Wednesday 22 March 2023


 What?  Wednesday again!  already?  Welcome back to another week's What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday.  head to Julia's for the details.    

you'll be surprised to learn I've done nothing about atcs for the anniversary swap...good thing there's a few weeks left! 

I have managed to make a birthday card for a friend from work, debating whether to add some numbers (it's a 50th)  but I quite like it as is...
my Kew magazine arrived at the end of last week and the cover is a picture of some really pretty blossom...

so I had to save it for a journal page of some kind... 

I wrecked the spraying I did last week, by cutting a circle out (badly)  and then mojo deserted ...

I made some  more - just for the want of trying!  

so let's go to Kew instead!  

as the blog title says, it was a mixed bag weather-wise and Kim and I beat a retreat as this cloud descended at lunchtime...

it was very dramatic!  I do love a good sky!  

but before that, some Spring colour! 

the magnolias were flowering amongst others. 

thanks for looking and I will drop round your desks soon!  Happy WOYWW  


  1. I am sure if you go back to your circles after a break you will find a use for them Helen. I don't blame you for keeping those blossom pages for a journal. I like the card without as number. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. sarah #2

  2. Hi Helen, maybe you could put the numbers inside the card. Your friend might even prefer that. I've thought about the ATCs and that's about it! I'm betting you'll soon find a use for those sprayed pieces. I would love to see how you add the blossom paper to your journal it's gorgeous. Happy woyww, Angela x5x

  3. I haven’t even thought about ATCs yet! Is there a theme this year? I’m rubbish at cutting out circles so I got a cheapie circle cutter off eBay, it needs a bit of practice but then produces perfect rounds, worth the £3.99 I spent on it, lol!!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

  4. Great photos, I'm partial to a good sky as well, as we are so flat here in the Fens' we get some wonderful sunsets although of late much the same as your photos.

    B x

  5. I love your card as it is. I prefer not to use words or numbers - they mess up my design🤣🤣. The Kew pages are definitely worth keeping. I always find circles difficult to cut out, ending up with a wonky edge! Happy WOYWW. Angela #8

  6. I often don't add a number to zero birthday cards but mention. it on the inside.
    I am sure you will find a use for the circles, nothing wrong with them. Walk away and come back with fresh eyes.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  7. We all have days where things don't go quite right - always good to leave it and come back. I always make my biggest mistakes just as I am getting to the end of something! That's why I am a firm believer that we learn best by making mistakes. Your card is lovely so think positive. xx Jo

  8. I made a start at my ATCs yesterday but started off badly by sticking the bond a web on the right side of the fabric...we all make mistakes lol.
    Annie x #12

  9. Oh Helen, such beautiful flowers, I scrolled back as I've missed so much, We just lost our snow yesterday so no green or flowers here yet. Now 40's this week
    You have had some beautiful outdoor photos. So colorful Have a great week Happy WOYWW.

  10. KEEP THE CIRCLES! You'll find a use for them and they are so pretty.
    Great card, I must admit I never thought of stamping backgrounds . . . food for thought, thank you Helen
    Christine #16

  11. Super cards and defo good save on the Kew mag front. Assuming you don't have any circle dies then??? You are funny. Hugs BJ#10

  12. Beautiful Kew photos again, Helen. They must have early varieties of magnolia- the one in my neighbour’s garden is still buds.
    Take care
    Lynnecrafts 13

  13. Magnolia are really high high on my list of lovely favourite plants, so your pics are a boost for me; just love em! So what was the original circle for? I don’t think they look in circular or unusable, but I guess you have to have them around for a while now before mojo tells you what to do. Infuriating isn’t it!

  14. Lovely pictures from Kew! Like the card and the circles look fine... Very late hopping round. Susan #6

  15. Wait! Kew has a magazine? Personally, I think your photos are magazine worthy. Love the shots you get and oh my, that sky is GORGEOUS! I think I'd have found a spot to sit and just enjoy the view. Go you for continuing to play at something you weren't really happy with. Sometimes walking away then coming back to it helps. Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #17


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