Wednesday 27 November 2019


Morning deskers!   Hope you've all had a creative week?  I haven't....  but reporting for desk duty with Julia once more... all the details and link is here 

Of course I didn't get my Christmas cards written, didn't even get the greetings stamped in the insides! 
I did however have another little play with the Dina Wakley stamps (well, the scribbly script one that Julia liked from last week)

 I do love a scribbly script!

this time I stamped it on the blank page in black archival ink before spraying with some Distress Oxide inks, but so far all else I've done is swiped a little paint in patches to tone it down a bit.

No idea what is going to happen next!

the next pic is even more staged!

when  I was at Kew on Saturday (pics here!) 
I saved my drinks cup - although it's fully compostable made from plant material of some sort (according to the blurb on the side)  - I liked it's cheery Christmas pattern so much I brought it home - either to alter in some way,  or I might just take it back and use it next weekend.

In their efforts to not use plastic and to encourage no waste, they make a surcharge in the cafes if you buy a drink that comes in a disposable cup - and you save that if you take your own. 
My camera bag is actually full already and doesn't have room for packing a cup, but I'll try!

Off to check out all your crafty spaces now! 


  1. Interested to see what you make with the cup have you not thought of those small drinks flasks I have a couple don't take up much room and keep your drinks hot. Ani #1

  2. I try to take my own cup when I go out Helen although finding room can be a challenge at times. Look forward to seeing how your page develops. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #8

  3. I'm all for these re-usable cups but you are right about the concept of carrying them around, maybe someone needs to invent a folding one that could be easily packed away? I'm glad you had a play this week, there's still plenty of time for writing cards, save that for an evening when there's nothing on the TV. Happy WoywW Tracey #4

  4. Hi Helen. I love that cup - looks like it is surrounded by a wonderful Christmas jumper!! Have another great time at Kew this weekend. I don't feel "the busiest person" you know - it's just that it all happens at once. Someone did comment at church on Sunday how did I move from one thing to another... I reckon I must be learning how to compartmentalise the different things I do - think of only the one at a time. Glad I can do that, as I always used poor John as a "Help, I've hit overload" sounding board!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  5. The scribble script is fab and you're right Julia is a sucker for them too! The pattern on the cup is fab, I can see why you want to repurpose it somehow!
    LLJ 7 xx

  6. That stamp set is gorgeous and I have to agree with Julia that the scribble one is fab. I love what you are doing in your journal, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next. I don't blame you for bringing the cup home - it's lovely isn't it.
    Have a great week, I'm off to visit Kew!!
    Hugs, Diana x

  7. That was certainly a cup worth saving...pretty whether you take it back to use it again or repurpose it it's def better than just putting it in a bin.
    Annie x #10

  8. Can't wait to see what you do with the cup! I love the pretty Christmas pattern on the outside! Happy WOYWW!
    Glenda #17

  9. Hi Helen, interesting pages, cool colours. No cards made here yet either, and the Christmas shopping isn't getting done either!The cup surcharge is something they've done at Download for the last couple of years. You pay a couple of quid when you buy your first drink, then keep taking back the plastic beaker every time after. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #18 X

  10. As the cup is disposable I would just leave it at home and buy another and another each time - they would make a lovely little window display with some Christmas Trees in - or something.
    Love your journal page but then I always do like how you do yours. Keep 'em coming.
    Hugs, Neet 9 xx

  11. I save all my drink cups for my pouring projects now! Not that I drink out a lot, but I like the occasional take-away latte. Problem is, since we bought a Tassimo machine last Christmas, the shop-bought lattes became a lot less special and we just think 'oh, we'll just make one when we get home'. It saves on cups but the pods are non-recyclable, so that cancels out any environmental benefits. It's difficult to win that battle no matter what we do. I do like those stamps and I'm sure your page will come together at one point! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #20

  12. I bought one of those re-useable cups from Costa when my mum was in hospital but it's so big that I would never manage to put it in my handbag if I went any where but it was useful. I always found that by the time I got to the ward coffee in their other cups was either cold or I'd spilled most of it so they are a good idea. I am so in love with your new stamps and they look great in the journal. Wishing you a lovely woyww, hopefully creative when you get the chance. Hugs, Angela x15x

  13. Gosh! That is a scribbly script! Love the colours you're using.
    Have fun
    Christine #21

  14. Happy WOYWDW

    When I buy desserts I save the plastic containers and use them for crafting,

    Lilian B #13

  15. Pleased your still stamping away Helen, much more fun that writing Christmas cards. It's hard going at times but still grinding out the results and hoping for another tonight.

    B x

  16. Hi Helen, New stash to use. That will keep you out of mischief:)

    That cup is nice.

    Off to look at your photos of Kew.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #6

  17. Hi Helen, happy WOYWW! That’s very festive cup. I save too much for crafting, drives my husband wild😳

  18. HI Helen, ooh that is a fun pattern on the cup :) and that is so nice that you can re use it. ~Stacy #23

  19. Ohhh yes I do like a scribbly script.... actually I think I like all scripts. Enjoy your time at Kew and well done for keeping the cup. Sandra de

  20. That page is looking good Helen! Very tempted by those stamps. 😊

  21. Hi there Helen, mm a week flies by so quickly doesn't it, but scribbly stamps look great thus far. May not blog next week as def no creativity here, just reading.
    Font drink coffee but all folk here have take and go cups as plastic greatly discouraged. Makes total sense and economical too.
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x #14

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  22. I understand the cup dilemma, carrying your own about is not awleays a practical answer. I would like everyone to cut each other some slack over all of this, it makes me cross to have to keep reassuring people that I’m being eco friendly every time I hold a purchased cup to my lips! Rant over. Still love that scribble script and indeed, although I dont have anything very similar, it has put me in a mind to use what Ive got on a couple of christmas cards that I’m planning. In a panic of too much planning and not enough doing!!

  23. Lovely page, Helen - I particularly like the subtle colouring you have chosen for the background. Distress Oxides are so awesome! Love the disposable cup too, and I am sure you will make something great with that. I love the idea of people taking their own cups to drink out of, instead of using plastic ones that are thrown away. Thank you for your visit and I'm glad you like my Tudor gown so far! I'm making good progress with it. Thank you also for your commiserations about my Pants situation... It's becoming an annual event, unfortunately! At least I got my PIP through. There was no guarantee - you hear such horror stories from really deserving people who are turned down, so I am very relieved to have got it without having to go through all the stress of an appeal. As for pets, I am not quite as soft with them as my hubby is! If they are sitting on my chair, they get turfed off! But yes, I can tell from your remarks that you don't have any! People often start off like that, and then get animals, and in short order they become as soft as the rest of us lol! I've seen it happen time and again!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #26

  24. I think I said before how much I love those DW stamps (but I'm so behind and out of the loop that maybe I'm imagining having said I coveted them!). The scribble gives great texture to the page.

    You're right - that's a lovely cup... I can see why it had to come home with you.
    Alison x


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