Wednesday 23 February 2022


 Welcome deskers, tis once more time for WOYWW -  week 664. Thanks for your visits last week.  

There's been some more shopping ... as mentioned last time,  more goodies have arrived

First off I treated myself to some Prismacolour pencils 

they are pretty pricey and come in lots of different size tins - I decided as I don't do loads and loads of colouring (and the Tracy Scott doodle a day challenge that persuaded me to get them probably won't last long - given I've not really done any yet!) I'd get a tin of 48... 

then my latest Dina goodies arrived - 6 new paint colours (they would have launched at the same time as the matching gloss sprays but Covid caused a problem with them getting the right ingredients to make the paints, so they've only just become available)

there's 2 sets of "typed ledgers"  packs of quotes originally typed by Dina on several of her vintage typewriters and put into production by Ranger.

and to round off the order her birds from a previous release that I hadn't indulged in before.. well you have to round up your order to qualify for free post/packing don't you... ahem

the only actual crafting I've done this week is to stamp out the birds...
and I did test out some of the coloured pencils... 

I do hope you all survived all the horrendous weather we've had last week, 3 named storms causing havoc across the UK

I managed to get to Kew  safely on Saturday and found the storm on Friday had caused them to lose lots of trees - a FB post since has said about 20 - and my photos showed a lot of was very sad but at least no-one there was hurt.

and in contrast one of my favourite plants in the Temperate House, the Silver Daisy Bush 

I'll be calling round later to see what you've been up to and to make sure you're ok.  See you then!


  1. The storms were awful, we lost a very famous tree at the Botanical Gardens in Cambridge.

    Enjoy those pencils and paints and other goodies.

    B x

  2. Glad you made it to Kew safely despite the storms Helen - shame about the trees indeed. I do like Dina's scribbly birds - must get my set out to play with. Nice new stash. I have just ordered all the new mini Distress archivals, new Distress colour pack and the latest glazes. Have fun with the Prismacolours. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  3. Your sort of shopping Is the best sort Helen. Far better than spuds and toilet rolls haha.
    Have a good crafting week
    Lynn x

  4. Beautiful rainbow of pencils, you’ll get pleasure out of looking at them even if they don’t get used that much! Shame about those poor old trees, some venerable ones have gone after the storm. That last pic is gorgeous!
    Hugs Lou 8 xx

  5. Happy WOYWW. Sad to see the damage at Kew. Were the glasshouses ok? I love those bird stamps - and your new pencils will be perfect for them. Ali x #14

  6. My goodness, you did have a good spend. Hope you do use those pencils. I am going to try the Doodle a Day when I have my latest Polaroids done.
    Must say you are tempting me with those birds. Love a chubby bird.
    Sorry about the trees at Kew, guess it was bound to happen.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  7. It must be a little upsetting to see the damage at Kew, thankfully we only lost one fence panel, but I have seen plenty of fallen branches. Your new stash looks great. Happy WOYWW Angela #2

  8. Love, love, love coloured pencils lol. A shame re damage at Kew - glad no one injured there. Anne x 16

  9. Great collection of new stash, the bird stamps are so cute and the pencils should be brilliant to use. We have lost some more trees in the park here but I do think that most of them were week to begin with usually the roots are not as healthy as they should be but as some trees don't have along life span like silver Birch, it's forced to happen. Have fun with the new stash and thanks for the visit to mine. Angela x5x

  10. What a lot of fab new stash this week. I love new packs of coloured pencils but am never sure about using them because they just might end up different lengths because some are used more than others πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Annie x #6

  11. Such a shame about the storm damage at Kew. I love prisma pencils and have the same set as you. I hadn't seen the Dina wakley quotes so must investigate further! Happy WOYWW. Take care & God Bless, Caro xxx (#10)

  12. Helloo Helen, gorgeous collection of new goodies to play with πŸ˜˜πŸ’•πŸ’›❤ fun times ahead for you🌈 enjoy! Terrible the devastation the storms are leaving behind ... my Alex works on a reserve up here in Scotland, after the first storm thousands of trees came down and steadily due to more storms even more. They say it could take years to recover ... so sad. Sending hugs your way. Tracy #23 xxx

  13. Great new stash to play with! The quotes on vintage paper would be fun to play with! Happy Day! #24

  14. Oh that silver daisy bush is gorgeous I’m not sure I known about it before - brilliant picture. Glad you got the queue was a bit worried about it because it was still very stormy on Saturday wasn’t it? The good thing about trees that come down they can grow up again and before you know it will be looking at saplings through your lens. You might have enabled me this week I’m off to look at birds and vintage typewriter words!

  15. Got the queue? I mean got to Kew!! I’ve been trying to come moment but dictation because I’m on my phone, but it’s not very efficient for me!!

  16. Phew to getting to Kew! You would be having withdrawals as well. And you managed not the bottom of the list as well. PLUS Dina goodies, so a winner week all round. I am tempted by those birds but I have a similar set that I like well enough to allow them to pass me by. I reall love the final photo BTW. Stunning.

    Happy WOYWW
    Mary Anne (4)

  17. Fun new stuff! I love my PrismaColor pencils and use them frequently! Pretty bird! Sad to see the downed trees. We had a wind storm like that last year and lost lots of trees and no power for 12+ hours. Not fun and some trees still haven't been cleaned up. Beautiful Silver Daisy Bush.
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Carol N #20

  18. Love that Silver Daisy bush...
    I was looking at those new Dina releases too...only invested in a couple of the paints though. I really wanted to replace my white - but it was sold out at the store I was ordering from. Mind you I have other whites!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #13

  19. ooh thats some lovely new stash (and yes, totally agree, you need to get to that free postage when its SO close!!!)

    thanks for visiting my blog already
    Kyla #11

  20. I love those pencils, really need to treat myself to some new ones as some of mine are stubbs!
    Sorry to hear about the damaged trees at Kew, from the tv reports the storms seem to have done a great deal of damage. Ani


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