Wednesday 2 February 2022

WOYWW 661 - the splurge continues!

 Here we are at Wednesday again -  time to gather with Julia at the Stamping-Ground for WOYWW 

I've finished splashing the cash now - for a while at least - I bought the WHOLE of Dina Wakley's new release in one go - figured I may as well as I'd get it all eventually and Art From the Heart had a bundle deal on so...I've never gone for it before but was feeling reckless!  

6 new stencils and some new collage tissue
6 new stamp sets
I spent some time at the weekend stamping out multiples of all the stamp sets on 3 different surfaces - plain collage tissue, white card and cartridge paper - all in black versafine clair ink, for now

plenty to cut up and use in a variety of ways for some time to come - grab it and use it!

I also had another couple of birthday cards to make - and used the final new goodies I decided I had to have - the other stamp set  and stencil in Tracy Scott's pattern making release for Paperartsy

stencilled background (distress oxide in shaded lilac) and white pen doodling inspired by the doodle a day challenge Tracy is running

and some simple colouring with Pitt artist pens (I have quite a collection of them now)  
I did this one whilst watching the end of the tennis on Sunday and Rafa Nadal making a superb comeback in the Australian open final.

I stamped some more patterns in my sketch book too but I'll just add one more photo  or I'll be in trouble with head girl Julia!

Just time to link the Kew visit from last weekend - at last, sunshine!
witch hazel against a blue sky!

the week coming sees the start of this year's orchid display - cancelled for Covid last year - I can't wait, I have my time slots booked for each of the Saturdays it is on  

thanks for looking, and I will catch your desks as soon as I can.


  1. Goodness! That's a splurge and a half Helen! I'm very tempted by some of the Dina goodies myself 😊

  2. Lucky, lucky you. What a great new stash you got. You and my foodie friend Sally would get along great because she has been watching tennis all last week. She keeps telling me about all the great games she has seen, some that lasted forever. Not playing at WOYWW. Just visiting.

  3. I don't blame you for getting the bundle Helen - I do the same with the new Distress colours. Love the stencilled/doodled birthday card in particular. Have fun playing with it all. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  4. Splurge indeed! But as you say, you will eventually buy them all so why not? I am keenly aware that once her stuff is gone, it's gone (like that botanical stencil I have hunted for for years) but hey ho. Given how little art I am doing at the moment it seems silly to splurge. You do so much every day it makes sense - no so sure it does for me. Ah well...

    Back on track :D
    Mary Anne (8)

  5. Sometimes you’ve just gotta go for it heehee
    Lynn x 14

  6. Life is for living Helen....I love all your new purchases and I'm sure you will get lots of fun out of using them.
    Annie x #10

  7. Morning Helen. Yes, buying a bundle is quite often really good value - well found. But, is there room for you on the floor with all those exciting new goodies? That quarter circle stencil is lovely. Very effective. The Kew orchid display - exciting! I have only ever been once, but it was a glorious day out. Enjoy - I imagine your camera and its lenses will be working overtime!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #7

  8. Hi Helen , great buys but if you carry on like this you'll need a bigger house lol! Have fun and please show us what you do with them all. Have a great woyww. Hugs, Angela x15x

  9. Well that was a splash and a half but well worth it - you have some fabulous goodies. I love what you've done with the Tracy Scott stencil and doodling - really pretty, and I'm very drawn to the oranges and yellows in your second piece - I do love those colours.
    Hope you have a great week and lots of fun with your new stash,
    Diana xx #16

  10. That was a proper splurge but you got some really fab things - I particularly like the sort of doily quadrant pattern stencil, that works incredibly well. I love the patterns doilies make so I’m not being funny!!
    Hugs LLJ 3 xxx

  11. I love the experiments with your new stash - you always seem to have lots of good ideas. The lilac stencilled one is fab. xx Jo

  12. You go girl! And enjoy all of your DW purchases. Lots of new journal pages coming on I can see and you have already made a good start with that lovely colouring.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx
    btw back is never ok just boring to keep mentioning,

  13. Fabulous new goodies Helen, I do like the new pattern sets too. I watched one of her tutorials and she used last years diary and I thought what a great way to use them up. Angela #9

  14. Well done you! Like I say about cream cakes, a little of what you fancy does you good!! Also, and more importantly, you now know how it feels to have the whole collection all at one time to play with . . . . maybe it is so overwhelming that you will 'never do it again'.
    One more life experience, now you can create happy memories . . .
    Christine #18

  15. Glad to see you’re enjoying your shopping, Helen. That green and gold card is lovely.
    A nicely sunny visit to Kew this week. The anemones looked great and some lovely structural ferns. M looking forward to the orchids. I hope your knee holds up.
    Wasn’t Rafa great on Sunday!
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 6

  16. GOOD for YOU.. I like all the new purchases and I agree with what that as saves daily deliveries !!! I've purchased quite a few stencils last week also and your double duty stamping is a great idea. Easy clean up. Have fun with it all. Enjoy your time creating. Thanks for the visit.

  17. Oh my word, you certainly pushed the boat out. Love how you do lots of stamping to use later, maybe that could be a way for me to use stamps??? Or maybe not!!!

    Love the texture/shape stencils. The lilac card is super, I really need a new white pen, last one died!

    Yep the tree was on its last legs. Hadn't watered it in a while so nearly bone dry. Good job the conservatory isn't used in the cold weather as just looking at the tree made the needles drop! First time I chopped it up inside but easier to clean up when it's all dry.

    Thanks for the visit BJ #13

  18. My you have been indulging Helen, that said I've not been that good lately either.

    B x

  19. Great assortment of crafting supplies.

  20. Love all those stencils! I love working with stencils. Thanks for the peek at your new stash of goodies. I like your idea of playing with your stamps and stamping on several different backgrounds, then ready to go! I have been gone from WOYWW for a while, but I am back! Great to visit your blog again!

  21. Oh fabU;pus, don't think I do that kind of arty-crafty to get the whole lot but if i did I would! Love all the papges. Thing, was it you who linked a vid last week, anyway, I've been back to that a few times!Happy WOYWW!? keep On Crafting! ((Lyn)) #23...last!

  22. Wow, lovely to r eceive a delivery like that, and why not…as you say, you’d have ended up with it all anyway. Oh the pleasure of all that new stuff and you got stuck in straight away! a it will be handy to have all those pre stamped…but make sure you can find them, my desk is a prime example of how wrong that plan can go! Love the Tracey stencil very much and the Tudor rose style mandala is gorgeous too. In fact, there’s not much in your pictures that I wouldn’t like too, although I have no clue what I’d do with most of it!! My neighbours witch Hazel what extends over our fence and looks glorious is nowhere near as fulsome as the one in your pic…I might have to go and have a word!

  23. Wow! What a haul! That will keep you busy for awhile! I like the mandala stencils you have, nice! Have a great week, Lindart #20

  24. ooh lovely new stash and love the colouring too


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