Wednesday 12 January 2022


 Welcome back for another installment of WOYWW  - details to join are here We'd love to see what you've been doing

I don't seem to have done anything much since last week.  

I have started work on a January birthday card I need,  not sure it is going to work out but the design is still in  my head!

I'm using some Paperartsy stamps as it's been too long since I did... 

in case you can't make out the "design" I took a close up

excuse the shadow - using the phone!  

the background is a Seth Apter stamp for Paperartsy and the top layers are the stamp set in the picture above, by Sara Naumann

As predicted I did get wet at Kew last Saturday - fortunately not as wet as the forecast initially suggested. I think this weekend it will just be cold!

but I did get some great raindrop photos!

Short and sweet for me this week,  thanks for looking and I'll be round to see your crafty workspaces soon.
Happy WOYWW  


  1. I am very much liking what you have done so far for the birthday card Helen. Hope it's dryer for you at Kew on Saturday! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

  2. Oops, you have made me think of birthday card making now. Good luck with the one you have in your head, hope it works out.
    Hugs, Neet 12 xx

  3. Morning Helen. Great drops of rain in that photo - and I love the teasel heads. I popped to Bodnant last week, and was amazed at how much colour there already was in the garden. Really starting early this year.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #8

  4. Love the stamps. I don't have a single Seth Apter item but when I happen to see them I always like them quite a lot. The resulting page is fab. And your Kew photos, wet or dry, are always a breath of fresh air - as I am not going out buck that is very welcome!

    Stay Safe & Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (5)

  5. Love the birthday card and your Kew photos are gorgeous.
    Annie x #9

  6. Funnily enough I've been using some of my older Paper Artsy stamps recently, I love them but they seemed to have been forgotten a bit. Good luck with the card and look forward to seeing it finished. Hugs for a happy woyww, Angela x13x

  7. I like the stamps you’ve used on the cards vey much, makes for a great design! The raindrops are lovely but it’s the teasel pic that I could live with on my wall!
    Hugs LLJ 3 xxx

  8. Great photos as always Helen. Personally I tend to think being cold is better than wet but hope you have a nice day like today next week. Have a great week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx #17

  9. Great start to the card, super colours.
    Hope it's a bit drier for Kew this week although I do love the raindrops on the leaves . . .
    Have a good week
    Christine #18

  10. Ooh I'm loving the stamping - great card and I particularly love the Ginkgo leaf stamp. Gorgeous rain drop pic - let's hope your next visit isn't so wet.
    Have a great week,
    Diana xx #15

  11. Love what you have done so far with your card. Have a great week Angela #4

  12. Well I like the design that came out on the paper, I like the idea that got it was time to use some PA stamps…do you think they worry when you choose others? I’m like that with the Janet Klein, I store everything except them randomly so I don’t think too hard about what make as I’m looking for ideas or images, but the JK stuff are just, JK!! Weird. Enjoyed your photo skills at Kew this week, but my goodness, you do suffer the weather on days when I wouldn’t!!

  13. I love Paper Artsy! I don't have enough of them...the Kew photos are lovely, I love the rain drops one. Have a great week, stay safe, Lindart #21

  14. Love paperartsy and your design is looking great so far. I look forward to seeing the final design. Happy WOYWW. With love & God Bless, Caro xx (#16)

  15. Hi Helen, I do love seeing what you do with paperartsy stamps, but I am never that creative, so am not going to buy any, or they will sit in a cupboard doing nothing. I'm fed up of rain, bring me spring now- but kind of used to it (a lot) living up North, as Neet will confirm lol. Great photos. Have a lovely week, Heather xx #20

  16. I like the card design so much. The photos from Kew are beautiful. Take care. Anne x

  17. Cool start to the card! And I absolutely love the Kew photos!
    Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
    Carol N #19

  18. Super stamping - it will make a great card. BJ#11

  19. Let's hope you have one of these lovely bright sunny days at Kew this week. We had a fab - if muddy - walk at Attingham this week. xx Jo

  20. ooh not sure I have any Seth Apter stamps but loving your page and your Kew photos are awesome, getting the raindrops are do difficult with depth of field.


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