Wednesday 20 January 2021


 Hello deskers, welcome - it's Wednesday again (you knew that, right?!)  time for another desk-share - WOYWW with Julia. 

As several of you wanted to know a bit more about the gloss sprays, this is just for you... 

I am not really used to them yet... I watch a lot of You Tube videos though.. (Dina Wakley's own channel, and Niamh Baily are good for gloss spray inspiration...) 

Anyhow,  they are gloss paint sprays 

they come in these colours, and some more, pastels that I don't have yet - they match the Dina Wakley heavy body paints (which I love!) so you can mix and match with them 

So at the weekend, well Sunday (Saturday disappeared in You Tube..)....

I had a bit of a play.

this was about ten minutes' worth.

taking instruction from one of Dina's videos, spray and flip...

(spray through the stencil, then flip the stencil onto another surface...and spray again)

on the left, a sheet of mixed media paper (Cass Art)  on the right a piece of plain white card stock

in my big A4 Seawhites journal, pages also gesso'd

I like these pages!

You can't really see the gloss in the photos, but they are glossy!  
white cardstock
the white tag is one of Dina's white tags (Ranger)

this was on one of the heavy watercolour pages in the new Dina journal - gesso'd first as recommended
The flourish would have worked better if I'd held it down on the page as I sprayed. Hindsight, wonderful eh?! 

It is best to clean your stencils immediately you've finished with the gloss sprays as being acrylic paint they stick and dry fast to the stencils... but I've never been one for excess cleaning!  

this was using paint, and again stems from a Dina video - using big brushes, although this was only a 1 inch brush (I don't have her bigger one)   you put 3 drips of paint on your worksheet and dip the tip of a very watery brush in the paint and make patterns.

first go, so not entirely satisfactory but I have plans for the page

I might have a go on one of the other surfaces in the book next week (got it wrong,the linen type pages are in one of her other journals! this one has the watercolour paper, denim and white burlap.and yes, there will be bleed through on the fabric pages)  

I hope this helps you - messy, (very messy) but fun!  

I have more goodies on the way (oops)  hopefully will be here for net week.  Till then, happy desking and stay safe everyone.  Don't forget your mask!  


  1. Ooh I do love your experimenting Helen. I get periodically tempted by the sprays, but as I have a complete set of Distress sprays, Oxide sprays and Izink pearl sprays I need to use them first lol. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  2. Thanks for the lowdown but I wonder who came up with the idea of spray then flip - Dina or Dyan?
    You have more goodies on the way - Never!
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  3. I had a look at Dina Wakleys stuff last week and was almost tempted to put an order in. There’s some lovely things.
    Anyway until I’ve finished clearing out the drawers and seeing what I’ve got I’m resisting.
    Looks like you had a good time experimenting. It’s nice to lose yourself in creating isn’t it Helen.
    Have a good week.
    Lynn xx 7

  4. How interesting. Gloss paint in art, how clever! I like em all in terms of what you’ve done with them, it would make me nervous I know, to spray and flip...just from a time perspective and then I’d be panicking about cleaning the stencil. Considering how untidy I am, it’s odd that I get a bit hot and panicky just thinking about paint messy! So when you water it down like you did for the swirly plaid page, do you still get a hint of glossiness? I’ve actually tried this technique with regular acrylic and it’s very easy to end up with a muddy puddle. At that, I’m expert!!

  5. Sorry but you lost me with spray paints etc here in Mojacar it is still embossing powders etc. Look forward to seeing what other goodies you have ordered. Ani#11

  6. Morning Helen. Oh my - you have had FUN! Those experiments are great - glad you are so enjoying the gloss sprays... can't get my head around the concept, but there you go - for me gloss paint is for skirting and doors... I know - old fashioned... put it down to being a senior!!!
    Glad you liked the jigsaws - yes, they came in one big box, all separately bagged up. Think I probably found it at a charity shop! Do you want to try them? Or are you not into jigsaws? Daughter #2 has them at the moment...
    Take care of yourself dear girl. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  7. Stop it you naughty girl! I haven't seen these before and they look amazing. Now Angela don't go looking to find them! well she might! That voice in my head is such a torment but I might just have to explore these anyway. Take care and appy woyww, Angela x14x

  8. Inspired by all your experimenting. I have a few gloss sprays but my white is used most. Must have a go with you others.
    Stay safe and keep well.
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #12

  9. Great experimenting! It’s the best way to learn isn’t it. I read that watercolour works on gesso, must be different watercolours or different gesso!! Blogger was not being kind earlier and I have put the photographs back - hope they stay this time. Have a great week Angela #6

  10. Well, those are a lovely series of pages today, you can tell that you had a lot of fun creating those! I do like the flourish-feather, that’s a great image. It’s really tricky to show glossy/shiny in photos, I found that out today!
    Hugs LLJ 16 xxx

  11. I really love what you've shared with us today. Those spray paints really look fun.
    Annie x #9

  12. I've never heard of these gloss spray paints - they must be new? I wonder how glossy they are - definitely adds a new dimension to your pages. It's always fun playing with new art supplies! Hope you're keeping well and staying safe. xx zsuzsa #18

  13. What a great time you had experimenting - they all look fab to me. Sounds like we have all been stocking up this week - two parcels of wool just arrived here today - got to keep knitting now! Take care and stay safe. xx Jo

  14. It looks like you've been having a lot of fun and ended up with some fabulous pieces. I like the idea of flipping the stencil and re spraying - I usually just flip it and press onto scrap paper to clean - you can sometimes get good effects but not often!
    Hope you have a good week and enjoy your new stash when it arrives,
    stay safe and well,
    Diana xx #15

  15. that looks like a whole lot of fun! love the effects through stencils and great colours too! I have only bought two so far and I think I need to watch a few tutorials as I have done very little with them. I also have some distress oxide sprays on the way,thanks to watching a facebook live from Jane Royston and one from Tracy Evans! Didn't think I needed them till then! Happy Crafting x

  16. WOW, Helen, I really, really like what is going on on your desk today! LOVE, LOVE all the card and journal pages! Those sprays are wayyy yummy! I don't have any, but I refuse to look too closely for fear of Amazon! LOLOL I have ENOUGH product and don't need to add to it! They really are nice though! I still need to go look at those videos, however, you have some cool technique going on! Stay safe and healthy Helen! Felicia #27

  17. Thanks for the glossy spray tutorial quite enlightening I must say. I am so out of it product wise but still not prepared for being messy- eeeek! Love the A4 journal examples the best, super job.
    Thanks for the visit earlier BJ#13

  18. Man that is some luscious experimentation!! Lovely. I am on the fence about the sprays but I do love what I see so maybe in a month or so I will fall OFF the fence into a basket full of spray bottles to cushion my fall! Enjoy your big journal!

    Happy WOYWW, with another late start
    Mary Anne (2)

  19. Fascinating experiments! I have to agree with you on your last page.
    Have a great week and stay healthy!
    Carol N #25

  20. Hi Helen, you've had a similar weekend to me - YouTube and then experimenting, plus I had some Zoom calls. All your pages look great. I wouldn't be brave enough to use paint and stencils, but you've certainly produced some great results. Have a lovely week, Heather xx 28

  21. Happy WOYWW. Interesting to see gloss sprays. Me and sprays don’t get on well - too messy for me! Ali x. #26

  22. Your pages are just gorgeous, Helen. How you've got that dimensional effect with the grid-like stencil is brilliant. I love the colours too, but then I always love your colours, don't I!

    Thank you for your visit. Yes, it's pretty sick making about the old blender, isn't it. If they would just replace it, I'd be more than happy. What they hope to achieve by all this faffing around is anybody's guess, because it certainly isn't helping to turn me into a satisfied customer. Glad you enjoyed my hubby's antics - I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him filling the watering can in the rain lol!! I've never known anyone worse at multitasking than him!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #23

  23. Looks like a lot of fun! great backgrounds to play with ~ could make great cards and just stamp a sentiment in jet black ~ done! Enjoy the rest of your week ~ Love, Karen #33

  24. Im not much for sprays and I do like the colors! thanks for visiting

  25. The paints and stencils look like great fun, I've been watching loads of videos on youtube and of couse want to have a go! have a great week! Happy WOYWW!? AND Stay Safe, Keep Crafting! ((Lyn)) #17

  26. these all look like you have been really having fun with them Helen. Love the colors of the one you painted with a brush a great deal too :) ~Stacy #30

  27. Looks like you are having a great time with the yourtube with some great results,

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #19

  28. Hi Helen! Lots of experimentation and fun to be had! I get lost in You Tube videos too, but it's hard to watch them and not be doing it! I get very twitchy! But I can't get You Tube in my craft room - yet. Thanks for your earlier visit, have a great week! Lindart #29

  29. I love all your experimenting! I tried experimenting with the distress oxide sprays but was disappointed with the washed out colours - these look a lot brighter. Happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#8)

  30. Oh lots of fun experimenting I need to get my Gelli plate out as I haven't played with paint in an age

    Hope you are ok lovely


  31. I was impressed by the new sprays. I wonder how long before they clog. I love how you used the stencils. Oh heck, I actually LOVE the stencils. Yes, I have stencil envy. I was really impressed with the paint on the page. I would LOVE to try that technique. It looks like a great, great background technique.

  32. Thank you for the review. I did think of purchasing some of the sprays but I really AM trying to reduce the clutter . . . . actually lay in bed trying to decide on a small or large skip!!!
    I must admit I have never thought of using my spray with the stencils, always half an hour behind everyone else . . duh!
    Take care, stay safe
    Christine #35

  33. Wow! These are great! I haven’t used these but are on my wish list! I’m curious to see what you do with them. Thanks for your earlier visit. Today is my day to catch up and YouTube watching. LOL. Dorlene #31

  34. Hi Helen, Apologies for being so late this week. Alan had his vaccine and has been quite poorly since. I like what you've done with the gloss paints and stencils so far. Hugs, Elizabeth x #34


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