Wednesday 27 January 2021


 Another Wednesday.... time for another meeting of the WOYWW gang at Julia's...  I can't quite believe it is Wednesday already! 

For once I have no new goodies to tempt you with... but I have been playing with the ones I got recently!   

I used the back of one of the denim pages in my Dina Wakley journal.... 
stencilled the words, and layered some of the spray play from last time 
and finished the painty journal page too

(this was Dina's heavy body paint rather than the gloss paint sprays; I didn't make it clear last week, sorry) 

I also added some more stamping and collaged images to this previous page - needs some journalling on it now.

This was a good way to spend what turned out to be a much more snowy Sunday that was originally forecast for round here,  but I did venture outside briefly

there wasn't very much, but this was after the first hour and I didn't bother going back outside again!  

At one time the street was full of kids playing in the snow!

it rained today (Tuesday, when I prep this post)  so it has all been washed away (thank goodness, as it was very icy yesterday and this morning!)

Thanks for looking and happy WOYWW !  


  1. Yep, more or less all disappeared here too Helen. Love the way you are adding to your pages, very brave to use one of the denim pages. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  2. Morning Helen! Thanks for your very early visit, I don't usually load before I link but did it without thinking last night so it was a surprise to see comments when I logged in this morning. Can't seem to get back to my journal pages, keep getting asked to make cards. Yours are coming along nicely. Have looked at a lot of local snow photos and videos these last few days - fascinated by how when it is very snowy in a cityscape odd buildings and cars etc seem to really pop against the monochrome backdrop. Almost looks like a B&W image that has been touched up. Anyhow, Have a good week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindyxx #8

  3. Good to see you back in your usual spot as number one!
    I was expecting some enabling as last week I was sure you had mentioned some spending - ah well, the weeks roll into one these days, must have been the week or so before. Still, good to see you have been journaling and not just one but 4 pages.
    One query was that you mention venturing out - do you mean you actually walked about in the snow or just poked your head out into the garden? Doesn't matter really but I was wondering.
    Take care and stay safe and well, Hugs, Neet 9 xx

  4. Very impressed with the journal pages!
    I haven't dared start on my denim pages yet!
    Happy WOYWW! Stay safe and keep well...
    Susan #6

  5. Loving the journal pages, We had snow but its all gone now thank goodness,

    Taker care and stay safe
    Lilian B #11

  6. At some point I may buy a journal - so far I have made about 5 or 6 of them, have one 100% complete and two with only mop-up daubs of paint on the pages. I have a truly junk journal, working in a Southwest Coaches booklet, and that is it. Your pages in a REAL journal are great. I always love them. I keep trying to order big vats of heavy bodies paint, then when it comes I find it is thin. Liquitex HB is the only one I have been happy with, and the Dina paints come in such stupidly tiny bottles I bypass them every time. Convince me why I am wrong! You are also making me look again at all of my large letter stencils. I actually just now had an idea that I am quite anxious to try! I'll share if it works....

    Happy WOYWW - NOT at the hospital today but with a thumping headache yet determined to WOYWW nonetheless!
    Mary Anne (2)

  7. We keep having bit of snow now but it s not staying long and it's thick fog here at the moment. Loving the journal pages and rather surprised at not seeing anything new here. I need to stop looking as I've been overly tempted recently but it's so nice when something pops through the letterbox and I rather like our postman too though of course we only wave to each other at a distance. Take care and have a happy woyww, Angela x18x

  8. We had no snow, but we did have some impressive hail storms!

    Had to chuckle at the heavy body paint. Now, is it made from heavy bodies, or for heavy bodies? (I know, thick paint....?) Heheheheh

  9. Loving the painted pages, keep meaning to have a go but things keep happening! We've had no snow, yet. The Isle of Wight, so they say, helps keep snow away from The New Forest. I still remember 63, I could've jumped out of my bedroom window as there was a snow drift covering it. (mum wouldn't let me!)Have a great crafty week! Happy WOYWW!? Stay safe ((Lyn)) #16

  10. Hi Helen your pages are lovely, especially the last two,,nice to see snowy images too, looks beautiful
    Thanks for sharing, and God bless, Shaz in Oz.x #5

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  11. Love the sentiment, Don't think, just create!
    Our snow has gone today thank goodness. Love virgin snow but yukky then icy snow just isn't good. BJ#11

  12. It's so good seeing all the children enjoying some fun in the snow in these mad times we are living in. I hope you're like me and just watching it all from in the warm.
    Annie x #12

  13. When you say denim pages, does that mean the colour or are they made of fabric? It makes for a different background which seems to work well!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  14. That denim page is so effective Helen. Which is more than can be said for certain people who wear red!

    B x

  15. I love Dina's paints. I did a class with her once in person and it was amazing. I'm not naturally abstract & messy like she encourages but you've inspired me to seek out some more of her stuff because I think I need that style in my life! Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #10

  16. HI Helen, I love the stencilled on denim page in your journal, it looks so cool. I can see how much fun you've had playing in your journal pages, they're all so different and so artsy :) Annie C #27

  17. I think the only upside to the snow is you just have to craft all day and watching the children play. Poetry?!?!?
    Have a good week
    Christine #31

  18. temptations today!! Bummer! LOLOL LOVE, what you have been doing with your most recent stash however! That first page looks like denim or some sort of, would love to try to figure that out! I haven't crafted on fabric before! Your second page is awesome! I love those colors together and that sentiment was JUST FOR ME! LOL Oh the beautiful snow! We don't get any here in our town. We have to go north if we want to see the white stuff! I would have loved to have been out in the street playing with them! I will always be a kid at heart! You stay safe however and healthy! Blessings, Felicia #28

  19. Terrific pages ~ I love seeing the snow and the kids playing! Stay warm and enjoy the rest of the week ~ Love, Karen#32

  20. Hi Helen, the denim page looks great, I really like what you have done with it. We had a snowy Saturday, and Sunday and Monday ... it's all washed away overnight now, so I can go for a little walk after work - asnut will still be daylight! Have a lovely week, hugs Heather xx #21

  21. HI Helen, we currently have about the same amount of snow here but, it will be added to off and on for the rest of the week they think. ( maybe 2 inches total by the end of the week) which is not a lot for this neck of the woods. Love the movement of the page with the one with the girl on it, and I love the colors of the one with the fern? stems a great deal. ~Stacy #33

  22. Interesting pages. We had heavy snowfall for 1/2 hour yesterday but it was gone an hour later. Did make driving to the post office a bit different, reminded me of our years in Wyoming and Montana.
    Have a great week!
    Carol N #29

  23. Lovely pages as always, Helen, and what a lot of snow!! We had a light dusting the other morning but it's got to be really cold everywhere before we get any serious snow in the English Riviera lol!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #24

  24. Hi Helen, your journal pages are fab and your snowy photos are lovely. Any snow we get here doesn't last long at all so it would be a rare sight indeed if we saw children playing out in it. Pity, they love making snowmen. Have a great crafty week. Hugs, Elizabeth x#30

  25. Loving the journal pages! We didn't get much in the way of snow this time round much to Alex's disgust! Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, with love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#14)

  26. Happy WOYWW. Congrats on the No.1 spot. We didn’t get much snow, and it had all gone except for some ice by the next day. Ali x. #26

  27. Hi Helen! We had a bunch of snow yesterday, so the view out the bedroom window at 3 in the morning, under the streetlight, was beautiful. Pristine white snow, no foot prints, no car tire prints, and the snow was so bright and sparkly under the light. And then the snow plow came along a little later and messed it all up! And woke me up again, it was so loud and rattly. Your journal pages look lovely. I really like the one wit the trees and the "stop thinking just create" That's when I get my best ideas! Thanks for your visit, Lindart #34

  28. I love that the snow brought kids and noise to the roads, but am happy it’s gone too! As usual, you’ve done with the pages things that I’m wouldn’t even have thought of. Love how you used the home painted plaid pattern! And is it very different, working on fabric? Adidas it suck up the paint a bit, give you a crisp enough image? Did you like it?!!

  29. Thanks for your return visit, Helen. The new design squares certainly do take longer, not least because I keep making mistakes! I don't mind, though, and have decided to do several more as they are quite fun. Thanks for your good wishes re my hospital saga - hopefully something will happen now it's gone to the top. I adore Lapsang Souchong but fermented into kombucha it is absolutely awful lol! It's the second time I've grabbed the wrong tea caddy when making my kombucha. Senior moments...

    You have a great week too!
    Shoshi x #24

  30. Your "ferny" looking page is my favourite Helen - I love those colours. xx Jo

  31. Oh I love the painty page, actually I love all the pages. We definitely have seen a bit more of the white stuff this year, I'm glad it disappeared quickly as icy pavements are never fun.

    Hope you have a good weekend and week ahead.


  32. Love that you are so productive in your journals. I think I need to go back to just experimenting in one of mine (like I used to) and just play, you and Mary Anne may have inspired me to just play!



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