Wednesday 4 December 2019


Well here we are again Wednesday  - December (yikes)  so it must be What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday... again!  Queen Julia has all the details..
I still haven't written out my Christmas cards - will have to wait for the weekend now as Thursday is our office party (half the office are struggling with colds/flu/sickness so it'll be a fun night........)  and I still don't know exactly what I'm wearing; so tonight I'll be getting ready!

Anyhow,  has there been arting here?  Sort of...
I started to get some ideas ready for my "special" Christmas cards..

not sure if this masterboard/background will make the grade yet.

Distress Oxide sprays of course...

Watch, as they say, this space!

There was a beautiful sky as I was walking to the bus stop on Tuesday morning
 glimpsed between buildings.

and a great reflection in the finished,  mostly glass, building, of the sky and the new building still going up

Last Saturday at Kew was equally beautiful,  the weather was gorgeous - pics here 

Hopefully next week I'll have something more interesting to share (not least because Susan at Country View Crafts is once again, doing her Christmas Advent specials.... oops!


  1. Nothing like a bit of enabling just before Christmas Helen lol. Hope you manage to find something to wear for tomorrow night. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  2. Enjoy your Christmas bash something I miss now retired! Hope you find the right thing to wear. Ani

  3. There's not many people that have been untouched by this years flu/bug, hope there's enough to enjoy your works Party or you'll have to a New Years one. Look forward to seeing those special cards, it's great when an idea comes to plan. Happy WoywW Tracey #8?

  4. I finally visited your Kew post. Yes, I'm running VERY late again. I hope you find the perfect thing to wear to your office party, I hope you don't get whatever everyone else has. Loved the photos of the sunrise and the high rise. Have a super week.

  5. I'm sure you'll find something glam to wear at the party seeing how you are a funky babe!! Love the pic of the sunset in the windows, that's fun!
    HUgs LLJ 3 xxx

  6. Hi Helen, yes been looking at CVC advent deals and have bought a little. Thought of you when I saw Paperartsy yesterday! Have to try and get Christmas gift shopping finished later, and over the next few days, hopefully some Christmas cards.Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #15 X

  7. Ooh! Lovely sunrise, and the reflections in the glass are magical!
    Amelia #17

  8. Happy WOYWDW Lovely Sunrise, Lovely that you enjoy Kew,

    Lilian B # 14

  9. I'm doing a whistle stop tour of all my fav blogs before starting to sew the 3 Memory bears I've got lined up ready so please excuse it being a speedy visit.
    Really love the master board and the reflection of the sky in the buildings is gorgeous.
    Annie x #11

  10. I don't get to see our sun rise as it happens behind the shed!! Sunsets have been amazing this week. Hope you enjoy your night out. xx Jo

  11. Hope you have enjoyed your WOYWW so far. I am very late today! I miss having an office Christmas party. Always something much anticipated for weeks/months before. All the preparation and deciding what to wear etc. Our boss would let us go home early that day. We painted our nails in the office that morning, and then would go home at about 2.30 pm to sort out pets/husbands/children and then bath/hair/make up etc. Memories! Ali x #24

  12. Beautiful sky and reflection! Enjoy your office party. Happy WOYWW. Take care, With Love & God Bless Caro xx (#5)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Happy WOYWW x I hope you have a great time tonight what ever you decide to wear.
    Angela #24

  15. Have fun at the Christmas party! I always used to find excuses not to go LOL but luckily now I work with just 3 other women and we go out for lovely meals which is more like my kind of thing. This year we'll just have an afternoon tea. Love the sun rise - I usually miss it because it happens while I'm getting ready and by the time I'm out of the house it's done and dusted. Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #18

  16. Hi Helen, hope you've sorted out what your wearing tomorrow and that the party turns out to be fun, despite the bugs doing the rounds. Nice masterboard - gorgeous colours - like your daybreak pics. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #19

  17. I shall be watching with keen interest to see how you use the journal pages. Wishing you a happy creative woyww, Angela x12x

  18. Oh heck - you had me hooked at Country View. Off there in the morning.
    Best of luck with your specials - I have finished mine and now I can safely say my cards are ready for writing and envelope address - not my favourite jobs!
    Have a good week and do enjoy your party and don't forget the photo of the party girl.
    Hugs, Neet 9 xx

  19. Hi Helen, Hope you have your outfit sorted and you enjoy the party.

    Off to check out your Kew photos.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW.
    Sue #7

  20. I never tire of sunrise and sunset photos. I especially love our winter sunrises. I am always taking photos and in awe of the them. I absolutely love the reflection on building that you captured. I haven't mailed my Christmas cards yet. I need to go get stamps at the post office but this time of year, it could be a line of people waiting to mail out packages. Either way, I need to get my lazy butt up and go get them. Thanks for stopping by yesterday!
    Have a wonderful day my friend!
    Belinda #20

  21. HI Helen, oooh the sky looked gorgeous and what a fun shot to catch the reflection. I love the colors going on in the background of this next round of cards too. ~Stacy #27

  22. Lovely artistic photos! Gorgeous! Looking forward to seeing how your cards turn out! Thanks for your visit to mine, enjoy your week! Lindart #26

  23. Thanks for your visit....Things have gotten more stable, dealing with laryengitis and sinus so resting. Your sunset is great and I love the special Christmas cards ! Enjoy a great weekend

  24. great photos of the sun on the buildings...I am so glad I am retired and can sleep in now...that said retirement has caused me to be a bit lazy with all life issues. I still don't have a tree decorated and my house is a disaster...forget about the cards or Christmas letter! Hope you have a Happy Holiday! Vickie

  25. Oh good - I forgot to say how lovely the sunrise was in the latest post so I can add a "yay" for that one alongside this one. Look forward to seeing whether the masterboard ends up making the specials special!
    Alison x


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