Wednesday 6 January 2021


 Welcome deskers to another WOYWW (What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday) - new year, new lockdown.... hey ho!   Time to meet up with Julia and the gang for our weekly desk-sharing-baring day... 

So after a solo-Christmas I had a few more days off work until Monday, and whilst I didn't do half the crafty things I intended, I did get a stack of birthday cards made to see me ahead a bit - I always seem to be making them last minute!  

artfully staged but no close ups!

Before I spread them out a bit, took  my "desk" shot!  Obviously didn't spend any time sorting or clearing or tidying either!

Did complete another journal page 
mixture of stencilling, stamping, and writing

it's my brother's birthday today, he and my sister were twins, (she was the one who got me into rubber stamps, so it's all her fault!)  
He won't see this, and I hope his card arrives on time, I had it ready good and early and then forgot to write and post it!!

the scruffy bird stamp I call Harry, I love him!  
He was feeling unused and unloved as he'd been languishing in a box of stamps for months...

So, lockdown again... No working from home this time though (despite the rules), it just didn't work effectively (too many computer programmes and systems didn't run properly at home; and trying to make phone calls through the tiny work laptop was a nightmare -  and so I am still going to be going into work.) Don't worry, all Covid-secure as far as we can (as we have been for the last few months) ,back to  single room occupancy, and no mixing without masks. I do feel guilty about that, but it just wasn't practical.  

I really wish I hadn't missed my haircut though, it is going to be WILD by the time we are allowed to go to a hairdresser!  

anyway, enough of that, it's WOYWW so a happy day!  off to visit some desks!  


  1. Love your cards and your journal page! I’ve been too busy tidying to tue in to your wavelength but your words for 2021 strike a chord! My small journal is titled STRONGER.

    Happy Woyww
    Mary Anne

  2. Love the page Helen and that scruffy bird is cute. I will be working in school one week (no contact with pupils) and delivering live lessons from home the next. It is a lot of work to get Microsoft documents work with google classrooms and trying to link in audio is a nightmare! I will have done a full week by next Wednesday so we will see lol. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  3. Hi, Helen!

    I like your page. The colors really compliment the images! The birthday cards are nicely done too.

    Stay safe and be well,
    Chana Malkah, #5

  4. Happy New year,

    Loving your cards and the page, I keep saying I am going to start journaling again as I enjoyed it but with another lockdown maybe I will get round to it ,

    Stay safe.

    Lilian B #11

  5. Wow Helen, you got off to a good start with the batch of birthday cards. Good for you.
    Sorry you have to go into work - stay safe and well. What about Kew, is it open and will you be going is the question. That is something you will miss and I guess it will miss you and your camera.
    Happy New Year
    Hugs, Neet 17 xx

  6. Sorry I didn't get to leave messages last week [I did read all my favourite blogs though]. Thankfully the side effects from my injection have just about worn off now [it's taken all week though :-(].
    You've been really busy with your card them.
    Stay safe and well.
    Annie x #8

  7. Hello! Lovely work as always :) Those butterfly cards are particularly gorgeous.

    Speaking of haircuts, I last had mine done in January last year! Oh dear..... At least David was able to help out with my roots ;)

  8. A super stack of cards, Helen - I really like the butterflies! Great, inspiring journal page too - I'm sure things will get better soon! Hope all is well with you - stay safe! xx zsuzsa #26

  9. So lovely to see a lot of crafting on your desk today, the cards look great and Hairy Harry made me smile (I know he can’t be hairy technically cos he’s a bird, but you know what I mean!). Take care going back to work kiddo, hope all goes well.
    Hugs LLJ 16 xxx

  10. Great cards and the journal page is just super. Love it.
    Take care as you travel about, I have found that having plenty of facemasks helps - always one to hand.
    Have a safe, happy week
    Christine #28

  11. Ha ha - I love that scruffy bird - you do make fab cards Helen. I hope you manage to keep safe whilst back at work - we have kept away from the virus for so long. Like you, I missed my haircut this week so will look wild and shaggy by the end of lockdown - but then we aren't going anywhere so who cares!! Stay safe. xxx Jo

  12. Happy new year seems a funny thing to say Helen but I hope it is a happy one for you.
    Well done on staying motivated with your card making that’s a big tick and I hope all goes well at work.
    It’s lovely to be able to come to woyww every week. It’s our own little community. Much needed.
    Lynn xx 20

  13. I was up early wasn’t I? We were going to visit a site this morning, so I had to get my post up first! Didn’t go in the end, so went back to bed for a warm while Bart went off to work!! I understand about going to work, are you still getting a lift rather than having to use the buses? Mind you, I don’t expect the buses are exactly busy now. It’s not you I worry about, it’s the other buggers that might lick you!! After a solo Christmas, I expect even working in separate rooms has been a nice change though. I love the untidy bird Harry, he’s a cutie. Also quite interested in the box containing bubble wrap...something new for me to need?!! Great stash of birthday cards, I’ve just finished a workshop set and now need to get stuck into a stash too, January is birthday heavy for me!

  14. Harry is a hoot! Love him! And your cards and journal pages are pretty cool! Hope your lockdown ends quickly.
    Have a great week.
    Carol N #30

  15. Love that scruffy bird stamp...looks like one that used to call into our bird table, he loved the fruit buns and would fly off with the biggest lump! Love, as always, the painted pages. Sometime this year I will do that. I have started collecting odd bits and stamps I what to add to a spidery page I have in mind! Happy WOYWW Stay Safe and keep crafting! ((Lyn)) #25

  16. What lovely cards - you have made loads. Fab journal. Have a great week . Soojay #31

  17. Great start on your birthday cards and I like the one of the scruffy bird for your brother :) Happy New Year!

  18. Love your 2021 journal page some good advice on there for us all to remember.
    Happy New Year BJ#24

  19. Hi Helen! I love the scruffy birthday bird - just how I felt on my birthday last week! Too bad you can't work from home, its so nice to look outside and say "nope, not going out today!" when the weather is miserable. My DD is very lucky, she's working great from home (she's a project manager for and advertising agency) and says she will probably only have to go onto work twice a week once this is all over. Your journal page turned out very well, and lucky the recipients of those beautiful birthday cards! Have a wonderful week! Lindart #35

  20. Hi Helen, nice stash of birthday cards made - I need to get some male cards made, and some children's cards. That can be next weekend's task. I accepted your dare to start a journal. It's not going to be an art journal or a background journal or a bullet journal - it's just going to be a journal. Whatever I feel like doing in it, I will - so it's going to be a mixed bag. I have a few stencils now, so they will feature in it at some point. Bad news on having to go into work - I was going in 1 day a week, but I'm at home 5 days a week again during lockdown. Love the scruffy bird stamp - that would get plenty of use with me. I've done the same with cards - made them, written them and then forgotten to post them! And don't worry about your hair - lockdown hair is quite fashionable!! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #14

  21. Hi Helen, loving your birthday cards it's always good to have some in hand. I know how you feel about the hairdressers, I will miss mine too. Loving the new journal pages too. I do hope going to work is going to be safe for you. Take care and happy crafty woyww, Angela x19x

  22. Your butterfly cards are beautiful, Helen, as is your journal page (as always! - so creative!). Sorry to hear that your hair style will be "lockdown chic" again - there's definitely something to be said for long hair that pretty much looks after itself! I did hack at the ends of mine on Friday so it's nice and neat again. I haven't been to the hairdresser for about 5 years now.

    Thank you for your visit to my end-of-year post (I've done a regular WOYWW one since which you may have missed). It was quite a year, wasn't it! Thank you for your good wishes for my ongoing health issues which I can't see being resolved any time soon. It's as if nothing else on earth exists except Covid these days...

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #18

  23. Thanks for coming back and replying to the WOYOWW post, Helen! Yes, time does fly - I can scarcely believe it's a year since the Tudor banquet either, and more than a year since I embroidered those slippers. The green eyes, I have to confess, are the result of a nifty bit of photo editing! Good for a larf, though...

    Happy WOYWW!
    Shoshi x #18

  24. Hi Helen, hopefully this set of lock down will not last as long as the last one as people are being vaccinated daily. ( have my fingers crossed over that) I love the scruffy bird stamp that is so fun :) ~Stacy #34

  25. I have never seen a scruffy bird stamp like that, he is great. Stay safe and Have a great week Angela #13

  26. Love the birthday card for your brother and your journal pages. Take care as you are having to go into work-thank good ess my daughter is teaching online form home for now.

  27. Birthday cards are always good to have on hand. I love the butterflies they are fabulous! Have a great week. Dorlene #33

  28. Ah a lovely post i need to sort some birthday cards too I love your 'harry' stamp, stay safe at work and have a great weekend xxx

  29. I love your journal page - great words and images. Love the scruffy bird birthday card too! Sorry I'm late. Wishing you a happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#10)

  30. Great journal pages.
    Love the scruffy bird stamp.
    Sorry for the late visit!
    Happy New Year and happy WOYWW!
    Susan #15
    Calling All Crafters! – My personal Blog!

  31. Hi Helen!
    Harry is adorable!! Love the journal page. I'd love to play more there but other challenges are calling my name. Eh... look at the bright side, you won't be the only one with wild hair. Sorry you can't work from home. I've been busy tidying so that's why I'm late. Creative Blessings Kelly #29


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