Wednesday 3 July 2024


 Happy WOYWW deskers, happy July...   Sarah will have the link for you to join in and share your desk too.. 

Thank you all for the birthday wishes last week.  The champagne remains un-drunk, it was too hot for it last week (and I can't drink a whole bottle on my own)  

last week was new release week -  by Dina... 

more transparencies (I photographed the back of the packet so you can see the images included easier), stencils and some stamps...
and Paperartsy (with an ink pad thrown in for the free postage you do) 

on the left, designed by Seth Apter,  and on the right by Alison Bomber (they both had 3 sets in their releases, but I was restrained and only got one  from each of them...)
I had a bit of a play in a square journal using Alison's stamps.

Kirsty from work gave me some flowers... 

the lilies smell fabulous!  

and of course, there was a trip to Kew on Saturday where Kim and I had fun with the reflections in the Marc Quinn sculptures..  

my traditional blog opening shot this week was a glorious blue sky start to the visit .

lean in closer Kim  said...

this one is called  "who dat in der?"  

such big kids!  

am hoping that the forecast rain for this weekend holds off till after our visit..  there may be a gap so fingers crossed.

Happy WOYWW - I'll be along soon. 


Sarah Brennan said...

I promise I will get used to adding Mr Linky Helen - thanks for the heads up. Loving the new goodies and that's a fab card. Hope the weather is still good for you on Saturday for more fun reflection photos. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Helen, loving the new stash. Well done in not buying even more lol! Loving the journal page and great collection of photos too. Hope the weather stays okay but it's a bit unpredictable right now. Happy woyww, Angela x11x

Lisa-Jane Johnson said...

Oooh nice new stash there Helen! Looking forward to seeing you use the transparencies particularly. Hope you had a fab birthday. Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #8

Annie said...

Glad you had a good birthday and I’m loving the new stash. What fun photos from Kew this week.
Annie x #4

Neet said...

Oh dear, when is that bottle going to get drunk? Like you say, too much for one and it doesn't keep once opened. Am sure you will find a time and place for it.
Love the new stamps and the photos of Kew - loving the outfit.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

The pics from Kew made me hoot! I’d love some of that hot sun today, it’s very grey and mizzly here in Wales. So glad you had a good birthday, the new stash is a lovely treat and will be so useful!
Hugs LLJ 6 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Great new sets of stamps and stencils Helen. Great page with the leafy fronds too. So nice to have a sunny day when you are out. It is so cold here today, I have come in from the awning to have coffee and and sit with a blanket ❄️. Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

Lynnecrafts said...

Great journal page - enjoy your new stash! I loved seeing your Kew photos. The straw flowers looked lovely and it’s good to see all the birds. I hope the rain holds off for you this week.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 5 xx

Lindart said...

Oooh! Lovely new toys! I really like the stencils! Your photos from Kew are very cool - what fun! Are you sure you can't drink an ice cold bottle of champagne on your own? I know I could! (It might take a few days!) Have a wonderful week, Lindart #14

Mary Anne said...

LOL! Who dat? indeed. Love the journal page - it's a winner!
Late AGAIN - the day got away from me
Mary Anne (3)

BJ said...

Oh my word where does the time go? Fully intended to reply Wednesday, then Yesterday now it's Friday already!!!
Oh it is so cool when your stamps inspire me to draw my own leaves! Gosh can't believe the blue sky, where has that gone? Although I'm certainly not complaining of the cooler temperatures. What gorgeous flowers, really special, love your journal play too. Super post
Hugs BJ#13

Kyla said...

happy late WOYWW, loving the kew updates and nice flowers from work too. Oddly, looking at your square journal, I dont think I actually have a square one, not something I have thought of before until I read your page.