery allowing ...see you soon and STAY HOME STAY SAFE
That's a great selfie, Helen. I'm sure it felt good to be outside, if only for an hour. Cute and quirky hares. Stay safe yourself, dear friend. Just stopping by to say hi.
My hair is now tied back but it was almost there before. Wonder what the majority of men are going to look like? We'll have a load of hippies walking about with their hair in pony tails.
Like the journal page but then I commented on FB on it.
Hugs, Neet xx
That's an interesting looking book, I might have to see what it is about, and whether it is worth trying to obtain a copy.
Your hair looks fine to me, don't worry about it,
Bless you for sharing and for visiting my desk
Chris #8
That's a great selfie never mastered the technique. Nothing wrong with the hair, glad I had mine done the Friday before lockdown. Ani #12
It must be a interesting book if you read it over and over,Love those stamps
Lilian B # 11
I'm starting to resemble Hagrid, my hair grows so quickly! Love the choice of reading matter, such a great series of books (Murtagh is my favourite!). I'm glad you've been crafting as well as working from home this week, gotta have a bit of light relief.
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx
I have given up worrying about my hair in fact now might be a good chance to grow out the colour and face up to the grey Lol! but that's just me. Apparently there has been a large increase in the sale of hair dyes in the supermarkets, now I wonder why! Hope the new stamps arrive soon, can't wait to see them. Happy and creative woyww, Angela x15x
Glad you have managed to get some fresh air Helen. I can't believe how many numpties there are around still. Those hares are cute. Good that you are still getting new stash lol. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #5
Morning Helen. Hey - what's wrong with the hair - I actually think it looks great! Being an addict with books - that looks good and thick - will take more than a couple of days to reads it - may have to investigate... Those hares are such fun - enjoy using them in your new journal.
Those craft ideas were only simple ones - took me ages to get the position of the words right for the little squeezy one - but the organisation seem happy with it! But Neet has just given me an idea for the fourth project!! Brilliant.
Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
Margaret #4
"Flow it, show it Long as God can grow it..." I do love your wild hair Helen! And your art journal page... lovely! I swooned over Seth's new stamps too, I like his 'urban style'! Have a good day, stay safe! Big hug from Holland. Marit #23
Always good to get a good book recommendation. Personally I have to read my set of Jane Austen books on an annual basis, it has become a summer holiday tradition. Your new journal looks like it's getting off to a great start. Enjoy the sunshine and stay safe.
Sandra de @13
Lovely photo - you look relaxed and enjoying a good read! Your journal page made me smile - we need lots of smiles to keep us going I think! I hope you liked my snap of the day!! xx Jo
Hi Helen, great job with the hares! I saw the JOFY stamps too, trying to be good though. And failing, lol. Getting a hair appointment is going to be like finding the holy grail, when this is over. I shall be getting Doug to do mine soon. Have a lovely week, Stay safe, Hugs, Shaz #10 X
Love that photo of you. Those hares are wonderful, are you going to call your journal the hare one? lol
Have a good week
Christine #25
Nice to see you out Helen even if not about still good to get some sunshine & fresh air and take that deserved break out side. Loving those hares, I think it's a theme we all have on our minds right now. Take care & thanks for sharing WoywW Hugs Tracey #24?
lovely photo - you look fine . Your journal is lovely , I am worried that I will be broke from ordering stamps soon - enjoy your new ones when they arrive. Take care and Keep safe . Soojay #18
Morning Helen! Well, you still sound quite rational (apart from holding off on those stamps - what's wrong with you?). Glad you could get outside, I know that is really hard for people and I am constantly thankful for my outside space. Really going to try and get round this week - even if it takes me till after Easter! Stay home, stay safe, stay well, Happy WOYWW Cindy #26
A bit of fresh air does us all good Helen. We are loving our garden lots this year. Keep smiling.
Annie x #21
Hello, Helen! What lovely photo and it looked really nice. Yesterday we had a really nice day but today rain and clouds. Oh don't get me started on hair color. I have no salon to cover my grays every so often so I am going to look like I aged many years when we can finally emerge!! It's crazy that some people are still not sticking to the restrictions.
I like the peek at your new journal. Can't wait to see your craft haul next week.
Stay well, and I will see you next week!
Belinda #29
ooh YAY that is great that you have some outdoor/sunshine space. Ha, what you have done with the hares made me smile Helen. ~Stacy #30
Happy WOYWW. This sunshine has been a real boost, although often cold and windy here in Pembrokeshire. We are very lucky to be on the farm and I can still go for my usual wanders around the fields with Buzz the Dog. Daily life hasn't really changed for us, except for not being able to plan a trip to Spain/see the grandchildren/go to craft workshops or enjoy a lunch out. Ali x #32
Nice selfie! I, too, need a hair cut but can pull mine back into a ponytail.
Cute bunnies!
I did get called back in to work but I work by myself cleaning our church. Been a month off so far.
Happy Easter!
Carol N #28
I love that picture of you, and believe me, your hair didn’t even cross my mind , it looks good. Mine is a trauma of course, even started wearing a hairband and again. I don’t look it, but feel like a child!! I like the hares, cute for PaprRtsy. Was it nice to crack open the new journal or we you feeling a Wednesday pressure? don’t, if you are, We just wanna check in on you, so if you haven’t been on your knees, we understand!
Love that picture of you with that glorious blue sky behind. Your new journal is lovely. I hope you are staying well and safe. Happy WOYWW. With love and God bless, Caro xxx (#20)
Hi Helen, great photo- you look very relaxed and your hair looks great! I love how you "might" have ordered the new JoFY stamps. And it's Wednesday now ... have you succumbed to temptation and ordered the Seth Apter stamps too? Lol. Great journal page with the hares. Have a lovely week and stay safe, hugs Heather xx #27
Ooh, Outlander! I'm enjoying the current series on Amazon, although I have read all of the books. I can understand why they're favourites Helen.
Those hares look fun.
Keep safe and well,
Alison x
Hi Helen! Cute bunnies! I like the idea of sitting on a wall and reading in the sunshine. I looked up your book - I thought it was a craft book LOL! Might be something that I enjoy - never seen the series - but I like time travel and historic novels, so could be a winner! I've bookmarked it for later. Stay safe and thanks for visiting! Happy Easter as well! zsuzsa #16
Speaking of hair, I did the thing that everyone warns you about...cut my bangs! And instantly regretted it. LOL. Stay healthy and safe my friend. Dorlene #33
I am going to have cut my own hair if it goes on much longer! My daughter in law usually colours it for me. I am doing a lot of reading as well - Warrior Cats! Angela #35
Oh would you believe, the day I join in for over a year's absence, the broadband breaks! Yep we were without for 24 hours but now it is fixed, horrah!
Loving your hares, Hares was my maiden name as it happens. Nice to see you got some sunshine albeit in a Jumper!
Thanks for the visit BJ#19
Hair and hares lol! I love your hair, Helen - it looks absolutely fine to me! That's a lovely selfie. You look so relaxed and happy! I was thinking recently about people with properly styled hair, and how hard it must be for them, not being able to access a hairdresser for who knows how long! Mine is just long, and growing, and tied up most of the time so no big deal for me! I love your hares, too! Yours is the second blog I've visited this week featuring hares. They are such beautiful creatures.
Thank you for your visit. Not sure whether to be sorry or happy that my meals were making you feel extra hungry! I'm so glad you like my latest drawings. I had a friend as a child, who had spirograph, and I used to love playing with it as well. She had a lot more toys than me (she was an only child) so it was always fun to visit! No progress as yet on the water feature. My hubby ordered a new pump from Ebay and it was too big, so it's back to the drawing board again for now.
Keep safe and well, and keep smiling! Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #17
Hi Helen! Nice to see you in the sunshine! I think lots of us are in your predicament regarding hair! LOL! My hubby hates his long hair, I love it, so I'm enjoying it growing out. I'll have to take a picture when we are all done with this and before he gets it all chopped off! Your journal page is very cute! Have a lovely Easter, stay safe and stay busy! Lindart #29
Ah bless look at those blue skies - awesome. Your journal looks lovely, I too spotted those new stamps, I have been good and resisted up to now.
They're so sweet - the perfect characters for the time of year. I'm with you on the hair - not the colouring because I don't, but the cutting. It already needed a trim before this all started and I didn't get around to it... any day now I'm just going to grab some scissors and start snipping. Yours looks pretty grand to me - holding its shape beautifully - must be a good cut.
Alison x
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