Wednesday 5 April 2023


 Not sure how it's Wednesday again already, but it is, so it's time for WOYWW .. and April too!  

I knuckled down at the weekend and started some work on anniversary atcs..

not sure I'm happy with them so they may get binned (or put in the scraps box) 

i thought I'd taken more in progress shots but it seems not..
some "bits" for layering onto the atcs should they survive ..... 

and some new goodies that arrived last week...

after so many dull and wet days, there was actually sun on my walk to work on Tuesday and I could play Julia shadows...

Saturday at Kew last week did stay dry but was too muddy for any lying on the ground shots...

but lots more colour.. check  here if you have time..

So that's me for this week - wishing you a happy WOYWW and a happy Easter (looking forward to a couple of extra days off!)  


  1. Beautiful photos and don't bin those ATC's they will be fine once you build up the artwork.

    I fear for Jurgen.

    B x

  2. Loving the start of the ATCs, do keep them, they'll be super when finished. More goodies, nice. Super sunshine yesterday, really warm sitting in the garden in the afternoon. Adore your Hyacinth photo. Hugs BJ#5

  3. What lovely photos from Kew, I always enjoy them so much. But you are too hard on yourself. I like your backgrounds! But I know hoe hard it is to just settle on something too, so you do you!
    Happy WOYWW, with cat!
    Mary Anne (2)

  4. I am liking the start to those ATCs Helen so don't bin them yet! Enjoy the long weekend. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #8

  5. Loving the photos Helen. Just leave the ATCs for a while and come back to them I'm sure you'll think of something brilliant to do with them. Wishing you a warm and happy woyww, Angela x7x

  6. Your little ATCs will be lovely. Gorgeous purple hyacinth there Helen and your shadow pic always makes me smile. Happy Easter x x Jo

  7. I've made 14 ATCs for this year's swap...just hoping that's enough :-)
    Fab photos.
    Annie x #6

  8. Gosh, you have been productive. you have just reminded me that I need to get ATC making or else!
    Looking at your Kew photos it crossed my mind that you could make some fab ATC's with your flower photos. The problem would be choosing one, or you could have them all different.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  9. Oh my don't bin them Helen ... when I'm not sure about something I sleep on it and come back with fresh eyes,once you work your magic ⭐️ they'll beee even more wonderful 😍💕💛 looooving your shadow photo ... as I type I'm imagining running round with chalk drawing in peoples shadows 😘🖍Gorgeous blooms from Kew, always a joy to see what you've been up to 💟Sending love and hugs,have a beautiful Easter Weekend Tracy #9 xxxxx

  10. Just had to look you those transparencies . . . they are interesting. Will look out to see how you use them.
    have fun over your Easter break, lots of creations and the possibly the ATCs finished? lol
    Christine #18

  11. Don’t bin them, whack a layer of gesso over and do some more to them, or do white stencilling. Your Kew photographs are stunning as usual. That pink Magnolia has a really strong colour, most of the ones I have seen are wishi washy. Happy Easter and happy WOYWW. Angela #13

  12. Gorgeous colours both in your Kew photos and in your ATCs. I want, want, want that bonsai Japanese flowering cherry tree! (Though I know I don’t have the green fingers to keep it alive).
    Take care and happy Easter
    Lynnecrafts 10

  13. Wow, I’m really impressed that you’ve started the ATCs, I haven’t even thought about what I;m going to do yet, lol! I like the backgrounds a lot, don't’ bin them yet! Great pics from Kew, the cherry is beautiful.
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  14. Great start on the ATCs! And gorgeous photos - I've always loved grape hyacinths! I hope you have a lovely Easter weekend, Lindart #20

  15. Happy WOYWW. Ooh, an anniversary ATC swap? I will go back through Julia's posts and see the details. Not made ATCs for a long time. Here in Pembrokeshire it has been pouring with rain all day. Sunshine tomorrow and through the weekend though. Ali x #11

  16. Oh I expect you feel very ready for a long weekend, if for no other reason than to avoid going to work in the rain! It seems ages since we had a totally dry day! a loving the shadow pic…your legs are getting longer!! Super impressed by the start of your ATCs, something I’ve been mulling over but not quite committed to even a test run yet! Hope you have a super weekend…can’t guarantee the ground will be dry, but the weather is set to be a bit better!

  17. Love your floral photos!
    I wonder how the ATCs will turn out...
    Happy Easter!
    Susan #21

  18. ahh, Helen! Progress shots I forget them too!
    Still very industrious was to use them on ATCs adore Kew as usual! and easter blessings your way sorry I am late..
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and all those you love,
    Prayer hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


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