Wednesday 17 November 2021


 Hello lovely deskers, welcome back to a proper post written on my mended computer!  It's time for another desk hop day with Julia at the Stamping Ground  (oh look, links!)  

Thanks for all your comments last week, and if I didn't visit you (I may have missed a few) I apologise, it was a bit of a fraught week but one that ended happily with the restoration of my computer including the salvaging of my photographs.  I did discover though, that the external hard drive I thought contained the files from my previous computer,  (i.e more thousands of photos pre 2015) was in fact empty... so no idea what happened there!    A big thanks to Sarah for linking me up last week, I just couldn't work out how to from the phone 

So, today, let's get back to a proper desk (well, now, Helen, that's a bare faced lie, isn't it; not a desk in sight)  .... a proper floor shot.

it actually shows signs of action too...

a collection of Christmas wooden stamps ready for use!

and I have even made some Christmas cards - multiples of the same design for speed (so so behind!)

stamps by Sara Naumann for Paperartsy  in a variety of ink colours matted onto matching card blanks

i was chatting to a friend on Messenger at the weekend and looking through my boxes of card blanks and came across these candles...  so thought it was about time to use one - I've had them forever,  and never used one!

i must have bought them at a craft show after seeing a demo  - probably Craftwork Cards, and the demo would have been by Julie Hickey. 

and these owe everything in inspiration to Angela's Masterboard Monday post - hope you don't mind that I pinched the idea!

these are  my boxes of card blanks - well a couple of them have loose card (A5 size) in but mostly they're card blanks  - separated into colours. (and of course, as is the way of things, you never have the colour or size of card you need!) 

you can see through the door into the living/craft room too, the big boxes to the right are mostly Paperartsy stamps sets  -the A5 size.  

I will finish because I can, this week, with my Kew link from last Saturday -   

the callicarpa berries got a lot of interest on facebook when I shared them.  

thanks as always for visiting and I will see you on your desk very soon!  


  1. Great cards Helen! Sara's stamps always look good 😊

  2. I missed everyone last week so I popped back to see your post - love your new Dina goodies. How ever does she keep coming up with them? This week, that stamp from your pack of cards? It's lovely and honestly is all you need. Where's that from? Kew looks stunning. I am just hoping we can get over to Stourhead some day soon before the super cold weather sets in!

    Happy WOYWW
    Mary Anne (1)

  3. I love your cards Helen - the single stamp ones are so elegant and classy, and the masterboard ones are beautiful too - Angela is an inspiration isn't she.
    Hope you have a good week and so glad the computer is now fully working.
    Diana xx #12

  4. Those berries are purplicious! You must get that image printed as cards, they’d be wonderful. Well done for making some C cards, I must get my skates on, I’m terribly behind. Angela is the Queen of Masterboards isn’t she? Your cards are fab!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  5. My dear friend you pinch whatever you like, pleased it helped. Where Christmas cards are concerned we need something that we can put together quick and I think that did the job. That Paper Artsy leaf stamp is one of my favourites and funnily enough it's sitting there waiting for me to do something with it so you never know. Hugs and wishes for a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x15x

  6. Lovely cards Helen. The colours of autumn at Kew were so beautiful. Thanks for sharing them.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 13

  7. Morning Helen! Batch making at Christmas is definitely the way to go, intend to do some myself today. Love the Sarah Nauman stamp and cards. Had to chuckle about the empty drive - makes me think I should check mine!! Love Callicarpa - that colour is just so vibrant and looks so good in an Autumn garden, just love mine. Have a good week. Love n hugs Cindy xx #14

  8. I have never bought card blanks - always bought card and cut and folded my own but now at my grand old age I have discovered the joy of buying card blanks that come with envelopes. So I have envy of your boxes of them.
    Lovely cards Helen. Well done.
    Hugs, Neet 4 xx

  9. ohooo I want a callicarpa. I spotting one a few weeks ago, but small garden...not much room! Unless it wouldn't mind being in a big pot! Lovely cards and am wondering what those candles will turn out to be!
    Have a great week! Stay Safe Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#19

  10. Great Christmas cards, well done for making quite a few. I have made some too! I was wondering about the candles, I look forward to seeing more of them. You Kew photographs are amazingly colourful. Must check out the Callicarpa bush/tree! Angela #7

  11. I am thrilled that you’ve been on the floor!!! No really, great work, but please, don’t describe yourself as so, so behind, it piles panic on guilt on panic here! Lovely cards, and still fascinating that we’re turning to wood mounts for Christmas cards, almost a tradition of their own! Glad that Saturdays to-ing and fro-ing to the computer boy paid off, Kew pics are stunners.

  12. I'm just amazed that you can sit on your floor to craft!
    Great cards and wow! That has to be a huge amount of card blanks!
    Beautiful Kew photos and never seen callicarpa berries before, so pretty!
    Have a great week!
    Carol N #20

  13. It’s a case of better late than never with me was an early start for me and I’ve been head down sewing all day.....needs must. I’m now sat babysitting so have a little time to visit my favourite blogs.
    I’m so glad you’ve sorted out your computer problems and have enjoyed a bit of card making.
    Annie x #6

  14. Just a few boxes of blank cards and stamps then!! Love the Callicarpa berries, just my colour some caught my eye in a local garden last Autumn. Great that you have got started with the Christmas cards, not sure I ever will, but have done another angel this afternoon through. BJ#17

  15. Just stopped by to say HI. I am in awe of your Christmas cards. I haven't even started thinking about Christmas yet. Seems I never do until December. Yours are fabulous. You sure have a lot of supplies. I'm always in awe of how much art "stuff" you own.

  16. Your callicarpa berries cause a lot of site searching here. Catt adores purple, is an avid gardener so..... One Christmas present will be sourced! Thank you
    Christine #22

  17. Hi Helen, your cards are all lovely and the candles are too. Yes, we never have just the right size and colour of envelope, though with all those boxes you would expect to. Enjoyed seeing your Kew Garden photos earlier on Facebook. The purple berries of the callicarpa are always a show stopper. Hugs, Elizabeth x #24

  18. Love the cards Helen - you are further ahead than me - I have made the grand total of 3! Happy Belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxxx (#10)

  19. I think I could use those candles!
    Love your cards!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    Susan #16
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  20. oh no what a pain re the hard drive, hope you manage to track the images down. Loving the candle blanks and also the cards made with the masterboard so off to read Angela's post too!


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