Wednesday 9 October 2024


 What a great reminisce we had last week with WOYWW!  It was such fun to see how long we've all been playing along.  Some of you much longer than I remembered.  Please head over to Sarah's again to join in again today. 

The weekend flew by and there wasn't a lot of crafting time.. 

All I managed was some test stamping of the new stamps that I got last week..!  

I think the overlapping circles are my favourites 
but it could be the lovely blue I chose to play with. 

I had a sort of idea for 
this stamp just to the left here...
but not sure it will come off!  

this is the new Mattints (minus the red) but there's only

2 layers of each colour so they are very pale still.

the one called Ash (right at the top)  is very pale and doesn't show up in the photograph  - it will intensify if you increase the number of times you paint the colour on.

It felt so long to wait to leave for Kew on Saturday - being a morning person that's why I like the 8am starts so much

orchid in the Princess of Wales conservatory
the trees are - slowly- turning colour, they seem late this year (and that's to do with the wet summer apparently)  and the sun was out, so it was a lovely visit!

Till next week, happy WOYWW! 

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