Wednesday 5 October 2022

WOYWW 696 - didn't we have a lovely time the day we went......

to Bangor.. no, no, Radbrook. (showing my age there with the song reference)     ok so I will start with an apology as this will be a very photo heavy post as I haven't had time since I got home to write a separate post for these photos.   Julia was kind enough to drive Cindy and I there (we got the train down to Andover where we set off on Friday afternoon. A long wet journey but we settled into a very nice Air BnB that Julia found

in the morning we headed to the hall to help Jo and Annie set up

the cake table...
crafting tables set up
can't forget the banner

once all was ready there was time for a cuppa and early cake before the deskers arrived.

Annie's hubby Doddy chatting to Julia 

Sarah (in the black) Angela (Felix the Crafty Cat) with her back to me, Dee (who drove Christine)  Angela and Eva (the other side of the desk)

Cindy and Neet
Caro, Annie and Julia
and a better one!

some opening announcements from Jo 
being carefully listened to!
then it was time to get on although still lots of milling and chatting!  

I did a journal page for everyone to sign again, this is the third time I've done it now (creature of habit)
and took it round the tables for people to write in
waiting for inspiration!  
even Annie and Jo had some time to craft

you can't mistake Christine with her pink hair
Eva - Sarah is trying to get her to start a blog.  

towards lunchtime, Jo's daughter Maxine (Tilly Tea Dance, needle felter extraordinaire) popped in , it was lovely to meet her

Pear Shaped Chris's turn to sign...
and when everyone had finished...

it's a lovely way to remember a great day.
time to get lunch laid out
before the gannets pounce! 

afterward sit was time for more chatting

then some group photos - with Jan and Gordon away celebrating their ruby wedding in Scotland, we got Chris's husband Tony to take some of all of us but I grabbed some too

there will be one somewhere with me in! 

a bit later I was astounded to see Julia doing some stitching,  she said it's the first time she's ever sat down and crafted at our crop!

so had to record it...

after we drank a toast to dear departed friends, but especially our lovely Shaz, it was time for more chatting.  we had a raffle too and raised some money for a great local charity 
to finish off the afternoon I managed another journal page!

phew, if you've made it this far, well done!  

Once again, thanks to Annie and Jo for organising, sorting the food,  to Julia for the driving, every desker newbies and regulars, for making the journey, for a great day!

Happy WOYWW  

just realised I haven't linked why we're here and where you can find us... head to Julia's for more stories of the crop 

forgot to add the lovely atcs, tags and items other deskers had taken - I failed miserably
so thanks,one and all 


  1. It was such a great day and so good to see you Helen. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  2. I loved seeing everyone and this is a great record with all its photos - cannot have too many of an event like The Crop.
    Thanks Helen.
    Hugs, Neet xx 5

  3. Oh WOW looks amazing, I missed loads as I've been COVID positive the past week or so, just coming out of it now but still coughing. Hubby has had it as well despite him being vaccinated (his first time my second). Thanks for all the photos, great to put names to faces. Love your journal page and how you get everyone to sign it. The last photo of goodies is scrumptious. BJ#6

  4. Blimey. Surely this is the crafting event of 2022 - so sad to miss it but yeah, chances are I might have passed on the Covid to all. While I am free of it at the moment, I cannot imagine a very very long car journey, when Darling Daughter was infected, would have allowed me to escape. I am very thankful not to risk passing it on, no matter how much it pained me to miss seeing you all face to face. Two fab journal pages, lots of lovely photos, and roll on 2023's crop. Down south this time :)
    Happy WOYWW, on time!
    Mary Anne (1)

  5. Whoot whoot Helen 🤸⭐💟a grand time you all had 💖 such a joy to read and see yoooou all having such a grand time ... you made me laugh out loud with your words about ganets at lunchtime 🙃😄 thoroughly enjoyed your post filled to bursting with goodness 😊 thank you for sharing. Sending love and hugs Tracy #13 xxxxx

  6. What a brilliant day and loving all your great photos. It was so good to be able to meet you all at last. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x12x

  7. Epic fail from me….my tags and ATCs haven’t made it to the desk yet, still in the lounge being admired when I sit down, so no thought of photography for them yet!! I think you and Cindy win the prize for most transport used to get there, it was rather a long day of journeying for you both. Am very grateful that the strike didn’t cause too much difficulty though, it could have been a much longer day. Your photos are great, I’m super happy to be able to look back on the day like this, you really did get everyone, whereas I got very sidetracked vey often!

  8. It was such a lovely day and so special to see you again. Love all your photos! Happy WOYWW. Take care, with love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#14)

  9. Great photos Helen, well done, and such a lovely commentary of the day. Thank you again for being my travelling companion - I think its taken me two days to recover!! Happy WOYWW love n hugs Cindy xx #8

  10. Oh thanks for all your photos, so fun to see everyone, looks like such fun. And actual working on beautiful pieces !!! *a dream I have of attending. Have a wonderful week, enjoy Fall

  11. Great photographs Helen, so good to meet everybody on Saturday. Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

  12. Looks like a great time had by all! Love all the photos, since I can never go to a crop, it's nice feel like I've been! Have a great week! Lindart #20

  13. It really was great to share a table with you on Saturday. I think you've covered everything here. Happy WOYWW hugs, Chrisx

  14. It's been anaother busy day for me ad I'm only just finding time to visit the desks.....better late then never eh?
    What a lovely lot of photos...thanks for recording the moments from the day.
    Annie x #7

  15. Very much enjoyed all the photos!
    Have a great week!
    Carol N #18

  16. Hi Helen. What a fabulous day you had! Such great photos of so many gorgeous smiles. Good to get back together.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  17. What a lovely day with the WOYWW-ers... a brilliant time had by all, clearly, and a lovely journal page. (No thanks for the earworm at the beginning though!)

  18. ooh how fab, love your journal idea its a brilliant way to capture the moment. Talking of moments, Julia crafted at a crop??!!! Well, that is a first :-)

    kyla # 16

  19. Awww, thanks for all these photos, Helen! You're not on any them though, but I'll check the other gal's photos as well - I'm sure you're on many of those. I feel like I was there a little bit having seen these and I pretty much recognised everyone! xx


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