Wednesday 21 September 2022


 Morning deskers.  Happy WOYWW to you all.  

I feel since last week all I have done is watch TV - I certainly haven't been crafting!  

I found myself watching the live stream of the Lying in State for ages, on and off.  I didn't manage to catch sight of Sarah though!  I hope your feet have stopped aching Sarah!  

The coverage of our wonderful Queen's funeral was just perfect and all the people who took part and organised it should be very proud of the show they put on.  Britain really does do pageantry and pomp well.  I barely moved all day.  

so, I don't really have a desk for you this week, it's another staged one

I bought another paper today  (Tuesday as I write this) which was as you'd expect, full of photographs from the day.  

the pall bearers who carried the coffin at various stages were amazing

but perhaps the most impressive were the sailors of the Royal Navy who pulled the Gun Carriage Perfectly in time, not a foot out of place. 
I still have the funeral march music in my head as I look at this picture.

this is an image I borrowed from the official press photos.

Saturday morning was Kew 

thanks for looking - I will try and having some crafting to show by next week!!  


  1. They have stopped aching now thanks Helen. A wonderful day of pagentary indeed. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  2. I think the day will be something we will all remember for a very long time. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x9x

  3. It was an amazing celebration of the Queen, I was glad to see it and share in it.
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  4. I said this in my comment to Julia, I was amazed at how totally quiet the day was here. Not a car moving, no kids running and playing, just very very silent and respectful all day. She will be missed, for sure.
    Happy WOYWW from my bed with a bad back. Ugh!
    Mary Anne (6)

  5. My overwhelming memory is the sound of the marching, especially under Marble Arch, it was somehow so moving. I agree, coverage was excellent and the whole ‘show’ was magnificent. A great tribute. Your Kew photos are a welcome lift to be honest!

  6. Morning Helen. Hardly moved from the tv is a good description of many across the world, I think! The silence, the sound of simply boots on the road, that lone piper, HM's choice of amazing music... No-one does pageantry like Britain, but I think my overall impression was of a family funeral.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #5

  7. It was a very moving ceremony. I loved your Kew visit this week Helen, particularly the way you captured the light shining through leaves and flowers.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 12

  8. Thank you once again helen for linking me. Down at the library now catching up on comments so have to make them short and sweet.
    Yes, I kept saying 'nobody does pomp and ceremony like us' all day on Monday. The BBC coverage wa splendid and the various people taking part were perfect in every way.
    I thought of how proud the mothers of those boys must be, especially the naval ratings pulling the gun carriage. Everyone did her proud from the crowd to the King himself.
    Thanks again
    Hugs, Neet xx

  9. Hello Helen 🤗 same here glued to the television on Monday, all was quite outside here. Such a touching ceremony and tribute to the Queen, truly moving 💕 sending love and hugs Tracy #15 xxx

  10. Another busy day for me but work is now done and I can pop round to see all my fav blogs.
    We were travelling home on Monday so we listened to the funeral on the car radio and put the telly on as soon as we got home...done to perfection.
    Annie x #8

  11. I quite agree with you, the funeral was a brilliant affair of pageantry and timing. The end of an era. Happy WOYWW. Angela #18

  12. I've seen some great photos of HM funeral. Wow! She will be missed.
    Have a great week!
    Carol N #20

  13. Hello Helen it really was a beautiful service etc. Like you I watched so much over the last few days, it somehow felt wrong to do anything else. So many people did such an amazing job. Take care Anne x 22

  14. Yes we certainly do do pageantry well, I sat watching in my craft room but it was kind of mesmerising, didn't get anything done. Happy WOYWW, love n hugs Cindy #17

  15. Totally with you watching the TV ALL day Monday, dead impressed with Sarah's feat visiting for the lying-in-state. Yes me too on the music ringing in my head still, oh my. At least I'm out of black clothes now! BJ#10

  16. Yes - a beautiful family funeral but shared by the world. Looking forward to seeing you soon. xx Jo

  17. Playing catch up, I too watched a LOT of tv on this extraordinary event. Amazing Grand Lady and the area and organization is beyond normal. Thanks for the visit, trying to get things in order before the weekend, WoW such a dusty mess, with all our winds but so refreshed now. Enjoy a fun weekend.

  18. It really was an amazing display of pageantry, with fabulous music throughout. I was so impressed with all involved. Happy Belated WOYWW Take care, with love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#11)


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