Wednesday 6 November 2019


Time for another Wednesday get together, for WOYWW - where we show what's on our workdesks.  Julia once again is our beloved host

I seem to have taken two weeks to make one lot of cards - last week I had the stamped out designs.  This week (well at the weekend)  I assembled them into some more Christmas cards.
 there were 13 stamped out images, so that's another 13 for the pile

some of the images I close cut and others I trimmed to squares and edged with ink to match the stamping.

a small greeting, using the same ink colours and also outlined in ink to make it stand out and bingo!  cards done

(well, still no middles stamped  - every year I say, don't leave it till they're all done, do them as you go along........)

and a closer view

I kind of got bored with the stamp again so didn't carry on (haven't put the stamp away though - obviously! - so it may see some more colours later on)

Kew last Saturday was WET  -  but they were still dismantling the Chihuly sculptures so I got a bonus
pics here as always  and a sneak peak...

in case you don't recognise them like this laid out for crating up - this is what they looked like a couple of weeks ago..

Given how wet it was outside, I can't blame them for working inside - I imagine they will have finished by the time I go this weekend


  1. Great Christmas cards Helen and 10 more than I've made this week lol. Hope it's not as wet for you this weekend when you visit Kew. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #5

  2. Thank you for the close up of the C Cards you have made - what a lovely stamp it is.
    Now that they are packing up at Kew what happens to the exhibits? Do they go somewhere else to be displayed or what? Perhaps your Kew post will tell me so I'll pop on over and have a look.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  3. That looks very much like a Penny Black Poinsettia Helen which I know makes beautiful cards. On the edge of our seats again last night at times, we sail close to the wind but get through.

    B x

  4. What gorgeous elegant cards... I haven't started yet, and with my course may not have time to do any this year, although I would like to if i can. Have a great week, with love & God Bless, Caro x (#14)

  5. Morning Helen. Lovely cards - well done on adding to the pile! A different visit to Kew this last weekend - and it will all look different again this week. Enjoy!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #7

  6. I like that stamp very much, the card in close up is really lovely! It's been great to see the Chilhully pics but even more interesting to see how they come apart!
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

  7. Wow you are coming right along on your cards. You have put me to shame. I started earlier and am still way behind on Christmas. Ah well I do what I can and I'm sure I will be ready.
    Happy WOYWW
    Glenda #18

  8. You're doing very well with your Christmas cards Helen...still not started using the card I bought to make mine on yet.
    Annie x #10

  9. You're doing so well with your Christmas cards! Love the colour scheme! Those people look like miniatures - I didn't realise those installations were so huge! It must have been hard work to put them up in the first place and transport them around. I expect, they're all fragile as well. Enjoy your week, Helen! xx zsuzsa #15

  10. My goodness you've been busy! Love the card design, especially the red and green version!

    Amelia #22

  11. Hi Helen! Must be quite a task to dismantle all those sculptures - I wonder if there is some kind of plan so they all go back in the right place? As for Christmas cards - I never stamp the middles, saves a job lol!! Happy WOYWW Cindy #19

  12. Love your cards! I'm barely getting a couple done here and there but need to get ready to teach a class in 2 weeks.
    How interesting the way the displays are taken apart!
    Have a great week!
    Carol N #3

  13. Great collection of cards unlike what's happening at my place but I will have to try and get some done soon. Nice Kew pics too. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x11x

  14. You are doing so well with your cards. I started mine today. A happy WOYWW!

  15. Looks as though your C-card pile is growing steadily - I'm not usually much of a one for poinsettias, but that really is an exquisite image, so delicate - and I do like it in your alternative colours.
    Alison x

  16. Nice cards! I have two under my belt so far.

  17. I do love that stamp Helen, I too get bored when i'm mass stamping but it's worth keeping it out as you can see how those cards came together fast. Well done on getting so many finished.. Happy WoywW Tracey #11

  18. Gosh that stamp is lovely, and in any colour it makes a fab card. Two weeks to make a baker’s dozen doesn’t sound bad to me gal!

  19. Gorgeous cards Helen. And I must catch up with your Kew photos - I always enjoy them so much.

  20. Your c c stash is growing quicker than mine and I began in July. Like you I leave the sentiment inside until last silly isn't it perhaps we should do six at a time. Have a good week. Ani #1

  21. Lovely cards.
    Looks like I will have to buy this year ..... health problems... you go to the Docs with one thing and then come away will more probs!!! lol
    Thank you again for sharing Kew with us, I do enjoy it.
    Christine #28

  22. Hi Helen! I am loving those Christmas cards. I think you are right purple is spreading around WOYWW desks! Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for the visit.
    Belinda #21

  23. Wow you’re on a roll with your Christmas cards. Happy belated WOYWW. Dorlene #23

  24. Hi Helen, yes 13 in one batch making is good even if took two weeks .. great stamp I think!
    And those sculptures are amazing, what do they do after they dismantle.. take somewhere else?
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless, hugs Shaz in Oz.x #18

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  25. ooh going great guns with the cards, think I need to take a lesson from you and just batch stamp a load too!


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