Wednesday 14 September 2022


 Happy Desk Day -  a week since we last met, but what a week it's been!  

The news from Balmoral was sudden and devastating and since then I have done little but watch the coverage of the events, well planned, heartfelt, incredibly moving, and just right.  I was surprised at how affected I was by the news, after all, 96 is a great age and it wasn't totally unexpected.  But somehow, I think we all thought Her Majesty would go on  - if not forever, well, for longer! I feel so very sorry for King Charles and the rest of the Royal Family having to grieve in the glare of the world's media and send them my sincere condolences.

My desk today is unashamedly staged! 

I don't usually buy newspaper any more, but wanted to have something to keep.

You may have seen I took to my journal after paying my respects at Buckingham Palace on Saturday morning 

my A4 Seawhite journal,one of my favourite stencils, and a simple message.

Whilst at Buckingham Palace, I got spotted on BBC news...

I had been watching to the presenter, John Maguire, interviewing visitors but hadn't realised I was in shot, till a work colleague What's App'd me 

I haven't totally decided if I am going to go up to London again to stand in what is going to be a very long queue to pass the Queen's coffin lying in state.  I think not, probably.  I know that Sarah is and wish her well. 

I did also follow on to Kew from London 

Please visit Julia's for the link to other crafty desks for What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday


  1. Super tribute, was wondering whether to get a newspaper too, maybe next Tuesday after the funeral. I think my scrappages for the Platinum Jubilee will be a bit more special now when I get round to them.... On TV again, what are you like! Hugs BJ#1

  2. Well spotted by your work colleague!
    Great tribute!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #5

  3. A lovely tribute Helen. We bought a paper too for the same reason. Thanks for your good wishes for the queue. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  4. The reaction of the Country has been profound and you are so right when you say we thought Her Majesty would go on forever.

    A close shave last night but got there.

    B x

  5. I never thought of buying a newspaper despite the fact that I bought practically every one available when Diana died. Why did I not think this time? I will have to buy one next Monday without a doubt.
    Please don't avoid the camera's it is lovely to see you and I will start playing 'spot Helen' from now on.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  6. Good morning Helen 🤗 such a beautiful tribute to the Queen you have done 💕 aling with your journal pages. Psst ... it is lovely to see you being spotted ⭐ beautiful photo from Kew. Sending you love and hugs,be safe and well Tracy #13 xxx

  7. Beautiful journal pages Helen, and such a lovely tribute.
    Have a good week,
    Diana xx #15

  8. At least you were up in London to be there and experience an historic moment, you’re easily recognisable with your hair! Lovely LO, I didn’t think of buying a paper, the weekend was too busy really in our house. Lovely vibrant pic from Kew, I do love autumn colours!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  9. You are a TV star in the making! That shot is a keeper. Lovely tributes. I didn’t buy a paper, it just didn’t occur to me and my mother in law wants to keep hers - I am sure there will be something in the weekend’s editions. Happy WOYWW. Angela #7

  10. A lovely tribute, Helen. A great shot of you on the tv. Your Kew photos are as beautiful as ever. The water lilies, sunflowers and the rain-spattered rudbeckia we’re particular favourites.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 8

  11. I'm very late in the day with my visits but it has been one of those crazy days with sewing and a constant flow of yet more customers bringing me more to certainly makes my days pass quickly.
    I think the news has stunned us all Helen....she was a remarkable lady and certainly worked all of her life.
    Annie x #10

  12. Hi Helen, thanks for the lovely comment. I have to admit that I'm late getting round everyone today because we've been to the seaside for a day out, first time since Covid started so it made a lovely change and as hubby said let's go who was I to turn it down. Also we have a new puppy so it was her first time to see the sea. Loving the journal pages and the pic of you too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x12x

  13. Ha - I love the photo of you photo bombing John Maguire. So glad you could be in London at such a poignant time, but I don't think I would want to join in the crowds queueing either It has been very moving watching it today on tv. Thanks for offering to link me last week - I always think if anyone wants to find me, they know where I am!! See you on October 1st!! xx Jo

  14. What a beautiful tribute! And I picked out your red hat right away in the news shot!
    She was such an elegant and gracious lady and will be missed around the world.
    Carol N #16

  15. What a lovely tribute, my heart goes out to all of you who are grieving. She will be missed. Thanks for your visit, and have a great week, Lindart #17


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