Wednesday 28 September 2022


 Welcome back for another Wednesday's WOYWW  - the pre-crop edition. Have managed to book train tickets now just need to decide what I am going to bring to craft with at the crop!   Will be trying to travel light for once....ha ha!  

I spent some time at the weekend trying to get my Dina gloss sprays to  er-  spray -  and created a few backgrounds that may or may not make an appearance on Saturday depending on what makes the suitcase!  
I was rummaging through the box of pre-stamped Dina images and collaged a journal page together,  as I was determined to have something to share this week for a change!

Last Saturday was the final Kew early opening of the season (well it runs to the 30th )  and of course I was there for that 

will really miss the gorgeous low light in future weeks

I'll be really busy at work today (partly because of having a couple of days off but mostly because of the crazy things happening in the mortgage market at present meaning we are madly busy)  so won't be visiting until after I get home,  but happy WOYWW and see you then!  

Really looking forward to the crop, too, and catching up with those of you able to make it.  


  1. Looking forward to seeing you at the crop Helen. I will probably just bring some colouring with me. Great page. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  2. Hi Helen, looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday, just have no idea what to bring yet and just realised I have no idea of the start or finish either, better ask Julia. take care and happy woyww, Angela x10x

  3. I am a bit like Angela somehow the deets of the crop have missed me so I will have to go and look.
    Just realised I was, as usual, thinking of bringing all bar the kitchen sink but may just prune it a lot
    See you Saturday
    Hugs, Neet xx 4

  4. I hope you got all your sprays to work - I don't buy any sprays any more, I've had so many fail over the years - possibly I don't use them regularly enough but often the pump just refuses to work despite cleaning it. Love the Kew photos, I'll pop over later and have a good look. Hope today isn't too stressful for you, enjoy the crop,
    Diana xx #11

  5. Morning Helen. Good looking page you have made there - well done. I hope I shall see you Saturday!! looking forward to it. Trust today goes well with all the busyness.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #6

  6. Lovely journal, Helen, and thanks for sharing your Kew visit. The autumn flowers and birds are lovely.
    Enjoy the crop
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 5

  7. I don't think I shall bring much - the amount I brought when I had the car was frankly ridiculous. Hopefully will sort myself today. Just so excited to see everyone. Ha ha I have just had a flashback to when they marked your space out on the floor!! Yes the light is definitely changing and much cooler - but I haven't quite given up yet, shorts again today. See ya Friday!! xx

  8. Loving the grungy background in your collage! So gutted I can't make it to the crop - you girls have fun and show me all the photos! Can you photoshop me in LOL? xx zsuzsa #16

  9. Hello Helen 🤗 I'm running a bit late today. Goood luck packing your suitcase 😉 look forward to seeing the photos of what you create at the crop 💕 Fab journal page,words perfectly true ... love it! Hope work isn't too crazy 🙏 Wishing you a lovely time at the weekend. Love and hugs Tracy #13 xxx

  10. Thanks for visiting me earlier and for your lovely comments. I've managed a busy sewing day today and thankfully my mouth isn't quite so swollen although it's still rather sore. I'm on top of my sewing demands now so just got to start cooking/baking ready for the crop around my dentist appointment in the morning. I will get there :-)
    Looking forward to seeing you at the crop.
    Annie x #7

  11. Looking forward to meeting you on Saturday. Not sure what to bring with me, maybe just some cutting out. Those purple and cerise flowers are fabulous. Happy WOYWW. Angela #9

  12. Thanks for your visit earlier
    So pleased you coming to the crop, and the strike hasn't affected your plans.
    Take care

  13. Hope you enjoy yourself at the crop and your suitcase closes without you having to sit on it! Ani #17

  14. Hope you have a fabulous time at the crop! I bet most will have more fun visiting than creating!
    Carol N #18

  15. Shockingly late again. Always the best intentions. I can see you fulfilled yours - lovely page. That image is one of my fave Dina ones! Whatever shall you do without Kew?? Hope to see some fab crop photos this week... Can't wait!
    Happy WOYWW, catching up!
    Mary Anne (2)


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