Wednesday 29 March 2023


 Well, another week flew by... time to hang out with Julia for WOYWW  

I did something with the circles from last week - kind of along the lines I was thinking last week (although that was going to be on a card)  

this was how it started... a double page in the large Kraft journal (Dina Wakley) on a white gesso layer and more of the Sedona spray that I used through the stencil

stuck to a simple colour palette, of Sedona and some black and white

it was time to add the circles - cutting some of them into pieces and using the offcuts from round the circles .   i used a small (2 inch) punch to cut some smaller circles. 

this is the final stage it's reached so far -  need to find a quote to add to it to finish it.

(sorry, having trouble getting the pictures and text in the right places)

Had a great morning at Kew on Saturday  - lots of photos here as always 

it was a get down on the ground kind of day (well at one place out of the mud!)

I got Kim to record it for posterity!

there was lots of blossom coming on the trees too  

this tree is a big favourite, by the pond near the Palm House
and more blossom deep in the gardens.

Thanks for looking, I will catch your workspaces soon!


  1. Love it when I pass lots of trees in blossom like that. Seems to be a lot of white blossom about too.
    Great idea with the circles, looks good now.
    Have a great week ahead.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  2. It was a great shot Helen - well worth getting down for. Love the pages with the circles. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  3. Love the pics of the progression of the journal page - especially when the circles become emphasised!
    Great picture of you getting down to it too!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #5

  4. Lots of lovely textures on your journal spread Helen. And super blossoms as well. Spring seems slow here, our Amandii clematis is usually in full bloom by now but only just beginning and the scent which is usually heavy very feint.

    B x

  5. Love the pages - the Sedona colour is beautiful - I can't resist buying inks and paints in shades of orange - that one is going on my wish list! I love the Kew shot of you - the things we do for our art!
    Have a great week,
    Diana xx #10

  6. Lovely page. I like that colour quite a lot. The circles look great with the shadow. But oh my, the blossoms! Truly stunning. Our magnolia tree is in bloom at the moment and I am sad it isn't warm and spring-like. The daffs too, so pretty. Lucky I can see them from my desk and no need t go out in the cold, wet, drizzle. And there is you, on the ground! Yikes!
    Happy WOYWW, but sadly catless
    Mary Anne (4)

  7. Loving the new journal pages. A good sentiment might be "Round and Round we go, up and Down we go" or something like that Lol! Gorgeous photos. Hope you managed to get back up off the ground okay! Have a lovely woyww. Hugs, angela x11x

  8. Beautiful photos. Fun circles. We have No blooming anything. Love the blossoming tree and outdoors.
    Bad weather here,storms for tomorrow, and high winds right now with 20 degrees. Happy WOYWW.

  9. Oh Gordon has been in the prone position whilst taking pics many times and I’ve been ignoring him pretending I was with him, lol!! But you do get much better pics from either down low or up high, away from the usual eyeline. Love the journal pages, interesting to see the stages of development.
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  10. Loved your visit to Kew again, Helen, the leaf patterns as well as the colours. Interesting to see how you layer colour and pattern on your journal pages too.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 9

  11. Loving the pic of you getting down and dirty- it's the best way to get those lovely pics. What a wonderful time to go to Kew - fab photos. I love your finished circle piece. x x Jo

  12. I'm enjoying seeing the progression of your journal. Your Kew pics are beautiful.
    Annie x #6

  13. Not sure if the message went or not. I will have to come back and check 🙂. How about “Going around in circles” for your phrase?

  14. No it didn’t go 🙄. Anyway …beau blossom photography. Love those silver daisies, very pretty. Great journal page and happy WOYWW. Angela #15

  15. I love spring flowering trees! We have a Magnolia across the street which still looks like the dead of winter, but will perk up towards the end of April I think. So nice that you have them already! We are still waiting for the snow piles to go away! You journal page is coming along nicely! Lindart #16

  16. Wonderful blossoms, not many trees have flowered here yet, I relish it happening. Liking the pages with the circles, great job and the staggered half circles really speak to me.


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