Wednesday 19 January 2022


 Is it Wednesday again already?  Welcome for another mid-week desk hop at WOYWW 

I've been watching (only watching so far, after a bit of a bodged first attempt)  a daily challenge (ok, so I missed the start of it) a Doodle a Day challenge run by Tracy Scott, one of Paperartsy's designers on her Facebook Group Tracy Scott Creative Cafe.  I love a doodle, me.  Turns out I am not very good at random though.  If I could work out how to link to her FB group I would... but search her out.   She is amazing at patterns and colour...

I might have bought some pens to have a go though... 

there are black ones (on the left) white ones (in the middle) and a selection of colours (on the right)

Amazon, of course....

Then, on Monday, Paperartsy launched some new stamps and stencils by Tracy. and er... I may have put in an order (the stencils it turns out, she's been using for her daily doodles)  

Can't wait to have a play with them when they arrive (in transit as we speak!)

I finished the birthday card from last week,  and also made the second one (similar idea, different stamps) for another friend.

finished card

close up of part of it

I've used pinky purples as the recipient is a pink fan   (versafine clair inks, I love them0

the background layer is again Paperartsy stamps and the focal image is a Dina Wakley favourite.  

I can't remember the last time I was so ahead of the game with birthday cards for the month they are due!  

Several of you saw some of the Kew pics on Saturday (I always put some on FB as I walk round)  but the post is here 

It was chilly and foggy which made for atmospheric photos including this one as I walked from the station over Kew Bridge on the way...

the witch hazel was fantastic though.

so recently I've had rain,  cold,   fog,   cold,  wonder what this weekend will bring!
I bet it won't be warm sunshine though!

Thanks for looking and I'll be round soon to see what you've been up to. 


  1. Love the finished cards Helen. Hope you manage to sort out that FB group and look forward to seeing your doodles. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  2. Beautiful cards Helen! Enjoy your doodling, and have a good rest of the week.

  3. I’m doing my rounds while I wait for Julia to put her post up so there’s no link as yet....I’m sure you know where to find me.
    Really love the latest cards Helen.
    Annie x

  4. Hi Helen, no idea where Julia's got to and hope she's okay so popped over to you. It's been really foggy here too some days but brighter today. Loving the cards. I have lots of Tracy Scots older stencils and haven't used them for ages, must have a look what she's up to. Have a good woyww, Angela x?x

  5. Tracy is amazing and you want to see her portraits! She is such a lovely person too, done lots of workshops with her in the past and spent time with her as a participant at workshops too. Doing an online workshop with her early February.
    Love the foggy photo, spooky walk for you or what?
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  6. Love the card, that floats my boat! I’m rubbish at random too, no matter how hard I try, I always end up with symmetry,lol!
    I’ve l8nked you up btw, think you’re No 14
    Hugs LLJ 2 xx

  7. Beautiful cards Helen. Several of my friends are wonderful doodlers - you would think it is easy - just do what it says - but I'm hopeless.

  8. Love the finished cards. Doodling is never something I am comfortable with. Great foggy photograph. Have a great week Angela #10

  9. Ersafine Clair we really the most excellent of ink pads aren’t they. I was converted by Shaz. She said I’d end up blaming her, but I never did apportion blame because they really are fab, I was happy to be really genuinely enabled!! Lovely cards, I do like your style Missus. I’m sorry about the gloom of the weather for your Kew trip last week. I would love to say thee will bu sunshine all round this weekend, but I dare not. I know it’s only January but really think we could do with an early spring!

  10. Your cards are really cool! Have fun with the pens.
    Great Kew photos!
    Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
    Carol N #20

  11. Each of those cards could equally be a journal page. Love them. And that misty photo - wow. It has been all a bit pea-soupy round here too. Doodling is just one step away from Neuroart LOL! and that is a slippery path...enjoy.

    Stay Safe & a late but Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (3)

  12. Adore your birthday cards. Great to see you at the ready with the pens. Angela (Felix) enabled me re 12x12 albums so just bought a couple did ponder 5 but resisted. Got refills and word dies too. BJ#22

  13. Hi Helen, I really must find a space in my garden for a witch hazel. They are a welcome splash of colour at a time when there is very little else to see. That's a serious pen collection you have there. I don't doodle much these days but I did when I was young and still at school. Good luck with your attempts at a Doodle a Day. And I do hope you have better weather for your trip to Kew this weekend. Hugs, Elizabeth x #26


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