Wednesday 26 June 2024

WOYWW 786 - the birthday edition

 Hello deskers,  it's Wednesday again, time for another WOYWW... You can find the link at it's new home of Sarah's Craft Shed  

What's on my desk today?  

not at all posed... some early birthday cards waiting for me to open then (by the time you see this they will probably be open)   and some champagne - help yourselves... although being staged of course it's not chilled...

65 today... not at all sure how that happened... 

I am spending the day at work, of course!  I did think about taking the day off but it wasn't possible due to other absences . 

I did a bit more to the "mop up" page from last week... then it got too hot and there was too much football on so I haven't done any more!

Last Saturday was of course Kew day...   and boy, since than has the way blogger uploads photos changed!!    

the early light on the poppies was amazing...

this is why it's worth getting up at 5 and going out at 6 to be at Kew by 8... especially if the sun comes out!

the scabious were lovely too 

I may be late getting round the desks again this week, but enjoy the champagne!!  it's yours in virtual reality! 

Happy WOYWW 


Neet said...

Well, Happy Birthday Helen. A bit early for me and the champers but, if you insist then I will.
Lovely photos of the flowers, especially the poppy which is one of my favourite flowers, along with daisies.
Keep going with the mop up page, you do them so well.
Happy Birthday again.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Sarah Brennan said...

Happy birthday Helen. Fabulous pictures. Enjoy the champagne after work! Stay safe and thanks for joining in with WOYWW. Sarah

Twiglet said...

Happy Birthday Helen. Enjoy your day and cheers! Your flower pics are wonderful - gorgeous poppies. x x Jo

BJ said...

Happy Birthday Helen. Love where you're going with the page and the poppy is divine. Hugs BJ#7

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I knew your birthday was fairly soon. It's scary where the years go but we're still here keeping each other company. Hope you have a good day. Loving the mop up page and the gogeous flowers. Have a great woyww. Hugs Angela x9x

brenda said...

Happy Birthday Helen, remember the date as it's hubbys today, mine & eldest Grandson's tomorrow, we're all in good company but as you say how did we get there!!

B x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Happy Birthday! I hadn’t realised it was a big one, enjoy your day even if it is spent in work. If you’ve got any orange juice going handy then a Bucks Fizz would be a real treat, lol!! Gorgeous flower pics, I love scabious and have loads in my garden, the bees love it!
Hugs LLJ 6 xx

Lisa-Jane Johnson said...

Beautiful Kew pics as always - Carol Kirkwood was there today and it made me think of you! LOVE that aqua colour - I'd love to see bigger versions of your lovely artwork although I always end up going off to search for new purchases!! Have a fun week! Lisa-Jane #11

Crafting With Jack said...

Happy birthday Helen. Enjoy your bubbly! There was a time when getting up that early in the summer was great, not so much now 🤣. Beautiful flowers, scabious is a horrible name don’t you think! Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

Annie said...

Happy birthday Helen....if you've had to go to work I hope they have spoilt you rotten and there's been cake.
Annie x # 12

Lindart said...

Happy Birthday Helen! 65 is still young and vibrant! Beautiful Kew photos, I love the poppy. Your mop up page is coming along nicely! Thanks for the sip of Champers! Have a wonderful birthday week! Lindart #13

Mary Anne said...

Looking good, that mop up page. and those flowers from Kew - gorgeous!
A late desk hopping - the vaxx laid me low…
Mary Anne (3)

Mary Anne said...



Susan Renshaw said...

Hope you had a lovely Birthday and since chilled the champagne! I am very partial to a few bubbles. Love the poppy picture! Happy WOYWW! Susan #4