Wednesday 19 June 2013


This week my desk is a bit of a mess - well the mat on the floor - I've been making my first ever tag book (inspired by Carol Quance for Paperartsy  which is now finished (if you want to see, check the post yesterday 

Whilst I was taking the photos for the tag book post, I saw a beautiful sky - shame about the electricity cables!!

So that's it for me, short and sweet today. I hope to be able to visit lots of you today, as it will be quiet at work (hope to have some more news on that front next week - when it's my birthday in fact!)

Just realised I haven't told you why I'm sharing my messy floor space - check out Julia's WOYWW here


Jackie said...

Helen you have a great 'busy' desk would be happy to 'play' here anytime!!! So its your birthday next week , that means new crafting items may come your way , do show us if you get any crafty birthday gifts
Jackie 30

Neil said...

Good morning Helen. Nice to see your fun desk today. I hope you have a good week too.

VonnyK said...

Love your mess, it looks just like my place. Had a look at your last post and your book is fabulous.
Have a great week.
Von #27

Anne said...

Scrapbook looking good! Yus, your desk is a hive of creative ingenuity! :OD

Anne #40

Nan G said...

Tag book looks cool! Love the sky pic. Um, can I come play or borrow that stamp step I see off to the right. (wink wink) Happy WOYWW! Nan G #3

Unknown said...

I have never done a tag book Helen, sounds interesting! I love your messy desk hehe, I just can't work if it is too tidy! Happy birthday for next week and I hope that you get lots of things that you have wanted :-). Happy WOYWW.
Janene #12

BJ said...

Oh I need to make a tag book for my Timmy tags this year. I was taking photos of the sunset for the 2013 scavenger hunt photo challenge yesterday and "found" the twilight option on my little camera - made a huge difference. BJ#55

Redanne said...

Your space always looks so creative Helen! Love your tag book and also the sunset - beautiful. Happy WOYWW, Hugs, Anne x #51

Julie Lee said...

Well done for doing that book already! It's looking great! What a lovely sky and your birthday next week! Many Happy Returns for then; but hopefully I'll comment before that day. Happy WOYWW. Julie Ann xxx#65

Claire said...

Such a busy desk! And though they're ugly, we'd be lost without the electricity cables!
Great photos!
Happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
no. 32

Annie said...

What a fab little tag book Helen and wow I love that sky....itn't nature wonderful?
A x #62

Maisie Moonshine said...

Your desk is looking like a very busy and productive place. Popped back to look at your tag book... Stunning! Have a great week MMx #70

Uniflame said...

What a lovely idea, those tag books! Very inspiring! Thanks for visiting me! - Uniflame 83

Winnie said...

What a fun, goodie filled desk! I see you have rings holding your stamps, that is very clever! I will have to pick some up as I have a few sets that don't fit in my binders! That sky is just so lovely! Glad you captured it. Thanks for the kind visit today! Winnie#93

Unknown said...

Lots of lovely creativity going on there Helen!!! Your photo is fab. I think if you just photoshop on a little bird silhouette on the cables you wont mind them so much! Or just get your pen out - I remember Barbara Grey did a quick bird silhouette that starts out as a heart. Thank you for popping by. Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 78

Karen said...

The tag book looks wonderful! Love the sky photo, don't worry about the cable it's the beauty of nature we see. Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 94 x

CraftygasheadZo said...

Super pics, loving the book and I love nosing at your surroundings to see what I can see! Thanks for sharing. Take care Zo xx 77

Anonymous said...

Lovely inspiration and not a bit of shopping....except looking back at the tags may just make me covet a stamp or two....


Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (19)

My name is Cindy said...

Hi Helen! Yep, that looks a bit messy - but who am I to talk! I'm finishing off a (sort of) tag book today if I can ever find a space. Love the sunset - you'll have to photoshop the wires out.

Having a birthday? Send me your addy and I'll send you a little something. Hugs Cindy

Neet said...

Nice and busy work area and a flag tag book to boot! I have one on my blog that I finished at weekend from a class I took at Vicky Stampers.
Thanks for visiting me earlier - Hugs, Neet xx 16
(My tip to you re Pan Pastels - buy the smaller containers - they stack easier than the big ones which take up too much room.)

Annie Claxton said...

Your tag book is looking fab and that photo is just breathtaking ... if the cables bother you, I bet you could edit them out with PS or something ... not that I know what I'm talking about (I would get my son to do it for me!)Annie C #114

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh nice. Like the binding and cover you've got going on there..don't the tags sit in it beautifully. This is the first WOYWW for ages where I can't work out where you would actually be sitting/ it's definitely busier than usual..but youy have a way to go before you resort to a desk, huh!

Glenda said...

It looks like you have so much going on! Love your space. Have a good rest of the week!
Glenda #99

voodoo vixen said...

Hmmm, got any space to kneel down and play in there? LOL I envy you the fact that you can actually stay down there and create beautiful things... I would be in agony after five minutes. Your tag book is lovely, all the stamping and images just makes it so special. Happy WOYWW from Annette #9

roffeycreations said...

Hi Helen - looks like a treasure trove - and I agree with some of the ladies - I wouldn't survive kneeling on the floor... Happy WOYWW... Mxx #110

The House of Bears said...

Your tag book looks great, we have a tonne of tags we don't know what to do with so maybe we should make one too.

Thanks for visiting the bears already today. :)

The Taming of the Glue said...

I spy some gorgeous stamp sets that I'm itching to play with! The tag book is a great idea. Hugs. Pam#38

fairy thoughts said...

Hi h
Had to laugh at the thought of this week your desk is a bit of mess...... It is usually .... But I love it and your tag book and tags are brilliant thanks for sharing them if I could drag myself away from sewing I'd make some.
Janet @42

jill said...

What lovely colours in the sky Helen.
Great looking tag book did you make it from scratch . Happy woyww Jill #64

ria gall said...

Hi Helen
wow your desk today is a great fun place to be. I have had a great poke around it and came back for a second poke.
Love your sky picture so pretty
Have a great WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week
Ria #47

Monique said...

The tag book looks great!

Have wonderful week, Happy WOYWW. xx

Monica said...

Certainly your desk implies no idle hands around it. I cannot understand how one can create and remain net and organized. Maybe it is a personality trait. Well it is a place of enjoyment nor true WORK

Eliza said...

Hi Helen,

Great desk you have with all those products waiting to be used. Love the tag book and that sky just beautiful.

Eliza & Yoda 25

Belinda Basson said...

Thanks for visiting my desk already. I love the photo of the sky and totally get you about the wires, but hey we can see past them. #73

Unknown said...

A tag book--what a fab idea! I'm off to read more about your tag book. Happy WOYWW! Thanks for visiting me too! Sandy Leigh #22

Krisha said...

Hi Helen, thanks for the earlier visit to Betsy. Your desk is great and full of creativity, LOVE it! Your tag book is goregous!! Never miss a chance for a sunset picture, and never apolgise for them. They are all one of a kind, never to be reproduced by nature. This one is stunning, lines and all.
Krisha #4

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I don't think you've got enough crafting stuff out on your floor, Helen!! You definitely need some more stash, LOLOL!! I do like your tag book very much, that looks font o make :-)
Hugs, LLJ 43 xx

MiniOwner said...

Ooh fab tag book. Happy Wednesday. :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@111)

Unknown said...

I just had to enlarge the picture of your desk, there was so much to snoop at!
Thank you for visiting me, glad you liked my tea room.
Karen #46

JoZart Designs said...

It's a super crafty creative mess! Love the tag book. Will add you to the mystery blog candy.
Thanks so much for your birthday wishes... I had a good day and another trip to meet up with a crafty friend in town today. Paperchase have good sale items including a top quality artist travel book half price, Daler Rowney spiral bound, magnet clasp plus paintbrush a snip reduced from £18.50 to £9.25 so I got another birthday present!!
Jo x

Caro said...

I love your crafty mess! What fun...the tag book is amazing. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#137)

SandeeNC said...

beautiful sky, love pictures like that. Thank you so much for visiting my "floor of shame today", lol waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

Unknown said...

Love the tag book. I need to give that one a try. Thanks for stopping by. Happy crafting #26

Rossella said...

That is an extremely busy space there. Love that photo
Rosie x

KatzElbows said...

What a wonderful picture. How about some birds on the wires to make them more attractive? Your "desk" looks amazing. But it's what you make that really amazes me every week.

Thanks for visiting.
Happy WOYWW.
Cheers, Rachel #57

Darnell said...

How great to see such a glorious sunset, Helen! Thank you for sharing that, and your mess, and that awesome tag book! I scrolled down and your tags took my breath away!!

Have a wonderful week and thank you for stopping in to the Playhouse and letting me know you came by! Darnell #20

Lucy said...

I love the messy-ness of your desk. I don't hink it matters how messy a desk gets just so long as you know where everything is! The tag book has intrigued me - what is it's purpose? Is it for decoration or would you fill it with tags that your giftee then uses? Whatever it is, you've made it beautifully. Thanks for loyally visiting my desk again for another week, have a great week - Lucy #34 x

Ali H said...

Tag book looks brilliant ! Thanks for stopping by earlier ! Ali # 36

mamapez5 said...

You sure have a load of stuff out there, but it is a great project you are working on. I have a folder of just 'sky' pictures in my library. I love to take them whenever I see the colours. Thanks for dropping by earlier. Kate x #45

Carole Z said...

Your tag book looks fab and love the busy desk! Thanks for stopping by my WOYWW desk today, Carole Z X #80

Bernice said...

Have fun finshing your tag book. Great sunset photo.
Bernice #65

Sue from Oregon said...

I had a great peek at your tag book-oh so fun! Thanks for sharing and stopping in to say hello too! ♥ Sue Kment

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ah Helen such a pretty sky Gods creation is glorious, and love your tag book down below too great share..
thanks for popping over and happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #29

Anonymous said...

In a good way you remind me of the dragon from the Hobbit, the one who surrounds himself with all his treasure, only for you it's stamps and crafting supplies, lol!! Not that I'm calling you a dragon you understand!! Love the sunset, and the book tag too.


scrappymo! said...

Your tag book looks fabulous...I hope you share more details piccies later...

I have positive thoughts flying your way about the job front...fingers crossed that you have some good news!

Lisa Richards said...

The tag book is very cool! Nice sunset.
Thanks for visiting my desk,

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Helen your tag book is brilliant , love the images and colours. Tracy x

Karen said...

Fab tag book - I looked at yesterday's post too and your photos of Kew - lovely :)
Nice sunset - I have a sunset photo on my post too!! LOL Must've been a good one :)
Karen #131

Marit said...

I worked on my floor all the time until last week (when I got an extra table to put in front of the window... ) I LOVE seeing your 'mess' and the tag-book looks marvelous! Thanks for your visit to my blog the other day and happy ~ very belated ~ woyww. Hug from Holland. Marit #70