Wednesday 26 January 2022

WOYWW 660 - splurge time!

 Hello deskers - tis Wednesday once more and another WOYWW - desk/crafty space sharing day.. Head to the Stamping-Ground for the details 

I've had a very productive week for once, been following Tracy Scott on FB -not as mentioned last week her doodle a day challenge - but instead Pattern Play - the latest topic for the Paperartsy blog and something Tracy is known for. She put together a video on You Tube and it can be found in the blog post here  

I had a go with my new stamps that I mentioned last week....

and was hooked

here are some of the pages I've created 

Tracy uses a sketchbook to try out her new stamps she creates for Paperartsy, to get an idea of how best to use them -  and as the video linked above, suggests, it's a great way to play - as you can see, it's addictive 
I've double some of the pages in the pics to take up less space and the inks I've used are all versafine clair 

some of the colours don't show up very well and there are some just in black


my second splurge was Sara Naumann stamps, also for Paperartsy and you can see from the card above I've played with them already too

I am on a total spending splurge (as the post header suggests) and there are some new Dina Wakley goodies arriving today (but too late to appear this week!)  and another Tracy Scott stamp set that I resisted to start with but now have to have to carry on my pattern playtime!  


before I go I will just add the link for last Saturday's trip to Kew (the forecast sun didn't arrive!) and as this is already a very photo heavy post I'll just tempt you with one more!

it's another from the walkway round the upper level of the Temperate House.

thanks for looking, and I will catch your desk spaces very soon.  


  1. I owe you at least one visit to Kew, maybe more, since I was offline for so long. But I am in awe of all the stamps you have purchased. You probably have a stamp for any and everything imaginable. I can see those circles as flowers.

  2. Love the pattern play Helen and the card is lovely too. Enjoy the rest of your spending splurge when the goodies arrive. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #5

  3. Morning Helen. I just love all those patterns! Great fun, so easy, as you say, and very effective.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #7

  4. Hi Helen, your pattern playing looks lovely. I was very glad to see you found so much colour at Kew despite it being midwinter. The witchhazels are lovely.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lynnecrafts 12

  5. The versafine are a gift to patterns like that sent they,the detail that’s possible is wonderful. Love the pages and to see that you’ve been quite inspired, I shall be calling in on the video but oh, please don’t enable me, I’m trying so hard!! There was no promised sun here either, all this week has been grey and cloud banked too, a bit depressing really, but your pictures take the edge off! So good to see that nature is still working at it!

  6. So glad you are enjoying Tracy's challenge - she is a great tutor isn't she. Also inspirational with the stuff she puts out. Enjoy creating.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  7. Lovely goodies and all those patterns you created with them are amazing! I follow Julie Fei-Fan Balzer who does something similar with her hand carved stamps. The Temperate House is definitely my kind of thing - I would absolutely love it there and it doesn't seem to busy either. I hope I'll get to visit it once. Enjoy your week xx zsuzsa #17

  8. I like those pattern pages very much, very much my thing! As is the fern image, gorgeous. So glad you’re having fun with your new stash! Hasn’t it been dull and grey recently? Same here in Wales, apparently we’re due some sun and blue skies tomorrow, woohoo!
    Hugs LLJ 11 xx

  9. All those lovely paper designs Helen have me scampering toward my fabric box seeking out pieces for my next task.
    You’ve certainly had a productive week
    Take care
    Lynn x 13

  10. Fabulous new stash this week Helen, the patterns are gorgeous but I'm particularly drawn to the Sara Naumann stamps - the card is beautiful and I love the fern leaf - I shall definitely be adding that to my 'wanted' list!
    I'll be off to Kew later when I have a few more visits under my belt.
    Have a great week,
    Diana xx #18

  11. Love all that pattern play . . . I am tempted but time is my enemy . . . the staff meetings are always mentioning that there should be a better use of time but we haven't found it yet! lol
    Have a good week
    Christine #20

  12. Great results with your new stamps Helen - so satisfying to get something new and really enjoy playing and developing your ideas. xx Jo

  13. What a productive week you’ve had Helen. I love the results you’ve got with your new stamps.
    Annie x #9

  14. Great pattern stamp play. Such a good way to try out your stamps too. Happy WOYWW Angela #2

  15. Hi Helen! The patterns are awesome, almost like Mandalas! Such fun! I love your new stamps, and the card you made with the fern! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #27

  16. Love the pattern play with the stamps, nearly makes me want to stamp. Super card too very effective. Definite splurge LOL. Makes my splash out look like a drip LOL. I really ought to try better. Thanks for the visit BJ#15

  17. Hi Helen, ooh I love that idea of just playing in a notebook with new stamps. I tend to have that it has to be finished mindset so I hardly every can finish a journal page, but I really like the idea of just stamping the stamps to see possibilities. that fern piece looks great too. :) ~Stacy #26

  18. Loved the stamping video, difinitely going to have a go at that! Yiur stamps were brilliant too! Happy WOYWW, keep on crafting! Stay safe ((Lyn)) #1

  19. Gorgeous collection of new goodies. I must learn from you and play with the new stuff when it arrives as I often put them on one side and they stay there for ages before I get round to using them which really isn't a good idea. Have a great woyww. Hugs, Angela x16x

  20. Wow! Great pages! You got some great stuff!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Carol N #21

  21. Very envious of your stamps! You have made some great pages with them.
    I have enjoyed many of Tracy's workshops.
    And I had to have a virtual tour of Kew!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #8

  22. Hi Helen, thanks for your earlier visit (although I was very puzzled at your comment till I thought - aah, autocorrect...). That tut sounds interesting but I really love the stamp on that card, so delicate. In my 'resting' state I have been reading 'Outlander' - and enjoying it very much, thanks for the recommendation. Happy WOYWW, stay safe, stay well, love n hugs Cindy xx #22

  23. Hi Helen, I like your experiments with those lovely stamps. It looks like fun too. And I love that fern - it's gorgeous. If only I hadn't taken the spending freeze vow I'd be splashing out too. Hope you get weather for Kew this weekend. Hugs, Elizabeth x #28

  24. Well that sure is a monumental splurge Helen what beautiful patterns they make when stamped out. I'm really drawn to Sara's new collection but I really need to give what I already have a bit more attention this year.
    Have fun creating with it all, I know you will and thank you for popping on over the other day.
    Have a great weekend, i'll try and watch out for those Kew blogs.
    Hugs Tracey xx

  25. oh I love the temperate house in Kew.
    ooh those doddle stamps are really interesting-off to check out the video thanks for linking it (you enabler!!) :-)



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