Friday, 11 April 2014

Challenged by Emma - and Paris tissues

When Lin and I were looking round the Arc de Triomphe gift shop, we found some packets of tissues imprinted with the Mona Lisa and the Eiffel Tower.. we each bought a packet and shared them amongst the four of us, me, Lin, Sam and Emma.

Emma set us a challenge earlier this week to create two pieces, one using some of our new Paris treasures (that was my Craft Barn Q&L challenge) and the second, using some of the tissues.

Here's my second piece - a journal page.
 My background is more mopped up Fresco paints - can't actually remember what they are now, but I then stencilled one of my new (not from Paris) Rebekah Meier stencils (mini specimens) using Toffee Fresco, and then the alphabet stencil I did get in Paris, using Chalk.  I knocked the entire page back with some watered down Nougat...
 ...before placing my pieces of tissue and one of the ATC cards (by Prima, from Paperartsy) using matte medium. I then used the Rebekah Meier stencil again, this time with Tikka Fresco, in just a couple of places, and then the French blocky stencil using Pea Coat Fresco (opaque version).

The alphabet stencil has a smaller alphabet at the bottom too, so I used this in random areas, using Snowflake Fresco..

Now, I have to get ready for Ally Pally tomorrow!!


sam21ski said...

Fabulous pages and your atc from Prima fits in with the tissues perfectly.

Sam xx

sam21ski said...

Fabulous pages and your atc from Prima fits in with the tissues perfectly.

Sam xx

Anonymous said...

Wonderful page Helen. I love the stencilling & the French tissue looks perfect with the Prima ATC.

Carmen said...

Gorgeous pages Helen. I Love the effect of those tissues! Have fun tomorrow - I look forward to seeing your finds :-)

Words and Pictures said...

Ooh la la! Fabulous pages... brilliant use of the tissues and of that wonderful Specimen stencil... love, love this!
Alison xx

massofhair said...

Fab pages, great colours, wonderful stencils. Looks like you nailed your challenge :-)

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh that's such a great idea...see, I would buy the tissues...and after about a year..I'd blow my nose on them!! fab!

Anonymous said...

Really great journal page. Love how it all came together Debs xx

craftimamma said...

What gorgeous pages Helen. Fab use of your tissues and your new stencils.

Lesley Xx

Cath Wilson said...

Sounds as if you love Paris as much as I do - wonderful stuff. So jealous of you going to Version Scrap!