Wednesday 24 November 2021


 Happy Wednesday deskers,  once again time to congregate with Julia and the gang for WOYWW   

I can't quite believe this is the last full  week in November... I mean, where has the year gone?  

Are my Christmas cards ready?  are they heck.... I might have to send some (shh..). shop bought ones this year at this rate 

I have made some more since last week though.  Wonder if I took any photos of them....

Sunday I started by die cutting a load of reindeer (Tim Holtz) for some "quick and simple" assembly......... we all know how that one goes
but I did get a few thrown together!  
and look, here's a blast from the past - aperture card blanks!!  can't remember the last time I used any of these!
It was only because I was rummaging through the card blank boxes last week that I recovered them 
then because I was sick of kicking over the pile of wood mounted stamps I'd pulled out last week, I made some masterboards with one of my favourite Magenta stamps and 3 shades of Versafine Clair inkpads

I love these colours together

What I do need though, is a paper trimmer that doesn't shred the edges of the card (it's not even a very old trimmer)  I get so frustrated with it, and intend to replace it soon.  I think I am going to get a proper guillotine rather than a craft trimmer

but I did manage to put together some cards from one of the sheets 

Saturday at Kew was so colourful - the sky was so grey, pale grey not dark and foreboding, but the tree colours were anything but dull.

Finally, for fans of Diana Gabaldon and the Outlander series, (and I know there are a few of you amongst the deskers)  the latest (9th) book in the series was published on Tuesday and I made it back to Sutton from work in time to get my copy before Waterstones (book shop) closed... Looking forward to some bed-time reading 
I think it might take quite a while!

Don't you love the bees down the edge of the pages!

I read and re-read these books, and if I were ever cast away on a desert island, these are the books I would want with me.  

What a pity I haven't already finished my Christmas cards, I could see some weekend afternoons disappearing in the pages of this book 

I will be round to visit your desks soon.,  put the kettle on, mine's a tea with milk and one sugar.....I'll bring biscuits!  


  1. My word, you have been busy with the Christmas card making, well done you!
    Magenta - now that is a blast from the past. Wonder if they are still going?
    Hugs, Neet (no number yet) xx

  2. Love all the diecuts and the cards . . . .wow! you've made a good start there. Great colours on your masterboard, makes very pretty cards.
    Enjoy your book
    Christine #04

  3. I agree Helen, I think die cuts take waaaay too long to assemble once cut, it’s like doing two jobs to get one job done. Trouble is, they always look good, so we go on doing them! Have to confess to gifting all my aperture cards to a local brownie group, they always got the better of me. Love the colours on your master board, how very satisfying thst stamp is in terms of fitting itself iykwim!! I would say that to date you’ve been really busy, but introducing that great big book into your life….well….let’s just say, I can see distraction on your horizon! Love the look of the book, those bees look fab don’t they.

  4. Just popping in to say hello Helen, you look to be well into Christmas mode.

    B x

  5. Great cards Helen - will have to try those books. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #17.

  6. Hi Helen, you've been busy with cards and they are worth all that preparation. The combination of colours on the masterboard are gorgeous. Although the be not got into the Outlander series, I have an idea, and I could be wrong, that it's a fantasy series and I'm not keen on fantasy but I think the bees are a lovely touch. Have a lovely WOYWW. Hugs, Elizabeth x #6

  7. Hi Helen, you're so right about the trimmers, I gave up on them after buying about five and now only use a guillotine. I have a large and small one by Tim Holtz. They definitely cut much better. Good luck with the card production. Wishing you a very happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x14x

  8. I would go for a proper guillotine, I didn’t get on with the other kind. Great master boards, love the colours and they made great cards. Happy WOYWW Angela #11

  9. Great going with the C cards - and there's nothing wrong with shop bought - some people might actually prefer those! I might give Outlander a try - mixed reviews on Amazon - but I guess, like with everything else, you'd have to get into it to form your own verdict. The time travel bit intrigues me. Have a lovely week, Helen! xx zsuzsa #20

  10. Love that die and the cards are adorable. I'll start day soon :)
    (I should be cooking but I can't help but desk hop for a bit!)
    Happy WOYWW
    Mary Anne (1)

  11. Hi Helen,
    I’m deep in ‘Bees myself now and it’s a wrench to tear myself from 18th century N. Carolina backwoods! I’ve got the kindle edition. It’s nice to see the bee decoration on the hardback
    Take care and happy W

  12. I've hinted heavily that I'd like 'Go Tell The Bees' for Christmas Helen :D
    Great cards, haven't used that reindeer die for ages, or any TH stamps for that matter. Lol

  13. Well on your recommendation I have gone straight and put a hold on for 'Outlander' with my elibrary. (Won't get the bees though). Great work on the cards, everyone's desk seems a tad christmassy this week. Very organised of us all!! Autumn colour has been gorgeous, was a tad late starting IMO but just glorious. Happy WOYWW, have a great week, stay safe stay well, love n hugs Cindyxx #19

  14. Great cards Helen - I love the little pinky purple printed ones best but admit the die cut ones look good even if they take an age! xx Jo

  15. Well done you with the Christmas cards Helen. Love the pink ones....makes a lovely change from green/red.
    Annie x #9

  16. I love Tim Holtz dies! Great reindeer and looks like a good start on your cards! Cool masterboard and I think I still have some Magenta stamps but not sure where.
    Enjoy the book!
    Have a great weekend!
    Carol N #21

  17. HI Helen! I didn't even know this book existed! Christmas present for sure for my Mom (and then she'll pass it on to me when she's done!). You've been very busy! I love the Masterboard cards and all the musical reindeer! Have a great week, Lindart #23

  18. Your cards are fantastic! I've not read that series so will have to investigate, but I agree the Bees down the edges of the pages are a lovely touch. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#13)

  19. ooh I love the sheet music deer Helen, that is so cool :) great cards! ~Stacy #22

  20. I’ve got Bees too and am looking forward to diving in soon! I love your master board idea, the colours work incredibly well and make for an interesting and very different card, I like it!
    Hugs LLJ 12 xx

  21. OH YES, OUTLANDER! I've watched the TV series, and then it stopped and I haven't picked up on it since. Amazing story line. I actually haven't read the books, but now I will look out for them. Have a great week, Happy Late WOYWW ((LyN))#16

  22. Oh Helen, loads of Christmas card inspiration, thank you. Was pondering my TH deer, I have the Bigz die, as I have my altered book open to a page with them on at the moment and you've added to my ponderings yay! Love the colours of your masterboards too and the cards are super. Must sort my life out soon - LOL BJ#5


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