Wednesday 18 September 2024


 Morning happy deskers, we find ourselves at Wednesday again, so must be time for WOYWW again. 

I think I rashly promised your more crafting this week...

I made another journal page this is in a Seawhite journal - it's just over 7 inch square cartridge paper

the background was drops of the new Dina gloss colours in Malachite and Mustard and smooshed a bit with water before adding stencilling in similar coloured inks,

the image is a transparency. 

then I realised I needed a birthday card for Wednesday (I forgot to do it on Monday so it was a rush job on Tuesday evening)
which means the overhead light is awful  and I couldn't get the flash to fire on the phone. 

It's for Monica, my boss.  

Kew on Saturday was a gloriously perfect autumn day, even if it started really cold (had to put gloves on!)  

the light was fantastic at 8,  this is why I love early starts so much... only 2 more to go though before it's back to getting in at 10 with the general public!!

Thanks for looking, I'll be round to visit very soon. 

Wednesday 11 September 2024


 Happy Wednesday again! We're meeting for  WOYWW at Sarah's   

I am sure you all have done way more than me - again !  

i did rescue the journal page though with one of the chip-shapes which I painted with a mix of Iris paint and gloss (from Dina) and drew some very crude facial features!  
so that it sort of matched the botched background colourwise.

Saturday was of course Kew day...
making silly shapes in the sculptures 

and were lucky enough to see Goldie again and got some better shots this time.

I may - possibly -   get some more crafting time at the weekend (although probably not)  so I'll see you then - but till then Happy WOYWW 

Wednesday 4 September 2024


 Well here we are, Wednesday again and time for WOYWW , desk sharing day.  Head to Sarah's for the way to join in

My new goodies finally turned up on Thursday 

the paints, stencils and transaparencies are the bought goodies, the Dina chipboard shapes a friend sent me as she can't remember why she bought them and wouldn't use them.

I've done diddly-squat with any of them so far.

I made a right mess of a journal page - it's gone through about 3 transformations so far 

I might use one of the chipboard shapes on top if I don't just paint it all black and start again!

Kim and I had a good visit to Kew last weekend 
we found Goldie, the golden pheasant, who moves fast, hence my blurry shots!  but what colours!! 

making the most of the Marc Quinn sculptures as they're only at Kew for another month
the waterlily house was full of beauty.
Hopefully there will be sun this weekend 

thanks for looking, I'll come visit your work spaces soon