Wednesday 6 November 2013

WOYWW - Christmas comes to Craft Club

Hi, everyone. Welcome to another day of desk hopping round the world, thanks to Julia at the Stamping Ground for WOYWW. 

Tuesday saw me at my sister-in-law's Craft Club for the first time in months - the first time since I started my new job in fact. I don't normally get home from work in time to eat and get back out again for Craft Club, but this month I happened to have the afternoon off work so along I went.

It was Christmas-themed so I took along supplies to make some more Christmas cards. I also forgot to take many pictures whilst I was there, so took these of my output, when I got home.
 in the foreground is some of my stamping stuff, I was spreading out as usual! Lots of sewing going on, and some other ladies were also making cards.

Thanks for the lift home, BJ - hope you made it home before you fell asleep!!

 I got 7 done....
and I now have quite a pile ready - all the insides stamped too! I will probably need to write out the list soon, so I know how many more to go - I usually get somewhere towards 70 made!

Hope you all enjoy your Wednesday, and I'll catch your desk soon.


Julie Lee said...

Hello Helen! Nice to see you got to Craft club and that BJ was able to give you a lift! Your card output is impressive! I still haven't made a single festive card - hangs head in shame - but over on my desk this week I do have the raw materials, well some of them, for Christmas cards so maybe soon! Have a great WOYWW! Try not to work too hard! Julie Ann xx

Deb said...

so glad you made it to the craft club, your cards are fabulous!
Debxx #3

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Helen,

Afternoons off from work and meeting other crafters for a great time. That sounds like the perfect day!

Your cards look great - 70 is lots!!!

Kay (5)

Helen Campbell said...

How fun that you have a Craft club where you can go to play... when you have the time. It is hard when you work all day to get home, get fed, and get back out. You got quite a bit done! Happy WOYWW! Helen #16

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Happy to see you were able to be there. Love the little snowman cards. I need to get on the band wagon and work ahead!!!
Enjoy your WOYWW visits and have a fun creative week. #18

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great time at the craft club. Your cards are beautiful. #17

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great time at the craft club. Your cards are beautiful. #17

Sharon Madson said...

Helen, these are wonderful cards! I miss Stamp Club. I was in for a couple of years. Thanks for the peek! :)
Sharon #21

VonnyK said...

It's good that you made the craft club, too much work isn't good for you. Your cards are beautiful, I really love the snowmen.
Have a great week and I hope you have more time to play.
Von #25

Belinda Basson said...

wow 70 cards! That is a lot! Love what you have made so far. #29

Andrea said...

sounds and looks like you had a great time, juggling work and play is never easy !.and wow 70 cards that's quite a task !loving those cute snowmen and those pretty poinsettia cards have a good week ahead crafty hugs Andrea #26

Nikki said...

Congrats on getting all your cards done I do the same thing to need about 70-80 just to be on the safe side :) have fun making your list and checking it twice Happy WOYWW hugs Nikki 33

Eliza said...

Wow that is one good collection of cards to create, all so beautiful too. Thanks for visiting me.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 1

Christine said...

Great start to the 'must do' season, I think it is fun until the 'list' comes out and you find your a couple of cards short!!!!
have fun making the rest.
Bishopsmate #54

Lynn Holland said...

I'm exhausted looking at it all !!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Well done you on achieving the seven have a fine pile accruing there! The craft club looks fun, there are a few around here but I never seem to have the time..which is mad really.
Hope you are well and happy :-)
HUgs, LLJ 58 xx

Neet said...

Wow, what a productive evening you had. I love the cards, especially the poinsettia ones.
Glad someone is ahead of the game with C Cards.
Take care and thanks for visiting me when I was still snoozing. Hugs, neet xx 22

Glenda said...

It looks like you had a good time. Seven cards is great. Happy WOYWW

massofhair said...

Good you had time to go to Craft Club and make some more cards Helen. Hope you are able to get to the club more often too!

Great set of cards :-)

The House of Bears said...

Isn't it nice to get out and have a craft play with like minded people? Your cards look lovely. We really must write a list too. And make some more cards.

The bears #70

Carole said...

We crafters have so much in common down to the products that we use. Glossy accents is my glue of choice. You had quite a productive evening with lovely results. Carole # 72

Claire Grantham said...

Hey Helen, thanks for swinging by earlier, I am indeed early with Valentines...haven't started my own Christmas yet!!! Glad you got to craft club, impressive makes. Cx #27

famfa said...

Well done on the cards. Looking good. Craft club sounds fun
Famfa 11

CraftygasheadZo said...

Nice to have a look at Craft Club. You sure are getting those cards done, I have some made but not sure how many as I keep putting them in a box. Must get them out and finish the insides and sort them! Take care Zo xx 77

Lindart said...

Nice bunch of Christmas cards! I haven't even started mine yet! You look nice and busy and happy! Thanks for letting me peek!
Lindart #87

shazsilverwolf said...

Lovely Christmas cards,i agree about the list making. I need to get a move on & make my lst, having got a good start on the cards. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #28 xx

Krisha said...

Well done on getting 7 C-cards made! I would love to know enough crafters in my small town to have a craft night, sounds like so much fun.
Thanks for the earlier visit this week.
Krisha #30

Kyla said...

Oh thats a serious amount of Christmas cards (I gave in and started mine this week!!). LOVE the snowman stamp!

Glad you were able to get to craft club, I find I miss not crafting in a group if I miss Coven.


kyla #62

Anonymous said...

It looks like you had a good time at your craft group -- your cards are pretty -- it's fun to make multiple designs. 70??? Good for you! I'm so glad people still send cards . . . and some people make them by hand. The digital world is great, but handmade is special. Happy WOYWW (and thanks for visiting.) ~ Laura

Julia Dunnit said...

Blimey, that is a good pile...and super impressed that the insides are done going to really have to make a proper effort. Soon! Happy to read that you got out to craft takes mega effort after a work day, even a half day, to haul stuff out and be productive,

Anonymous said...

Now, see, that is where working on Christmas cards at a summer crop gets you - well ahead of the game :)

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (23)

Annie said...

Well done your with your card pile so's much bigger than mine ;-)
A x #41

Carmen said...

70? SEVENTY? Seven OH? Gawd blimey woman! There's me all chuffed at making one! In fact it's on my shelf all proud with itself like!

Thanks for welcoming me back - 'tis cos of your encouragement I decided to stick my big toe back in :) I have missed it loads!


Carmen #81

fairy thoughts said...

wow looks like a productive day you had. I know I am going to regret not starting my cards soon, well I've got the stamps out, so nearly there.
janet #38

Monica said...

That is quite an accomplishment and I am impressed as I am so easily distracted from tasks by new ways to make things. What a ovely way to spend an afternoon off work with a crafters club.

Alexandra MacVean said...

Your cards are absolutely lovely. I adore the snowmen especially. Thanks for sharing your wonderful desk.

voodoo vixen said...

Lovely that you managed to get to craft club for the first time in yonks, and you have quite the pile of cards going on there! Annette #144

SusanLotus said...

Lovely Christmas cards!
I need to get some done too...

Susan nr 101 woyww

Robyn said...

it's beginning to look a lot like christmas!
Thanks for visiting and the snoop around!
robyn 24

peggy aplSEEDS said...

I also forget to take pictures when I'm busy crafting! Wow, you made a lot! Well done!
Happy WOYWW!
peggy aplSEEDS@6

Robin said...

How fun! I think it's always more fun with other creatives when creating. Your cards are awesome. I can't believe you make/send 70! Those are some lucky recipients to get one. Have a wonderful WOYWW!! Rasz #102

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun at Craft Club. Seems you got a lot done, too, even with what I suspect was a lot of laughing and carrying on. And nice to read you know BJ. This has become a small world.

Obviously, I skipped WOYWW this week, but stopped by to say HI.

Morti said...

Hello! I'm back! Just a bit.... LOL

Life is busy but rewarding at the moment and hopefully I'll have a grand announcement in a few weeks....LOL again...

Keep well!

BJ said...

Well done on getting your post done more timely than mine, I was so zonked on Tuesday I didn't remember until Wednesday bedtime! Your cards are super and I got to see them up close too with all the work you put into them. BJ#108

Nan G said...

Great looking cards! It's such fun to get together with other crafters not just card makers, keeps us well rounded and grounded. Thanks for the earlier visit! WOYWW hugs! Nan G #20

craftimamma said...

OMG Helen you have got me panicking now 'cos I've only made about 4, Yikes!!!!! Yours are looking smashing though, well done you!

Lesley Xx

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your craft club evening, you should be very proud of your collection of Christmas cards. I am VERY glad that I don't have to make anything close to that amount.

Words and Pictures said...

Blimey - 70 cards! - in that case I'm doubly glad to have helped out with a couple!! Good luck adding to this great start...
Alison x

Lisa-Jane said...

That's an impressive haul Helen! Well done.