Wednesday 16 February 2022


 Welcome back to another Wednesday  for WOYWW that arrives in a blur -  I was nearly last on the list last week as I had to leave for work early before the link was up, and can't work out how to join the link on my phone, so it had to wait till I got home - you certainly get less visits down there!  Thank you to everyone who left a comment.  

so, what have I got to share this week?  

just a couple of journal pages - as a change from pattern play

using some of the new Dina images I pre-stamped
and some scribbly posca paint pen work outlining some of the stencilled flowers 

I had hoped for some new stash to share (oops, I shopped again) but it hasn't arrived yet!  

I had another sunny visit to Kew on Saturday and some real signs of Spring on the way - check it out 

the forecast for the rest of the week is storms, wind and rain (and further north, snow)  so not sure that the next visit will be quite so pretty!  

Thanks for visiting, and see you soon


  1. I hope the stormy weather does not damage the pretty Kew flowers. Or keep you away from your visit at weekend, I know how much you enjoy the trip.
    I see you have been Dina stamping again, you really must read myblog to see my news, concerns her in a way, nothing exciting for you but for me it was.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  2. Fab pages! Shame the phone doesn't cooperate with you. Can you copy the link then paste it? That's what I do on my iPad and I imagine it's similar. The forecast is, indeed, crazy windy and miserable for the weekend so buckle up and dress for it if you do go. Can't have you blowing away now can we? Cheers and the happiest of WOYWW days!
    Mary Anne (1)

  3. I've linked you up, Helen! Checked first that no one else had the same idea. Thanks for your visit. Loving your journal play - looks very free and playful! Kew's will be marvellous around Springtime! I hope we won't get any more frosts or god forbid another Beast from the East like we had in March 2018! Enjoy your week! xx zsuzsa #7

  4. I'm always happy to link you up if necessary, drop me a line on Messenger - I did Sarah this morning so it's no problem.
    Love the journal pages but especially the white scribbly Posca pen, makes such a difference. Gorgeous flower pics as usual.
    Hugs LLJ 3 xxxx

  5. Great journal pages and love those crocuses. Such a pretty colour. Happy WOYWW Angela #9

  6. Oooh! I love signs of Spring! Unfortunately they don't arrive here until around late April or May. I love crocus! You are doing well with your journal pages, can't wait to see your new stash! Lindart #23

  7. Great journal pages, and lovely flower photos. I have started at the bottom this time! I have learned how to link from my iPad, but comments won't take from my iPad, so I have to get on my computer. It always gives me an error code after I write a long comment. I think it is going to work, then it gives me the error! ugh! Happy WOYWW # 21

  8. It doesn't matter where you are on the list I will find you Lol! If people join in they deserve a visit and they will get it from me like it or not Lol! I need to see what everyone is up to even if it means popping back later in the week and I'm loving your journal pages. Beautiful flowers too. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x8x

  9. Cool pages! Lovely Kew flowers! Hope your weather isn't too hard on them. We're getting rain today.
    Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!
    Carol N #18

  10. Hellooo Helen, loving both your pages ... I just got myself a paint pen in white toob... makes meeee happy 😊 I would love to visit Kew gardens one day. Stormy here tonight in Scotland, gale force winds and heavy rain.. here's to calmef drier days ahead for us all. Sending hugs Tracy xxx #25

    1. Sorry for the typos... typing toooo fast eith no specs on xxxx

  11. Loved that first quote. Very positive. Nice journal pages, too.

  12. I love the sentiment on the first page Helen, and seeing the crocus up is so fun. ( I have about an inch of green out of the soil here) even the daffodils are trying ( too early, if we actually get more snow this winter I think it will stun everything) ~Stacy #22

  13. Love the crocus - but the journal pages are beautiful!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    I am determined to call and comment on all of you this week!
    Susan #10
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  14. Thanks for your visit earlier
    Great quote, and yes, it was a super visit to Kew.
    Take card and stay safe
    Christine #16

  15. Sorry about the crazy publishing times…I will get back to being better, I promise…this particular late posting is vey embarrassing!
    Hey I like the posca ‘scribbly’ effect, it almost looks 3d to me. I should very much liked to point out that if it’s still windy on Saturday, please be very careful out there…danger in built up areas and I worry for you. Xx

  16. I really love the Spring colour in your Kew pics! Looks like you had fun with a bit of journal paging too. xx Jo

  17. Love your Kew Pictures and the scribbly paint picture. I wish I'd bought some of those pens when they were half price at Hobby Craft! Happy very Late WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#19


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