Wednesday 15 May 2024

WOYWW 780 - happy anniversary to us!

 What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday - week 780 - is 15.  what an achievement.  I am sure when Julia started this all those years ago she never dreamt it would still be going all this time later.  A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then and we have seen each other through good and bad times. Thank you Julia, for everything.  

Normally for celebrations you buy presents... even if for yourself... amazingly I haven't bought any new goodies for... oh at least 2 weeks!

so instead, here are the anniversary atcs most of which will come with me to the crop on Saturday for swapping.  

I played with a journal page background (the yellow neon paint)  by adding some stenciling, and tissue wrap. the flower is a Dina stamp, stamped on some of her blank tissue.  

then I ran out of oomph... so another part done page!  

I could give Mary Anne a run for her money with part done pages but she's been finishing hers off!  

Kew last Saturday was meant to be hot - it didn't start that way, but buddy Kim and I had fun again with the sculptures.

I'm really looking forward to seeing those of you going to the crop on Saturday - if I can decide what to bring with me I will hopefully get some crafting done! 

For those of you not going, I hope you have a great week.  


Neet said...

Great opportunity at Kew for some fab photos. Love the second one most of all.
Looking forward to swapping and seeing you on Saturday. I a sure you will be able to finish some pages off then.
Hugs, Neet 8 xx

Sarah Brennan said...

Looking forward to seeing you at the crop Helen. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW anniverary. Sarah #?

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I can't seem to get my act together and visit you at Kew. And I have heard about it, too. The teens check your Kew blog and know when I haven't visited.

Nice ATCs and I hope you have an great time at the crop. I'll be there in spirit. Happy WOYWW 780 from # 1.

BJ said...

I'm still in shock that this might well be the last WOYWW, I was so happy to realise it was Wednesday this morning too. For some reason (only blogger knows) your comment doesn't show up on my blog today, good job I have emails for comments turned on so saw it there. Never mind if you've run out of SWAPS at least I get to see them on your blog. Love your yellow page and I've just ordered some plain tissue from Amazon apparently the type, like deli, which doesn't tear easily when wet, we'll see....Hugs BJ#11

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Helen, I can't believe you've no new goodies today, hope you're okay Lol! See you Saturday. Wishing you a very happy woyww 15th Anniversary, Angela x17?x

Mary Anne said...

See you at the crop and looking forward to getting my hands on one of those ATCs :)

Happy 15th Anniversary WOYWW!
Mary Anne (5)

Lynnecrafts said...

Your ATCs are beautiful. Looking forward to seeing you at the crop, Helen. I’m packing this morning so I’ll save Kew for later when I need a break.
Take care and happy WOYWW anniversary
Lynnecrafts 14 xx

Lisa-Jane Johnson said...

Those ATCs are so pretty - I can't wait to see close ups. I have SO many half finished projects that I call my UFO piles (unfinished objects!) Happy anniversary, Lisa-Jane #18

Susan Renshaw said...

You matter!!
Love the yellow on that journal page!
Happy 15th on the 15th!
Susan #4

Twiglet said...

See you Saturday. Getting excited now! said...

Beautiful ATC's and your last photo is cool! Happy 15th WOYWW Anniversary - Michelle #21

Crafting With Jack said...

Sadly I can’t go , but I loved watching you work at the last crop. Happy 15 Anniversary , Angela #19

Lindart said...

Love the funky photos! Your yellow journal page is quite nice as well! Happy 15th anniversary! Lindart #24

Robyn said...

Happy 15th! Please say Hey and a hug to everyone at the crop for me. Robyn 3

Annie said...

I've had a very busy, full on sort of day so I'm late visiting but determined to call in on every one to wish you a happy anniversary.
Annie x #13

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Happy 15th Helen and thank you for introducing me to Woyww I just wish that care duties squeezed any free time stopping me from participating for those past years. Sad to read it may not be coming to an end Julia did an amazing job. Enjoy every moment at the crop, I'm sure there will be lots of giggles.
Take care & safe travels Hugs Tracey xx