Wednesday 30 October 2019


Another Wednesday (another month nearly finished!)... time to share our crafty spaces once more -  head to Julia's for the link and details...

I haven't got any more cards to show this week -  or not finished ones anyway.

I've gone back to an old faithful stamp - a Penny Black design I have had (and used) for years - this time I have used Distress Oxides spritzed with water - mostly Dusty Concord and Evergreen Bough
but I have also used some layers of colours on some of them. 
Now I need to cut them down and layer them onto card blanks, but once that's done, there are quite a few more to add to the pile.
No doubt next it will be a different design - I get bored doing too many of the same thing.

Last Saturday saw me make a final visit to the Dale Chihuly exhibit at Kew - it has been a fabulous 6 months and I will miss them a lot - the link to the whole post is here  but as you may not have time to scroll through all of them, here are some of my favourites  -  all from last week, but my favourites of the glassworks too

they have changed so much as the seasons have changed around them, and totally alter the impact.. Magic!  (well, good planning on Dale's part obviously, but magic nevertheless)

 this one,
and this one, have been my absolute favourites from the whole thing. 

I may have to delay my visits to your desks until after work this week (apart from my fellow early birds)  as we are very busy and lunchtime may be curtailed a bit - but I'll see you soon! 


  1. Oooooo the link took me to last weeks WoywW Helen, I thought oh boy that Christmas roll is getting much bigger with the PaperArtsy stamps but I see you are extending your designs with that awesome Penny Black image, Stunning design. Look forward to seeing how you mat and layer them.
    Those Kew flowers are really beautiful.. Happy WoywW Tracey #3

  2. Love the Penny black image with the Oxides Helen. I wonder what the next exhibit will be at Kew? I am sure you will keep us informed. Love the photos! Hope work isn't too frantic. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

  3. P.S No problem Helen... who wants to get out of bed on a chilly morning, even if we have been granted an extra hour by the *Clock Gods* hee hee.. Stay warm

  4. Thanks for the extra Kew photos - lovely. As is the stamping you have been doing. Can understand why you go back to this stamp - it is beautiful.
    Hugs, Neet 10 xx

  5. The Chilhully glass has been amazing and good to see at different times of the year. I like that stamp very much and can see why it's a favourite.
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  6. Stunning stamp Helen, I can see why you go back to it, and it looks great in the spritzed oxides - you are looking very organised for Christmas.
    I've so enjoyed seeing the Chihuly glass through your camera lens, it's been a fabulous exhibition, I can understand how you'll miss all those stunning pieces.
    Have a great week,
    Hugs, Diana x #16

  7. I can see why you keep going back to that stamp it's perfect. Love the glass sculptures in the gardens, stunning.
    sandra de @9

  8. I too love that stamp and it is well worth revisiting! Also lovely photos of the gardens! Happy WOYWW!
    Glenda #18

  9. Love the painterly effect from that stamp, just lovely. I think I agree with your favourites. It certainly was a lovely installation and as you say the changing environment only adds to the delight. Try not to miss it too much - it'll be icicles and snow soon - still glasslike!! Happy WOYWW Cindy #23

  10. That's a gorgeous poinsettia stamp and the multi-coloured stamping really shows it off to perfection. Some lovely Chihuly highlights to say farewell.
    Alison x

  11. I just love all the colour of your blog post and can see you’ve been busy being creative
    Lynn 12. X

  12. I'm late, I'm late for a very important date.....but I'm here now catching up with a few of my fav blogs. My day started off early when Phoebe and Lulu arrived for a day of crafty fun with me whilst their brother Steve, their Mum and Grandad went to watch Steve play in a football tournament.....if you want to see more then I will share pics on my Friday smiles [cos there were lots of those].
    Well done you with the latest batch of card making.
    Annie x #11

  13. I have to say I still think Penny Black have and still do produce some lovely stamps. Great photos too. Happy woyww and wishing you a lovely creative week, Angela x17x

  14. Beautiful stamp & images!! Each one is slightly different yet fab!
    Love your Kew photos. The exhibit is amazing.
    Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
    Carol N #24

  15. Loving the stamps and images and I use dusty concorde a lot i think its a lovely colour,

    Love the pictures of Kew, Must go there one day.

    Thank you for your visit to my blog,

    Lilian B # 15

  16. Fabulous photos on your blog this week. Have a great WOYWW week. Dorlene #26

  17. I love the effect of the spritzed stamping with Distress Oxides, Helen. Very effective, and a stylish result! The glass works at Kew are beautiful. I've always adored glass but would find it too difficult a medium to work in, I think. We used to have a beautiful Dartington Glass shop (at Dartington, near us) with big windows overlooking the road and the window was always filled with a display of art pieces, but now it's full of sports stuff. What a shame. I always loved going there.

    Thank you for your comment - we had some more of the veggie stew today and I think it was even better after another stint in the slow cooker. Just the thing for a horrible dark cold rainy day. We've got a lot of days out planned so I shall soon get to go out in Katie2 but my hubby is still trying to pin the garage down to fit the wheelchair crane.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #21

  18. Wishing you a very happy WOYWW for yesterday. More lovely Kew garden pictures. Your stamping looks great, must have a go as I have just bought some Distress Oxides x

  19. Great photos of the gorgeous glass art Helen!

  20. The glass art has been stunning - thanks for sharing it with us Helen. I love the little image you are using - each one will be unique in its own way I am sure. xx Jo

  21. Thanks for your visit earlier.
    Love those latest cards, super colours.
    Enjoy the weekend after a hectic week
    Christine #20

  22. Ok, so I visited a different post and commented there - sorry!!! The cards here are great too!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1 this week, absent last!!

  23. Hi Helen, Ooh I love that stamp done in the purples. ( I think I have never thought to do that) and the softness of the oxides is very neat. ~Stacy #27

  24. Oh Helen that stamp indeed is an oldie but a goodie totally, and totally loving the use of oxide spritz with it, note to self must try this!
    Love the Kew favs I’m totally with you on it! Esp last two.. and first one.
    Happy belated WOYWW.
    Thanks for sharing, and God bless, Shaz in Oz.x #2

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  25. Hey Helen! Very pretty flowers. Hope you are having a great weekend! Thanks for the visit.
    Belinda #25


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