Wednesday 30 December 2020


 Good morning and welcome to the final WOYWW of 2020 (thank goodness 2020 is over!)  WOYWW is the brainchild of Julia at the Stamping-Ground    I can't say I will be sorry to see 2020 come to an end, although it doesn't look as if 2021 is going to start off much better with COVID numbers shooting up again here.  

I hope you all had a happy Christmas and were able to spend it - if not exactly how you wanted - doing what you wanted!  For me, that was a lovely roast dinner (for one)  and lots of tv. 

I had a small pile of gifts to open...
which I meant to re-photograph in daylight but forgot

the box just off shot to the left is a bath/shower set (part of the gift from my boss Monica, with the pashmina/scarf  and a gift voucher ) and the box on right  holds a stencil and some mixed media "souffle" texture paste; from my sister in law and brother

I've intended to do lots of crafting over the holidays - I am off work until next Monday - but not got a lot of it done yet..

but I've added some stencilling over the A4 journal page I shared a couple of weeks ago when I played with some of the gloss paint sprays

the stencil is Dina's too...
and my smaller, normal journal - a mix of Dina stamps and stencils and some added Paperartsy leafy stamps (in the dark green) 

I may not get to link quite as early this week as I've been enjoying lying in and not waking as early as normal but will have plenty of time to visit your desks during the day. (I'm writing this and scheduling as normal on Tuesday night)


  1. Happy WOYWDW and a happy new year,

    Love you journal pages and makes be think I should do some again soon

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #3

  2. Wishing you a happy 2021 with plenty more crafting days ahead.
    Lynn xx 11

  3. Glad you had something to open at least with being on your own for Christmas Helen. I do like both of the journal pages! Stay safe, happy WOYWW and Happy New Year. Sarah #9

  4. I'm glad you have taken time out to rest, put your feet up, stay in bed and watch lots of TV. Yes it's been a very different Christmas but here's to hope 2021 will be a much better one. Stay safe & keep creative your journal pages are fab.. have fun with those craft goodies. Happy WoywW hugs Tracey #7 x

  5. Well that's certainly a change and I hope that these extra "lie ins" are helping you relax a bit. It wilo do you good to have a bit of extra time in bed with your having ot be up early jost mornings to go to work.
    Lovely gifts, lovely journals, let's hope its a lovely new year for you.
    Hugs, Neet 13 xx

  6. Gosh Helen, love that you’ve managed to get into a slightly later waking habit, I think S a change from the routine, it probably makes me feel most as if I’m on a holiday. It must be good for you! Lovely gifts, you deserve them. Hermes pashmina, extremely smart, I can imagine how soft that is! Gorgeous. I must say your brother and SiL are right good at selecting your crafty gifts! Love the way the A4 journal spread is coming on...are you dreaming of a certain hothouse somewhere?!!!
    I read this morning of the Oxford vaccine approval. Excited to be able to say that it means we will be able to gather, there is light at the end of this horrible long tunnel. happy a new Year...I’m looking forward to a hug!

  7. LOL! I have gotten into this weird cycle of waking at 4ish then either staying awake and being ready for bed at 8pm that evening OR falling asleep again (like today!) and waking up much later than I want. I wish I could normalize it.

    And so funny your floating heads. I literally just yesterday made a page that echos the look, using some stencils I cut (turns out the book of stencils I mentioned a couple of weeks ago was IMAGES of stencils and not ACTUAL stencils- DOH!) I'll be sharing it at some point but have queued up a post or two so I can enjoy the last few holiday days with the family. When you see it it will look same but different. I love that botanical stencil - I love the look of figures hiding in greenery but never can seem to get it quite right. you do :)

    Happy (almost) 2021!
    Mary Anne (6)

  8. I'm not going out, only to 'exercise' Nice pressies, I didn't expect too much after having a new laptop but hubby produced my favourite perfume and sil and brother in law, a wheeled trolly for use in the garden! Happy New Year! Happy WOYWW!? Happy crafting! and stay safe ((Lyn)) #19

  9. What a lovely selection of presents from everybody, they know you well!! I think the journal pages are fun and what we need in this grey old weather. Roll on the vaccine and getting back to normal again!!
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

  10. Lovely selection of presents and love the leafy journal page, add a few colourful flowers and you’ll have Kew Gardens. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year Angela #14

  11. It's ok to take some downtime over the holidays - I've been lazing around too! Some lovely gifts there and a cool journal page! Have fun over New Years and then it's all back to the drudgery LOL! I could easily take a whole month off and not be bored! Have a great 2021, Helen! Stay safe and happy and thanks for your visit! xx zsuzsa #24

  12. Hi Helen! Couldn't have been that much of a lay-in you were pretty quick visiting! Glad you are having a peaceful resting break, I'm sure you deserve it. Great pages, love how they are building up. Yes I expect this room is even fuller than when you were here - whenever that was!! TBH it's starting to get on top of me which is why I feel the need to exert some control - heaven forbid I should become a collector rather than a crafter!! Happy New Year, stay well, stay safe, Cindyxx #18

  13. Hi Helen, been walking dogs this morning then got distracted trying to sort some paper work for mum but might get round to some visits now. You do what ever you want while you're on holiday you deserve it. Loving your journal pages and wishing you a happy woyww, Angela x17x

  14. Cool pages. Great gifts. Happy New Year!
    Carol N #27

  15. Enjoy your break and crafting time. You had some fab gifts. Happy New Year. Keep well and stay safe. xx Jo

  16. Hi Helen! It sounds like you chose to have a lovely Christmas, and did! Actually, it sounds very hygge to me! Your journal pages are coming along nicely! Happy New HAS to be better than 2020, at least we are seeing the light at the end of the long long tunnel...stay safe! Lindart #34

  17. Ohhhh Helen, you made me want to come be with you over the holiday!! I don't eat meat, but I would have loved to share a meal and your company!!! If it had not been for my daughter, I would have been alone as well! She insisted I spend it with her and her boyfriend so I wouldn't be alone! LOL She is a sweetheart! So glad you got some goodies and can't wait to see your new crafting! Love the journal spreads, can't go wrong with Dina! :) Happy New Year and many blessings, Felicia #31

  18. Hi Helen, I'm smiling here at the comment you left last week when I mentioned starting a journal- you dared me .... so watch out for next week lol! However, then I look at your journal pages and my mind goes blank as to what I would do, a bit like when I make cards! I now have some stencils, so that will be a start I guess. I just heard from one of my daughters that we are going in Tier 4 from midnight - so I guess I will be at home for the foreseeable future. Not that I was going out anywhere as it is! Have a lovely week, hugs Heather xx #30

  19. Super journal pages love the leaf stencils.
    Happy New Year BJ#10

  20. I love both your journal pages so far and lovely presents. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. Praying for a happy and blessed New Year for you and yours. With love & God Bless. Caro x (#16)

  21. Your stencil backgrounds are so lovely, Helen. I laughed at you having a lie-in and not being at the top of the link list haha - you're only at #5 so it can't have been much of a lie-in! The fact that I am #25 says a lot about what time I wake up, doesn't it!!!

    Thank you for your visit, and I'm glad you appreciated my weird imagination, making bees dance around a Celtic knot! I hope my friend appreciates it! Enjoy your Christmas pudding.

    Happy New Year and happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #25

  22. Lovely presents from folk who know you well!
    Love that background as much as the finished page!
    Happy New Year, Chrisxx

  23. Hi Helen, nice pressies - the pashmina is lovely. Don't blame you taking it easy while you get the chance too. You'll have plenty time with your journals in the coming year. Hugs and have a Happy New Year. Elizabeth x #32

  24. Well, I had the same intentions. I think I created in bigger volumes when my back is to the wall with deadlines actually. :)
    So, I have made some tags and put some things away that have been being dumped in containers along the edges of the table all year and maybe this weekend will bring some creative happenings.
    It is always so interesting to me to see the work in progress shots as a lot of the time people only post the finished Ta-Da moments and so, seeing the layers build is such a cool Ah-Ha thing to me Helen. So thanks for sharing & Happy New Years! ~Stacy #41

  25. A lovely display of work as always and thank you for your inspiration this year.

    Stay safe and well and let's all pray for a much better 2021 (and more than one point at a time).

    B x

  26. Glad you enjoyed your Christmas and you had some pressies to open.Like you I made myself a beef wellington and did just what I wanted. I wish you a Happy New year and hope you return to Kew before long. Ani

  27. HI Helen, what beautiful pages, I love the natural vibe, they remind me of a walk in the woods, which is one of my favourite things to do. Here's to a new and improved year in 2021 for all of us. Meanwhile, enjoy the rest of your week, make the most of the time off work. Happy new year X Annie C #28

  28. Lovely pages, Helen!
    Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    Update on here in Victoria – after more than two months with no Covid cases we now have a handful again…
    Susan #15
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  29. Hello sweetie hope you are staying safe and enjoying the last couple of days off before work resumes I too don't know what day it is lol but the break has been nice. I hope you manage a bit more crafting before returning to work xxx

  30. I had intended to visit sooner, but my electricity went off early in the day yesterday. Wichita got SLAMMED with ice and snow, making 2021’s first day seem more like a repeat of 2020 than the start of a new year.

    I'm so very glad you were able to enjoy your day on Christmas. You got lots of lovely gifts, and your brother and sister-in-law picked some fabulous gifts. I've never heard of that texture paste before, but I'm sure you will soon put it to good use.

    I hope you have a safe, joyous, healthy 2021, dear friend.

  31. Happy New Year, Helen!

    I love your pages! I also hope that your holidays were filled with Joy.

    I apologize for the late visit, but as a final insult, 2020 decided to visit all kinds of computer failure upon me and my house! :D)

    Chana Malkah, #1


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