Wednesday 12 April 2023


 Happy WOYWW peeps -  2 extra days at the weekend for Easter and zero crafting! well, twenty minutes maybe..

a pile of assembled atcs ready (I think)  for the swap  I may have time to make some more.

I had a couple of birthday cards I wanted to get made for some May birthdays but neither so far has turned out how I envisaged. 

I took 2 trips to Kew, on Friday and Saturday - Friday was beautiful weather-wise and Saturday almost as good.  It stayed good enough to get my lawn mowed on Sunday before the rain came back...

Photos  here   and here    and some sneak peaks

thank you for dropping by,  I'll catch up with you soon 


  1. Glad the weather was good enough for a couple of Kew trips - the crafting will wait for rainy days. Lovely pics. x x Jo

  2. You're definitely giving me incentive to make a few ATCs this year, would love to SWAP with you if I'm sorted by then. Love the tulips and glad you got some good days at Kew before the rains. BJ#5

  3. LOL! I've made my "final" sample of the ATCs like three times and still gotten no further. DOH! Kew looks sunny, wish the Easter weekend had been :(
    Happy WOYWW
    Mary Anne (4)

  4. Pleased you had a couple of nice days out. It's been nice here too though last night it poured it down and the night before we have thunder and lightning but at least it was late on and the sun is out again today. Good luck in getting the cards finished. Have a lovely woyww. Hugs, Angela x7x

  5. Wow, you have been busy with the ATC's, "a pile" sounds like a lot to me. Ive just a few.
    Glad you managed an extra Kew Day in, that must have been nice for you
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  6. Glad the weather held for your long weekend Helen. Hope you have more time for crafting soon. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #11

  7. Oh I’m so impressed you’ve made some ATCs, gotta get my act together! Love the pics from Kew, it was such glorious weather at the weekend wasn’t it but yesterday and today have been really stormy here, I’m not venturing out at all. Might make a start on my ATCd, now there’s a thought……
    Hugs LLJ 3 xx

  8. Gorgeous pics of Kew. I've finished my ATCs too so hoping you're up for a swap.
    Annie x #6

  9. Spotted that you'd had some extra time at Kew this weekend - the weather was glorious!! The Tulips in my garden are all springing up and starting to bloom, it's my favourite time of year though it looks like I may have lost a few this winter. Sadly we will miss some of it as we are off on holiday next week - rather late for us to hit warmer climes but hey, you know why. Have a great week and put my name on one of those ATCs please. (Everyone is being so organised.....). Love n hugs Cindy xx

  10. Hi Helen! I do like all the little bottles behind your card, are those alcohol inks? Those tulips are gorgeous! I bought me a 'tulip vase' last month and enjoy putting all kinds of tulips in it, these delicate pink would look fabulous! Enjoy your day, love from Holland. Marit #12

  11. Happy WOYWW. Those floral designs are lovely. We planted tulips for the first time this year, and they are blooming beautifully - but all of the storms now are threatening to beat them to the ground permanently. Ali x #13

  12. Ahead of the game? You alright? lol
    Love those tulips . . . I have a couple that came with the house, they put in an appearance every year . . . so far down into the ground they miss all the digging over!!!
    Have a good week, stay dry if you can
    Christine #14

  13. Your ATCs are looking interesting, Helen, you're well ahead of me! The photos of Kew in the sunshine were glorious, particularly the Good Friday ones where the sun shining through blossom is so beautiful. I'm hoping to go to Hole Park, near Rolvenden, in Kent next week for the bluebells. They have a bluebell barometer on their website which shows they're not quite ready yet.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 10

  14. Like most, I’m pleased the weather was kind enough for two stunning days at Kew, but does it make up for this week? grim again, and I’m not liking it one bit! Thank goodness for your fab photos to remind us that the sun can shine on the UK! Am super impressed that you’ve done ATCs already, and more than one…good going missus. Cards made ahead too…maybe they aren’t what you envisaged because you aren’t at that state of deadline inspiration?!! Having said that, I can’t see why they aren’t pleasing you, I like em very much!

  15. Kew sounds fun, beautiful flowers and I love the ones on your desk also. We have no flowers here as yet, some green just poppin up in the lawn grass and tiny points coming thru for hosta's. Happy WOYWW

  16. Always love to see your Kew photos1 We don't have any spring flowers here yet, but they are at least pushing up from the ground! So we have a few green shoots and not much else. Your cards look lovely and Springy! Have a great week, Lindart #20

  17. Great to enjoy the good weather and Kew. Rainy day today! Happy WOYWW. Angela #15

  18. Good morning, Helen!
    Weather here in the Ozarks has been beautiful as well. I feel as if spring may actually have arrived. Beautiful pics of Kew as always. I haven't done any birthday cards yet this year. So off step for some reason. Maybe because the craft room is still a disaster LOL

    Hugs & Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #17


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