Wednesday 2 October 2024


Welcome to WOYWW - week 800.  what a milestone!   Sarah asked us to share the week we first joined in with this desk-filled fun... I had trouble searching back but found a post from February 2010 which I think is  when i first joined in  back in the early ish days at Julia's .  Not a lot has changed  - still working on the floor, still buying lots of stuff!  

I found an earlier week from 27 January 2010 when I commented but couldn't link due to not having gone digital so that was my first week almost joining in!   We are so lucky these days to have the linky tool, it makes it so much easier!  Thank you to Julia for starting this fun, and Sarah for taking it over. 

This week I have...... made a start on backgrounds for Christmas cards... yes, really!  

first off I went for a painted background and stamped images (Tim Holtz stamps, a rare outing these days) 
and then I went back to my more usual masterboard style.  
I think the snowflake shape was a Paperartsy stamp and the yellow swirly things are an Inkadinkadoo Christmas set 
it wouldn't be me on a WOYWW especially for a big week special, if there weren't new stuff to share... from last week's Paperartsy release week.

restrained I think!  the ledger patterned tissue was a must have and so were the new Mattints (not paints, matte tints,  glazes)  brings their numbers to 12 now I think.  

and some new Seth Apter mini stamps.

and finally... Kew.  

it was as you know the last 8am entry till next May - the only thing going for that is a bit of extra sleep and not waking at 5 to leave at 6... 

it was a glorious day, sunny, (cold to start but warmed up) and Kim and I had great fun... all the photos on the link above (lots!) here's a taster.

there was a touch of grass frost but amazing shadows... 

we couldn't resist having fun one last time with the sculptures.  Marc Quinn, you have been a blast at Kew this summer!

Till next week, happy WOYWW and happy crafting. 


  1. It was fun to look back at your early posts Helen - pre digital and all. Glad to know nothing has changed. Enjoy the lie in on Saturdays for a while. Hugs and Happy 800th WOYWW. Sarah

  2. Happy WOYWW 800, Helen, loved your new projects, masterboards and the Kew photos as always.
    Wow your 2010 was eye opening.
    Things were so new then. March 2010 was when I bought my Cuttlebug, although I'd been stamping and card making since 1990. I'd no idea what your craft space looked like apart from floor till saw this post!
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you and keep you and all whom you love safe and well for 2024!
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  3. Oh now you have me thinking, did I comment on WOYWW in the weeks before I joined in??? I'll have to go back and see won't I now! Super backgrounds but really Christmas already, I can't cope with that till Advent. Loving your new stuff, the tissue is right up my street and I'll be copying a couple of the stamps for sure. One of the speakers at my upcoming conference uses those Mattints, how do they come off and could I get away with thin paints I wonder? Super Kew photos too. Hugs BJ#6

  4. I knew we’d get on well when you walked into the hall in Burbage, saw the square and roared with laughter! And so that has carried on over the years, I really appreciate your comments and support and thanks for sharing your new stash, crafting and Kew adventures, long may they continue! It’s not too early to start making C cards, be here before you know it the way this year is rushing past!!
    Happy 800, sending hugs,
    LLJ 4 xxx

  5. So much change, yet so much the same! Love seeing the old posts and desks, or floors, as it may be :D I also recall the square on the floor with your name on it. What hasn't changed is you are my enabler - I see stuff on your desk and I am off to Google, if not actually buy...
    Recovering today but can't miss out!
    Happy 800th WOYWW.
    Mary Anne (9)

  6. Hi Helen, where do the years go! Always love seeing the Kew pics and the impressive journalling. Wishing you a very happy 800th woyww. Hugs Angela x10x

  7. Can't believe you have made a start on Christmas so early. Well done you.
    Loved seeing your early stamping area - gosh that has changed somewhat and there are a few more bits and bobs around now on your floor desk.
    Thanks for the Kew photos - spectacular as always.
    Hugs, Neet 14 xx

  8. I love your backgrounds! That patterned tissue looks great and it's hard to resist all these delicious mediums, especially when you see what they can do. Those sculptures are simply striking. Happy WOYWW Michelle x #13

  9. It's been a blast looking back and I'm so thankful to have been part of this wonderful group for so long....lets hope there's many more eh?
    Annie x #5

  10. Good to see others looking back and making comments about long ago Surprise....had been thinking about this WOYWW group and had some time it's 4 am here and Bailey awoke me ! Even forgot how to blog......sign in....Made a quick copy of my 1st post and added a few lines....FORGOT a NEW PHOTO...maybe next week. WISHING you the best and I have missed all of you and your fun posts.

  11. Pretty backgrounds and lovely Kew photos, Helen, though the end of summer opening makes it a bit sad. I loved the strawflowers, the water lilies and autumn leaves, as well as the final play with the Mark Quinn sculptures.
    Happy 800th WOYWW anniversary!
    Lynnecrafts 3 xx

  12. Well life and WOYWW go on and in many ways not much changes which is comforting ๐Ÿ˜€ I love seeing your crafty activity on your floor based craft space.๐Ÿ˜€ And if course it's always a treat to get a lightening trip round Kew each week. A big hug. x x Jo ๐ŸŒˆ

  13. Hi Helen, loved looking back at your early post. You did well to publish photos before you had digital equipment. I remember discovering your blog and finding out you worked on the floor. I think I said something about my knees would prevent me from doing that. I'm trying hard not to think of Christmas but I like the bases you've been making. Love that frosty shot from Kew. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #17

  14. I think maybe I commented before I actually joined in...but that is getting too difficult to track back! Anyway I am still enjoying joining in even if the time difference to Melbourne sometimes makes it awkward to post/comment. Always like to see your master boards, new stuff and of course the Kew pics.
    Happy 800th WOYWW! Susan #8

  15. It's amazing how much has changed since 2010! Digital cameras are now in our phones and so easily accessible! I remember having to got through several steps, fiddling with floppy discs, then 3 1/2" discs to transfer pics from my camera to my computer, and now it's so easy! You must like working on the floor, since you are still there! I love your new stash, looks like more fun to come! And that first Kew photo - WOW! Happy 800! Lindart #17


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