Wednesday 11 December 2019


Morning deskers!  Here we are again - time for WOYWW again...

 desk on Sunday morning  -  a pile of cards written and ready for posting (done)

a pile of final cards (found some left from last year, can you imagine!   spares!)   ready to write - these are the ones for hand delivering

still not finished the "special" ones..
 the promised goodies from the Country View advent day - and they had a second Paperartsy day too since, so one or two more may have fallen into my basket....
last Thursday was office party night... not too many photos (and none of me, sorry Neet) 

but this was the fab suspended Christmas tree in the restaurant we ate at.

 at one stage I had a few drinks lined up... the fizz on the left isn't mine, that's James' sitting opposite me..

we had pre-dinner drinks wrapped up on the roof terrace  - the wind was cold but as with so many of these places they had heaters and blankets for use. 

Finally, there was an even more stunning sunrise yesterday (Tuesday)   than the one I shared last week (you know how I love my sky pics!)

 just stunning, what!!
and here it is in the reflection on the building again!

Kew pics from last weekend here 

Thanks for looking  and I'll visit your desks soon 


  1. Well done on being so ready with your Christmas cards for posting Helen. Mine are nowhere near ready lol. The office do looks as if it was fun. Great tree! Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  2. Like the idea of a suspended tree, especially with animals around. Haha. Your party looks fun and good to see the full glasses lined up. Ani #5


    Looks like you all had a lovely time, You are so right that sky is stunning,

    Lilian B #7

  4. Happy WOYWW. I have literally about three more cards to write out today, but all charity cards. I only made two cards this year. There have definitely been some stunning morning skies, but that leads to the horrible weather we have been putting up with. Lots of storms in West Wales and another one due tomorrow. I really do not enjoy this time of year and actually didn't go outside yesterday. Ali x #15

  5. Bless you Helen for your wishes.
    Love the sunrise and the one in the building is fabulous!
    Lovely tree, still undecided about suspended ones and the tall thin ones but I guess some folks need to have them (thinking restaurant is a good idea, small flat etc) and nice photo of James but wanted to see you all dressed up. Did you go long or short?
    Lastly thanks for the reminder again of the sale at CVC - I missed out on the second Paperartsy one - missed the first too. Off over there right now. See you later.
    Hugs, Neet 16 (good sleep) xxx

  6. Hi Helen. Super photos! I've seen quite a few of the beautiful sky this week. Your 'Office Do' looked fun! Anne X 17

  7. Hi Helen, the office party sounds and looks like it was great fun. The sky pics are fab, gorgeous colours in that sky, love the reflection too.Great buys with the stamps, thought of you when I saw them. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 X

  8. A suspended tree, how glamorous! looks as always as if it you had a fun party. Makes me smile that you’ve found some spare cards from last year...I know that when I get the tree decoration box out tomorrow, I’m going to find stuff in there that I will have stuffed in for safe keeping it thinking I’ll use them this year instead - and I always find them too late, so am pleased that your card find is in good time!
    I’ve been off Facebook a while so haven’t seen your stunning sunset before, what a beauty. This time of year with low suns morning and evening sure have it’s advantages.

  9. It looks like you had a lovely time! I love the photo of the sky! Each morning I am always happy to see the sky as the sun rises. It just makes me happy!
    Glenda #20

  10. That Christmas party didn't look painful at all - I hate the alcohol fueled ones that involve dancing - eugh! A meal out with the team is much better! Love your goodies - I could have done with some of those designs this week for my journalling! Super sunrise - you must be out and around quite early each day! Have a happy week! zsuzsa #19

  11. I've had to finish two more Memory bears this morning before I could check out my favourite blogs so I'm a little later visiting today.
    Well done you with your cards....I'm thrilled to say I've now finished and posted all mine :-)
    Annie x #12

  12. OOh brrrr the rooftop shot had me clutching my coffee this morning haha. hunh that tree is very cool Helen, and I love the colors you seen in the sky. YAY for finding your stash of cards too :) ~Stacy #23

  13. I thought I lived where the best sunrises (and sundowns) were but I think you've outdone me there with that photo, Helen, it's fantastic. Loving the look of those stencils - I'm sure you're going to enjoy making pages with them. The party looks fun - shame it's over for another year! Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #22

  14. Love that sunset and all your goings on, Robyn 9?

  15. Gorgeous sunset! I posted all my cards at the weekend, just the local ones to sort out now. Love the tree! Our work Christmas do is this Friday, and we finish work next Friday when Alex finishes school. Happy WOYWW. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#11)

  16. Hi Helen, Bonus to find cards left from last year.

    Have fun with the new stash.

    Glad you enjoyed the office party.

    Off to check out Kew.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #6

  17. I'm still working on my C cards and have yet to get any mailed!
    Fun suspended tree! Looks like a fun party!
    Have a great week!
    Carol N #21

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Happy WOYWW. Fabulous night sky. I am still making my cards, not many more left x
    Angela #25

  20. Well, if the drinks are a guideline, it looks like you had a good party! Glad to see you caught the CVC PA days... I thought you probably would. Big bravo on being (almost) done with the cards - I'm sure the specials will get done in good time.
    Alison x

  21. Hi Helen. Great news on the card front! Well done on finding the spares!! What a glorious sunrise - and the reflection in the building - lovely. Well spotted. Glad the party went well.
    Take care. God bless
    Margaret #4

  22. Thanks for sharing your office party with us, looks like you had a good time. Nice new stamps and stencils too. I've been good this year and not visited the Country View Crafts sale....well mostly because I've been other wise occupied. Christmas card looks nice, sometimes it's good to find some left-overs when you run out of time they are a god send. I am working on messing the desk up again if only I can find all the stuff Lol! Have a happy woyww, Angela x13x

  23. Nice party! Lovely restaurant! Our work party is coming up on Sunday, at a local all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet. No alcohol because many of my co-workers are under age (darn!). But we do play silly games, and last year we had a visit from Santa so it should be fun!
    I love your new stencils and Paper Artsy stamps - lucky you!
    Thanks for your visit to mine. It is always easier to clean someone else's room than your own, so sure! Fly me over! ha-ha! Have a great week, Lindart #26

  24. Great photos and thanks for your beautiful Christmas card Helen. X

  25. Hectic day yesterday helping Tilly and tea for Ben. Today dashing around voting and posting parcels - long queues! Lovely to see your fun evening out. Well done finishing those cards too. xx Jo

  26. Beautiful pictures Helen. I miss the big Christmas parties. We do a small lunch during our work day now and it can be a little hum buggy. Dorlene #24

  27. Well done with all your cards being done.
    Love all your photos
    Have a good week
    Christine #27

  28. Lovely pictures, Helen, and I'm glad you enjoyed your party! Thank you for your 2 comments and I'm sorry for my lateness in replying. As you can imagine, it was all systems go to get the Tudor gown finished in time, and I'm only now recovering from all the exertions and a really busy day on Saturday! Photos will follow!

    Happy very belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #18


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