Wednesday 13 January 2021


 Happy Wednesday again... time for WOYWW already again. 

I have no crafting to share this week, but I do have enabling... 

I gave in and ordered the "blue" Dina Wakley journal (and some other bits) from Art from the Heart whilst they were closed for Christmas/New Year and they came on Monday - would have been Saturday but I had them sent to work so delivery Monday!

they have the best Dina range!   
 I had to stop myself getting more....  

it's called the blue edition because it is blue (!) and  it has denim pages in as well as linen and very thick watercolour paper and burlap (hessian) too.

I can't wait to play, especially with the gloss sprays in it.

last week Julia asked if the box in view on my "desk" was a new box of goodies she would need to be inspired by --  it's the one with the gloss sprays in that I just moved!  

So that is me for today.... stay safe everyone.  


  1. I must pick your brain about gloss sprays one day! Enjoy your new journal....
    Happy Woyww!

    Mary Anne

  2. That looks like a really cool journal Helen. I look forward to seeing what you do with it. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  3. Oh Helen, Tell me about the graduation photo, try as I might to sort it I couldn't. It was have the photos side by side on the page and not see the graduation one or have them offset and loads of space... I'll go upload the graduation one onto it own post .... now BJ#6 will be back to read your post in a min

  4. Phew sorted - Back now love the journal, I'm so out of touch have no idea who Dina Wakley is but the journal is fab. Love how it has different textured pages. Dusted off my Dylusion sprays whilst sorting, not used them in years!! Hmmm, maybe you will spur me on to doing some spraying soon....Hmmmm. BJ#6

  5. Happy WOYWDW

    I love a good stencil and you have some great stencils there,

    Have fun with your Journal, I will get back to it one day, (Note to self )

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #7

  6. Since giving up my weekend job I am so out of touch. Never heard of a blue journal or gloss sprays. Must pop over to see Ben and what he has that I don;'t know about. Excited to see your purchases - enjoy.
    Hugs, Neet 17 xx

  7. Morning Helen. Oh my. What a great journal - I look forward to your playing! Enjoy your other new purchases, too.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  8. Oh my goodness Helen, I’m immediately drawn to that journal and now I’m going to have to go off and find one.
    Wonder how many more folk you’ll have turned their heads with it haha.
    Enjoy. I’m excited to see what you do with it.
    I’m also pinching your word ENABLING. It’s a good one for my book of creative words. Thank you.
    Have a super week.
    Lynn xx 16

  9. How interesting that the journal has different fabric and textured pages, that’ll make it fun to work on! I didn’t realise you could use linen, is it stiffened somehow? You see, you’re an enabler too, lol!!
    Hugs LLJ 15 xxx

  10. I love your latest buys Helen especially that gorgeous journal with the fabric pages....I bet that will be fun to work in.
    Annie x #11

  11. Ooh lovely new stash - I love AFTH, and that stamps look great, I love the dotty ones. The journal is great - I have a black one but really need to start using it, it's one of those 'too lovely to use' things of which I have many but really shouldn't!!
    Hope you have a good week, stay safe and well,
    Diana xx #25

  12. New stash.... I'm not looking, I'm not! It'll be interesting to see how the journal turns out - I've never thought about journalling really, aside from a single page dabble MANY years ago, let alone journalling onto fabric. Yes, very interesting...

    Happy WOYWW!

    Morti #20

  13. No I am not looking, I have a disgraceful amount of untouched stash here already and more arrived this morning. I am however a little intrigued by denim pages.........Happy WOYWW, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy #14 xx

  14. New supplies and a new book to create in ~ how exciting! enjoy your new stash and the rest of your week ~ Love, Karen#30

  15. Hi Helen, oh my word, I'm now totally embarrassed about calling my book a journal. I'll officially rename it a doodle book. Your journal is up 10 notches from anything I would attempt - denim pages, whatever next?! All the DW goodies look fab, I'm sure you will have great fun. Have a lovely week, Heather xx #18

  16. I love your new goodies but isn't it difficult to create on those burlap and blue pages? It's quite a challenge I think.. I also stop by to see how you’re doing, I assume you are not ill ’cause you wrote this blogpost and you sound healthy and well, thank god! Stay safe. Big hug-from-a-distance! Marit #31

  17. Helen, you and your enabling!! I literally HAVE to keep one eye open and one eye closed because I am the WORST at seeing and wanting to try myself! Especially that journal!! Ohh it looks gorge! Can't wait to see how you use those sprays and the other goodies you displayed! Stay safe and many blessings to you! Felicia, #33

  18. Cool journal! I like the different pages! And fun goodies!
    Have a great week!
    Carol N #29

  19. That journal looks so much fun! Can you tell me a little more about the gloss sprays at some point as I haven't played with them and would love to know more. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#13)

  20. Loving the new stuff but I dare not buy another journal until I've filled some but I'm trying at this very moment. Take care and have a lovely creative week, Angela x23x

  21. Your new journal looks brilliant, Helen, and very interesting and unusual too. I can't wait to see what you do with it. You do find some wonderful products, I must say.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #28

  22. Thanks for your visit, Helen, and for your commiserations re the hospital. Nothing to be done except sit and wait but is is really frustrating! Yes, the wool parcel survived - we've had some dodgy packaging in the past that hasn't done so well but the wool probably just bounced around and probably enjoyed the ride! You are right about the blender - definitely a better deal in the end. I am absolutely thrilled with the new one and so glad I decided to go down that route. It's getting used several times a day and it's fabulous - I'm getting such good results with it! Glad you like my rainbow jumper too.

    Shoshi #28

  23. Have fun playing with your new journal. I enjoy your spreads. Have a great week! Dorlene #37

  24. Have fun playing with your new journal. Angela #10

  25. Gloss sprys...yes, I'll pick your brain about them too, I've got Cosmic shimmer sprays and loads of mica powders...are they the same or need enough? Want to start playing with paints and gells but where to start!
    Stay safe, keep Crafting! Happy WOYWW ((Lyn)) 21

  26. HI Helen, I am not entirely sure what gloss sprays are if they are spray paint cans or crafty sprays that have shine to them when dry but, it sounds like a really cool album with mixed types of pages inside. :) ~Stacy #36

  27. Hi Helen, what a fab journal, love the idea of denim in there. I've promised m ysef I will stop buying journals and make my own with all the stuff I have stuffed into my craft room, but journals are always so temptacious .... :) Annie C #34

  28. I love the idea of fabric pages in your journal Helen - will love to see how you transform those! xx Jo

  29. Well I’m not disappointed to learn it wasn’t a box full of new stuff, it gives me a week off from being a bit green eyes, like I am this week! That journal is amazing, what a fantastic selection of page materials, blimey you’re going to have some fun. That word stencil/stamp is very very enabling, I have to go and explore a bit at AFTH now, and last time I did that it cost me a lot of money. Keep going gal, lick nothing and tell em I said so! Xxx

  30. Wrote a comment and my electricity went off as I posted so don't know if it was accepted or not. ANyway love your purchases. Ani

  31. I have the blue journal too... So far it is pristine - I just keep looking at it! Looking forward to your pages...
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan $26


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