Wednesday 28 August 2024


Well, my week off is over and it's back to work.  Time for WOYWW once more - the last one of August. Sarah will have the link as usual now. 

I should have had new goodies to share today, but they didn't arrive at work on Tuesday (hoping they'll come today)  I would have had them on Saturday, but when I ordered them didn't think they'd arrive at home before I went back to work. so had them delivered to work and blow me, the order was processed super fast.  I had decided to give Kew a miss till Sunday due to the rain that was due on Saturday and so would have been at home.... typical!  

this  was the sum total of my crafting during my week off - though I did get a couple of piles of old craft magazines turned out

it's a page in the 6x6 Kraft journal 

my photosbyh blog has several posts from last week with various days out, including some new places - I won't link them all, but hope you can take a look at some of them. 

I will link Kew from Sunday though! 

this was from one of the new places I visited (Palace of Westminster) 

Happy WOYWW - have a good one.  


Neet said...

Nice page Helen, shame about the order for new stuff. So annoying when you plan it all out and it doesn't work quite the way you want.
I'll look at the other blog later, better get back to bed, i just got up for the usual around this time and landed here on time.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Twiglet said...

Glad you had a good break and managed a few trips out. Love your journal page. It reminded me that I have a little 6x6 book - must do something with it. Enjoy the Paralympics! x x Jo 🌈

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Not all plans work but guess that's life. Love the colours you've used on the journal page too. I must get back to my journals again but you know me how I jump from one thing to another. I'll pop back later for a look at the pics. Hugs Angela x10x

Mary Anne said...

LOL! Tell me about it - I ordered a few things to be delivered by my in-laws and after about 4 months I will finally get my hands on them. Not a lot, but still looking forward to new toys. Love the page - a big fan of purple - and will def. check out the photos after I get round to all the morning desks, and after lunch with the knitters. Why is Weds. always so dang busy!?
Hoping for a better desk-hop day this week!
Mary Anne (3)

Susan Renshaw said...

Great sentiment on your journal page! I am sure your goodies will be worth waiting for. Happy WOYWW! Susan #7

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I like the sentiment on the page too! You’ll enjoy the new stash all the more having waited for it, sometimes the anticipation is the best bit! You did some great things on your day off, I’ve never been to the Palace of Westminster but seeing the Queen lie in state on the TV was something else.
I’m looking forward to the Paralympics too, i enjoy it almost more than the original.
Hugs LLJ 4 xx

Lynn Holland said...

It’s good sometimes to have a break. I find I come back looking at things with new eyes. Hope your stash arrives soon
Lynn x

brenda said...

Lovely post Helen and love the colours of the arty piece. Yes, decent start under the new guy.

B x

Lynnecrafts said...

Glad you had a good week off, Helen, including round some places I used to work - Stratford for NR, and around Victoria for Crossrail. I used to love walking across Green Park to see the pelicans. Your Kew photo were lovely and the waterlily photos are fab. Loved your journal page, too.
Take care and happy WOYWW,
Lynnecrafts 13 xx

Sarah Brennan said...

Hope your new stuff arrives today Helen. I haven't been back to Westminster Hall since we were there for the lying in state. Glad you had a good break. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Crafting With Jack said...

I hope your new stuff arrives soon. Your photographs are wonderful on your Kew site. Great journal page too Take care Angela #9

BJ said...

Sounds like you were busy out and about last week but good to have had a little craft time too. Love the orange and purple. Hope work goes OK and your goodies arrived too. Hugs BJ#12

Annie said...

Glad you had a good week off and I love your page.
Annie x #6

Spyder said...

great page Helen, I really must do more, its all in my head to do but its not worth much stuck in there! Always love your pictures, 'special Kew, I know I've been a few times, but can't remember when. Shame about your goodies, will look out to see if you use them next week! Have a happy (late) WOYWW!?((Lyn)) #14

Lindart said...

Lovely page, Helen! I really like that sentiment! You will have something to look forward to now, new supplies! Sorry I'm so late, have a lovely week, Lindart #14