Wednesday 4 December 2013

WOYWW 235 - December... 'nuff said!

Good morning (or afternoon/evening, depending on when you're visiting...) it's time for another What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday... check the link at Julia's for all the details of how/why/where/when (Wednesday, obviously, lol!) and you'll amazed at what you come across...

Last week I told you I was going to York for the weekend - well I did, and it was fantastic - if very very busy at the Christmas market... look at all these people, and it wasn't much better at the end of the day!

so much that we couldn't see a lot of the market stalls - but I loved the way most of the stall holders dressed up in "oldie worldie" costumes and the Christmas spirit was definitely in the air...and not only from the mulled wine!
 York is beautiful, I went in 1989 for my honeymoon, but it was great to have a York resident (my friend Emma) showing us round, who really knew the history... if you want to see more pictures there are LOTS more here

and, Jo, yes we saw lots of craft shops too!!  I managed to do a little shopping, (none of the presents I was hoping to buy, of course, but, hey ho!!)

At the market I bought the beautiful wooden tray/crate (I'd have liked more, but was worried about carrying everything home!) and the dried fruits to make a Christmas display and then some bits and bobs from various crafty shops along the way!!  All of this is still on my craft mat so there's been no room (or time!) for crafting since I got home...

so here's another shot of one wall of my living room with the stamp drawers (wooden) and other stuff (inks mainly) in the cardboard've seen it before but I hope you don't mind...! As you can see the daylight bulb I have to use to craft by/take photos with in winter, is permanently in situ clipped onto the tv table!

I say this every week, but I will try and get to as many of you as I can so please leave your linky number to make it easier!


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I've missed so much and am looking forward to visiting both sites (your photos) to catch up. York sounds wonderful. I've heard of it, but never seen photos of it, or even a show on TV about it.

You got some lovely items. I hope to see the tray and fruit after you "alter" them.

Have a super WOYWW. Sorry, no number yet.

Krisha said...

York sounds fantastic, would love to visit there someday, LOVE mulled wine.......well any kind of wine really.
Thanks for the share
Krisha #41

Unknown said...

You lucky thing, York, WOW! I'm certainly a little envious. I spy with my little eye lots of fab storage drawers.. Thanks for visiting my blog, Eliza and I make quite a pair, we get up to so much mischief, glad you could have a laugh. Happy crafting and WOYWW DeDe #8

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah Helen looks like you and Jo had great fun!
I love your pickies really feels wintery over there! thanks for popping over :D
Happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x #10

Jackie said...

Helen looks like you had a great time in York ( I went and clicked on the link to see) great pictures!
And I laughed to see you had found a few crafty bits to bring home and put on your desk
Jackie 45

Sandy said...

What a wonderful market to go to when they all dress up.. Look at all the people must have been so busy..
Sandy :) #42

Julie Lee said...

I love York! I went to uni in Sheffield so I used to visit a lot - I went to the amazing Mystery Plays one summer: unforgettable! Anyway, looks like you had a great time! What a good thing you'd finished your cards before you went and weren't hopelessly behind like me! Hope you can squeeze a little bit of space in to craft! Happy WoYWW! Julie Ann xx #52

Annie said...

I'm making an early start today to get round the blogs I follow before my day gets busy.
So lovely to hear you had a fab time in York.
Annie x # 56

brenda said...

Still in C&P mode but dropping in to take a peek at today's post.

B x

Mrs.D said...

York Christmas market sounds truly wonderful, I just love York at time.
And no one ever gets what they went for at markets, there is just such an eclectic mix at markets. Lots of things you didn't know you couldn't live without until you see them in the market. Enjoy your impulse buys, if you hadn't bought them you would be regretting it.
Chris #29

JoZart Designs said...

Great stuff Helen. I enjoyed sharing your trip to York.
Your wall of crafting looks stuffed to the rafters but very well organised. I made a hanging a year or so ago of orange slices and cinnamon sticks, star anise and it smelt amazing. I dried the slices slowly in the oven!
Jo x

The House of Bears said...

We've always wanted to visit a Christmas market but we worry our paws will get trampled on.

The bears@66

Artyjen said...

York looks far too crowded for my liking!!! Hope you had a great time. Wish me luck 'cos I'm off to Bath for a couple of days next week for their Xmas market...I hope it's not that packed it will freak me out!!! LOL
xoxo Sioux

VonnyK said...

That fair was really packed, it must be a big thing there. York looks like a lovely place. I could never tire of seeing your wonderful crafting space, so many things to see.
Have a great week,
Von #32

Neil said...

Hi Helen,
Looks like you had a great time. That is one impressive set of drawers....
Were going to Rochester on Sunday as it is the Dickensian Christmas Festival and markets too. It is great as there are loads of characters roaming around in costume too; mulled wine and mince pies a plenty. Last year they had a lamplit procession and carols below the castle. Definitely helps get you into the festive mood.
Hope you have a good week.
Neil # 63

ike said...

WoWza - look at all those drawers and boxes - I would love to rummage through there :-)
Fabulous pictures of York - it looks amazing :-)


IKE in Greece #24

My Challenge Blog:
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Lunch Lady Jan said...

I love York, used to live about 20 mins away. Great pics of the old buildings...that's the best thing to do, really. is to wander around the back streets. Glad you had a good time!
Hugs, LLJ 36 xx

Glenda said...

I love your space! I would definitely lose something there. I just found a die that had been lost for awhile! I must be getting old!
Glenda #67

famfa said...

What an amazing space. Do you ever get lost in there? So many drawers, I hope you dont have to dust it all. Enjoy playing woth your new stuff
Famfa 1

Anonymous said...

Love York, haven't been in years and years. The little tray and that dried fruit are gorgeous, we dry orange slices some years to put on the Christmas tree, very festive! I actually thought about sitting on the floor and sticking my feet in the photo booth! Hard to take good pics at this time of year!

Brenda 5

Unknown said...

York sounds like an interesting place to visit. I would love to visit that market. Thanks for stopping by #4

Nan G said...

Oh my so many peeps. I would go for a look see when there was fewer. A fragile back doesn't like being bumped. came away with some nice new goodies! Thanks for the earlier visit! WOYWW hugs! Nan G #13

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a lovely visit to York. Glad you had a chance for a bit of fun shopping. Happy WOYWW! ~ Laura #84

Julia Dunnit said...

Wonderful photos gal, really fab. I'm thinking that your new(ish) job is keeping you too busy,...week nights when you don't have time to craft? blimey!!

Sandy said...

You are so lucky! For years I have wanted to go to a Christmas market in Germany. I hear they are grand and so much fun. Would you look at the people! Of course I would love to go to York too!
Happy Holidays Helen and thanks for a peek at a Christmas Market!!

Kyla said...

ooh looks like a lovely and busy weekend away-and some new stash to boot!

Happy WOYWW and thanks for visiting my desk already

kyla #65

Unknown said...

Oh Helen, thank you so much for sharing a bit of York with us! I am always so excited to see actual personal photos of crafty events and things in the UK! It must have been so adorable if they were all dressed up in the Christmas costumes too. Hugs and happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #7

Karin said...

York is one of those places on my to visit list. Great stash shot ;-)
Happy Wednesday to you,
Karin #98

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Helen
glad you had a good time at the weekend, lots of craft shops eh!
must try and get up to York sometime hehe
your wall is looking very organised and tidy
thanks for your visit already
janet #33

Eliza said...

Thanks for the tour of York it does look like a really busy place. I avoid crowds like the plague as I have to work with them sometimes in broadcasting and they can be outrageous at times, the crowds that is. Thanks for showing your crafting wall, I tell my BF about it all the time. and giggle how you craft on the floor LOL gotta love ya girl.... Happy holidays and touring don't buy to much as you have to carry it.

Happy WOYWW & Happy Crafting
Eliza & Yoda 2

Words and Pictures said...

Nice to see some more York photos... too many people for me by far though.

Am impressed you can locate anything in the Wall of Stash there!!!

No WOYWW number from me... still not managed to fit it in.
Alison xx

RosA said...

Some nice looking stash you got from York! Your pic of your storage arrangements are looking a bit precarious in places :) ... just like mine :)
Thanks for stopping by,
RosA # 14

peggy aplSEEDS said...

What a beautiful place to visit! I love taking pictures of old buildings and you took wonderful ones! lots of crafting goodies on your desk today!
Happy WOYWW!
peggy aplSEEDS@9

HeARTworks said...

WOW! What a jumble! I loooove going to markets! The one you went to sure had a lot of people! Must have been hard to buy! :^) patsy

shazsilverwolf said...

Love the York pictures. we visited a friend in Plymouth last weekend, and came home via Glastonbury. Perfect timing, the Frost Fair was being held. It was so different & colourful! Love all those drawers- I think I have a fetish for drawers, lol. Running late this week, playing catch-up now. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #57 xx

BJ said...

Looks like you had a fab time in York. Perhaps you ought to call your living room your craft room really! LOL. Sorry it has taken me so long to reply, been knocked sideways yet again and have been struggling this week. BJ#81