Wednesday 2 March 2022


Morning deskers, here we are in meteorological spring  - not that the weather knows, we've had a couple of days of rain again.   Still, it's Wednesday which means WOYWW  and time to meet up at Julia's to share our crafty spaces.

I thought about writing and linking this "live" in the morning as I am off work, I will be going to my aunt's funeral later,  but old habits die hard and I am writing on Tuesday evening and scheduling as usual!

I was looking in my photos for the new stuff - there must be new stuff, right?  well there, is only I'd forgotten to snap a photo -    

taken from the sofa with a bit of a wide angle of the "desk" floor space... bit of a mess!
close up of the new stamps (Seth Apter for Paperartsy)

I did a bit of crafting this last week,  I splodged the new Dina paints that came last week, on the small kraft journal and added some stencilling and a tissue collage face and some mark making with a posca paint pen.

I also had a bit of a play with the new Prismacolour pencils, but can't share that as it was a card for our lovely Julia who so sadly lost her beloved Mama last week.  Dementia is such a cruel disease that robs us of the person long before the actual parting.  Sending huge hugs, Julia and all my love.

If you'll allow me,  on a brighter note,  Kew last Saturday, was - bright!  So I leave you with some springtime flowers!

the magnolia trees - well the pink ones - are in flower

I'll be round to visit those of you I can before I leave for the funeral and the rest of you, as usual, in the evening.

Take care and happy WOYWW 


  1. Up at this early hour only to find the boiler is not working (cold water).
    Love that tissue face, must investigate as this could be useful to me. Look forward to seeing the pencil work you have done.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  2. Hope all goes as well as can be expected at the funeral Helen. Love the art journal page and the new stamps look fab. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  3. Hoping all goes well today and the weather is kind to you.
    Take care Helen
    Lynn xx

  4. What a week it has been already. Thank goodness for your lovely Kew photos to remind us there is still beauty in the world when there is also so much sadness.
    Enjoy your stash - your journal page really is lovely, nothing else to say really.
    Wishing peace on WOYWW day, and every day,
    Mary Anne (1)

  5. It’s ok to appreciate happiness and beauty even in the darkest of weeks, so your magnolia pic is a delight. I hope your aunt’s funeral goes as ok as these things can. The new stamps are great, you’ll have some fun with those!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  6. Isn't it bliss to see the Spring blossom opening up - we have almond and blackthorn around the hedgerows here. I bet Kew was wonderful. I'm glad you have a bit of crafting time - lovely colour combos as usual. xx Jo

  7. Morning Helen, I hope the day goes well for you and the weather stays fine. I love the Seth Apter stamps, and that's a great journal page - fabulous tissue face, you get a great effect through it from the background.
    I'll be off to Kew later,
    Happy WOYWW,
    Diana xx #16

  8. Happy WOYWW. I love those new stamps from Seth (my favourite crafty person). If I was buying new stash, which I am definitely not, then his goodies would be top of my list (apart from the new Distress colour, which I am tempted to get this month). Thank you for sharing the blossom photo. That blue sky is amazing. I am definitely looking forward to this grey and cold weather to go away. Ali x #17

  9. Sorry about your aunt, Helen, I hope the funeral goes ok.
    Lovely bright scenes in your Kew visit this week. We have one snowdrop, a couple of daffs, and the apricot trees are flowering.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 15

  10. Hi Helen, hope the day goes well. Funerals are not my favourite thing but if you are able to get together with the family that can be the nice side of it. Loving the new stamps, Seth always produces such quirky designs that I love. Sending woyww hugs, Angela x11x

  11. Thank you Helen, for the hugs and the magnolia pictures..both do me a power of good! I’m so sorry about your Aunt, I’ve been so out of touch that I didn’t know. I hope the rain will back off a bit, any sort of weather to indicate spring would be welcome huh. The Seth Apter stamps frighten me to death, but at least I can see some journaling use for them, usually I’m a complete dullard about using these sort of images…you are slowly but surely educating me. Gracious, before we’re 100, I might have had a go myself!

  12. So sorry to hear about your aunt, Helen. Lovely goodies and journal page! I love magnolia trees! I have one too in front of the house, but it's not flowering yet. Poor thing got battered in the high winds a few weeks ago. Enjoy your Spring outings at Kew's! xx zsuzsa #14

  13. So sorry about your aunt, hope it went as well as it could ... wrapping you up in huge hugs and love Helen.

    Love a bit oh splodging and oh my look at your workspace ... wow!!!! I could lose myself at yours ... loving the magnolia .. a promise of things to come. Huge hugs Tracy #21 xxx

  14. Cool stamps and great page! But the magnolia tree is gorgeous!
    Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
    Carol N #20

  15. Great new stamps and lovely pink blossoms. Happy WOYWW Angela#13

  16. Magnolia flowers! I love them and so look forward to them, but it will still be a few months yet. Great new stamps! And your journal page is coming along nicely! Have a great week, Lindart #23

  17. Morning! I mean, evening! Another lovely crafty desk. Great pages as always! I do have some PaperArtsy stamps. I must get them out and have a play! Lovely Magnolia tree. My little tree has only just started showing its buds.Stay safe, keep on cracting. Happy WOYWW((Lyn))#19

  18. Sorry for the loss of your aunt. Thanks for posting the lovely Spring flowers. :) Lovely artwork. And we all love new stamps, don't we?
    Happy WOYWW. #25

  19. Great page Helen, and the blossom is beautiful!

  20. Hi Helen, sorry to hear of the loss of your aunt. Hope all went well for the funeral. Your new stamps look very interesting. I have to admit I have stopped buying stamps for the time being. I have so many already and it occurs to me I need to make more use of those instead of neglecting them. I imagine you're off to Kew this morning so have a lovely day. Hugs, Elizabeth x #24


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