Wednesday 10 November 2021

Woyww 649

 Hi deskers.  I will be missing in action as my PC appears to have died on me. I am writing this on my phone but have no idea how to link it in the morning . I apologise if this is all over the place !

 Of course I haven't backed it up so I'll have lost all my photos.  Good job I put so many on each kew post.  

Here's a journal page I did at the weekend 

I can't work out how to add links but I'm sure you know where to find Julia

There is a Kew post too- click the fountain at the top of the  blog.  

I did get some new stamps last week 


  1. I thought it was a bit strange Helen - I have hooked you up. Hope you can recover all your photos and sort the PC. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  2. Argh!! So frustrating anyway, but to have to leave it all and get off to work is vey inconvenient. I hope the laptop spends the day considering it’s position and is prepared to play properly when you get home. Love the journal page, the lighter colours are a lift this morning!

  3. Oh dear! Disaster! The computer guy wanted to charge me £87 to look at my hard drive to “try” and recover files when I thought my laptop had died. Feeling clever I did a complete system reinstall, only to find my computer hadn’t died, but the back up unit had! So I lost about 3 years of files! I now have 2 back ups! Angela x #6

  4. Well that’s not good is it? Blooming tech, brilliant when it works and a right pain when it doesn’t. Hope you manage to get things sorted and haven’t lost your photos etc.
    HUgs LLJ 5 xx

  5. These things are wonderful ...when they work!! Sorry to hear you're having techy problems and hope you get them sorted very soon.
    Annie x #7

  6. Oh Helen, that's awful and i hope you can get everything sorted. I know you can get the photos back but I've no idea how to do it, Him Indoors is useful for that sort of thing. Take care and hope you woyww gets better. Hugs, Angela x13x

  7. Gosh, Helen. SO sorry to read your computer may have died. I am also glad many of your photos are safe on blogger.

  8. Love the journal page Helen and the new stamps look fabulous. What a nuisance about the laptop - I hope you get is sorted soon - nothing raises my blood pressure quite like computer problems!
    Have a good week,
    Diana xx #18

  9. That's a lot of stamp shopping that has to go if you have to have a new PC. So sorry to hear this, I'd go spare if mine went kaput!
    Glad you got something bought before this big expense loomed.
    Take care,
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  10. Sorry to hear about the PC, hope you can get it fixed? Loving the colour combo on the journal page and super new stamps. BJ#8

  11. Oh so sorry Helen, it's always a disaster to recover things. Have fun with the new stamps and good luck. Using the phone just ain't the best to do a blog on !!!

  12. Hi Helen, sorry to hear about your computer - this has happened to us once too - that's why it's good to put stuff online, at least you have those photos. Hope you get your machine fixed soon or get a replacement. Lovely news stamps and page! xx zsuzsa #22

  13. If you can keep your hard drive there is a free program on the net than can recover all your photos for you, if I can find the link I will send it over.
    I am useless when using my phone for anything other than calls, messaging and photos so I sympathise with you.
    HOpe you're up and running soon
    Christine #23

  14. Oh what a b.....I hope you can get some sort of life back into it and retrieve your photos. Love the journal page. xx Jo

  15. Hope you can sort it out Helen. Your Kew photos are great as always. Enjoy your new goodies!
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 12

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Oh no! How frustrating for you. I hope you can recover your files and get things sorted. Love the journal page. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, with love & God bless, Caro xx (#15)

  18. Really pretty spread, those stamps are gorgeous, I love her products
    hope you can get the pc fixed
    Ellie #26

  19. Hi Helen, welcome to computer H---! Love the new stamps, and the layering on your journal page! Have a great week, Lindart #27

  20. I'm really sorry to hear about your computer problems, Helen, and I hope you can get everything sorted out in short order. Our local computer guy can sometimes rescue stuff that seems irreperably lost, and I have some software that I purchased several years ago after I inadvertently deleted my entire music collection thinking it was backed up when it wasn't - it cost me over £70 to buy but my hubby asked how many music tracks I'd lost (which was literally hundreds if not thousands) and he said "divide that by 70 and ask yourself if it's worth spending the money." I did, and agreed with him, bought the software and got it ALL back!! That's the worst thing that has happened with my data for many years, as I had a lot of problems in the early days and became completely paranoid about backing EVERYTHING up - as soon as I create a file now, I back it up onto the external hard drive as a matter of course. It's become such a habit that I don't think about it now.

    Your page today is gorgeous as always - I do love how you choose your colours. I think you must be very much influenced and inspired by all the beautiful colours you are immersed in, with your regular visits to Kew. Just gorgeous.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #10

  21. Thanks for your return visit, Helen. I shall be fine - just need to rest. I am beginning to think the printer of my dreams doesn't actually exist!!

    Shoshi #10

  22. Clever you, at least you’ve managed to write your blog and post it. Well done.
    Fingers crossed you get sorted
    Take care
    Lynn xx

  23. I hope you are going to be able to have some of your photos retrieved Helen. that has to be such a sucker punch. I do not back mine up as much as I should. Love the colors of the page. ~Stacy #26

  24. ooh what a pain with your computer, hope you managed to get it sorted.

  25. Hello Helen, just popping by for a nosy at your desk. Have you tried chopping tin foil in your guillotine? I vaguely remember somewhere that being a tip to sharpen the blade? Don't know if it works though.

    No need to repay the visit, I haven't posted - I was just missing Blogland really badly and you were my first port of call - I reckon I need to dust off my blog :)

    Carmen x


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