Wednesday 4 September 2024


 Well here we are, Wednesday again and time for WOYWW , desk sharing day.  Head to Sarah's for the way to join in

My new goodies finally turned up on Thursday 

the paints, stencils and transaparencies are the bought goodies, the Dina chipboard shapes a friend sent me as she can't remember why she bought them and wouldn't use them.

I've done diddly-squat with any of them so far.

I made a right mess of a journal page - it's gone through about 3 transformations so far 

I might use one of the chipboard shapes on top if I don't just paint it all black and start again!

Kim and I had a good visit to Kew last weekend 
we found Goldie, the golden pheasant, who moves fast, hence my blurry shots!  but what colours!! 

making the most of the Marc Quinn sculptures as they're only at Kew for another month
the waterlily house was full of beauty.
Hopefully there will be sun this weekend 

thanks for looking, I'll come visit your work spaces soon  


brenda said...

Now that's what I call a result (as well as excellent viewing)!!

Goldie is beautiful, we have a rare all white one living in the adjoining fields, pure white apart from the red comb, problem is word spread and we are inundated with twitchers.

B x

Sarah Brennan said...

I think a painted chipboard shape on that page would be perfect Helen! Cool goodies. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Twiglet said...

I'm sure you can transform that page with one of your clever techniques - lovely colours . Enjoy your new bits and bobs. x x Jo 🌈

Lunch Lady Jan said...

There are some projects worth carrying on with and others where you give up and only you can decide! Love the new stash and those chipboard shapes will be useful for all sorts of things. Speedy Goldie, you did well to catch him!!
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

BJ said...

Tell me about it, I often do the same with journal pages, although I like this one of yours and yes one of those chipboard shapes would look good. Oh my Goldie is indeed very vibrant and hoping you get some sunshine this weekend. Hugs BJ#9

Annie said...

Fab new stash. Looking forward to seeing what you do with that page. Goldie is stunning.
Annie x #6

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Nice to see Goldie again, looks like you need your camera on a sports setting. I know you will win over on that journal page and come up with something great. Sometimes it's better to walk away for a while or in my case at least a year Lol! Have a great woyww. Hugs Angela x12x

Mary Anne said...

OMG but Goldie is spectacular, even as a blur. Love that page, such an interesting base for whatever you choose to add. And the new neon gloss sprays look fabulous, bet my originals are all dried up and clogged by now...oh well.
Happy desk-hop day!
Mary Anne (3)

Lynnecrafts said...

Goldie is glorious! Some great bird life photos in your Kew visit this week, as well as the be beautiful water lilies. Enjoy your new stash!
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 10 xx

Neet said...

Goldie is gorgeous - so much so that I thought she was not real.
Love all the new goodies - love the diddly squat! Why not leave the page as is and treat it as a background putting a shape on top as you suggested.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Beautiful water lily and Goldie is very impressive. Lovely new goodies. Happy WOYWW. Angela #13

Lisa-Jane said...

I've never heard of a pheasant like that before! Great new goodies and those paint colours are just so beautiful! Best wishes, Lisa-Jane #11

Lindart said...

Always exciting to get new supplies! You have a lot to play with! I'm sure you can rescue that journal page, even if you just paint over it and start again, I do that a lot! The bird is so beautiful, that would make a great journal page, using his colours! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #15

Kyla said...

ooh some good new haul and your kew trip ;looks fantastic, I have never soon Goldie there before, good spot.