Happy WOYWW deskers. Wednesday again, already! Head over to Sarah's for the link and other desks
I had a chance to play with the new ledger journal
I have no idea how I have managed to get these photos side by side... I clicked something, not sure what!
I used the new Mattint colours on the journal page, then stamped some Dina images from old sets, on the page in different colour inks and used one of the Dina coaster stencils to create the sunburst effect.
Week 2 of the orchids saw rain (what a surprise!) at Kew... not so many photos this time
the main display "horn of plenty" is fabulousJulia left a comment last week that she doesn't really like orchids - some of them, neither do I, but the shapes and colours are gorgeous!
i'll leave you there, happy desk hopping day, I'll be round soon!
Love the journal pages and yes sometimes I get photos next to eachother, it is a total fluke isn't it! I like orchids, threw a lot of mine out (I'm not great at watering plants!) but have one flowering at the moment since before Christmas and it makes me smile. Hugs BJ#3
The horn of plenty is amazing Helen- such beautiful colours. Love your journal page and had a chuckle about clicking something - they look good side by side though. x x Jo 🌈
The horn of plenty is amazing Helen- such beautiful colours. Love your journal page and had a chuckle about clicking something - they look good side by side though. x x Jo 🌈
The horn of plenty looks amazing! The journal page is super - I love the muted colours. I have yet to use my Mattints. Must give them a go.
Happy WOYWW! Susan #5
If you ever find out how to do the photos side by side please tell me. I would like to do that but never will at the moment as I centre them all the time. Love the journal pages, those tints look fabulous.
I have about six orchids, just wish they flowered the whole time - won't throw them out though as they are living things and I haven't the heart.
hugs, Neet 2 xx
Love the Horn of plenty and the Orchid. I'd be interested to know why Julia doesn't like them, she may have a good reason. I have several and some of them for many years, you have to find their favourite spot or they wont flower but I have managed it with most of them and their favourite food too. Enjoy the rest of the week and happy woyww, Angela x11x
The journal pages are fab, love the colours and overall idea. Gorgeous pics at Kew, the Cornucopia of Orchids is very dramatic and beautiful!
Hugs LLJ 8 xx
LOL! I used to be able to do that on my blog, then they changed something and I've not found time to figure out how again. Ah well...Love the new ledger journal and of course the Kew photos. That orchid is a little creepy. Pretty colours but still - toooo mouth like. Feeeeeed Me....
Off for knitting but a Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (4)
I have to admit I am not a fan of orchids myself, but there is no doubt they have some amazing patterns and colours. Great pages in yoir new journal. Happy WOYWW. Angela#13
I wish there was an edit button so I could correct my typo!
I love your journal and your Kew photos are great. The colours of those corn cobs are amazing and I liked the fox. I have a friend who grows orchids but I’d be useless, I haven’t green enough fingers!
Lynnecrafts 12 xx
Helen, I am madly in love with those ledger pages, unfortunately, I am on a "no spend" challenge and I can't buy new stuff. I have some old ledger books, I am going to see if I can create my own pages. They won't be as lovely as yours, of course, but they might help me get past the temptation to spend money!
I like Orchids! I used to annoy my gardner friends by calling them "flowers" on purpose. It was just fun to watch their indignation! Your Kew photos are always a delightful reminder that there is still much in the world that is beautiful!
Have a lovely week!
Chana, WOYWW #10
Lovely colours on your journal page, and i like that sunburst effect! I do like Orchids, a friend gave my Mom and orchid for her birthday, I think they are beautiful, but I don't know how hard it would be to keep one alive! Thanks for you visit to mine, my Mom was surprised and delighted at her birthday lunch! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #15
The journal pages are great Helen. Keep enjoying the Orchids! Sorry I am late visiting this week. It has been manic in the lead up to half term, Stay safe and Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah
Good morning, Helen
The orchids are pretty. I used to love walking through the botanical arboretum in Peoria IL when we lived in the area. Soooo pretty.
Rain seems to be a staple for almost everyone at the moment. I know I'll love it come garden time but I really do not like cold! LOL
Creative Blessings! ~ Kelly #14
ooh lovely, we were going to do Kew last week but it was chucking it down, windy and cold when we were in london so changed our plan, BUT, I did manage to dial into an interview online with the florist who works on the orchid displays this week and it was fascinating.
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