Wednesday 23 October 2019


Well wouldn't you just know ... it's Wednesday again and desk sharing day again.  Head over to Julia's for the link and show us yours!

I am on a (small) roll with my Christmas cards with that stamp set from Paperartsy and got another 7 or so done at the weekend

when I was at Kew on Saturday (pics here )  I bought some goodies - they are reducing their Dale Chihuly souvenirs (although not the small glassworks unfortunately!!)  so I bought a canvas bag (half price) and a mug (quarter price) 

the biscuits weren't on offer, they just looked tasty!

it was a gorgeous day at Kew on Saturday - this one coming - the last weekend of the Dale Chihuly exhibits - is rumoured to be wet... but I will be there!

I'll be round to see your desks soon - I get the early birds done before work, some at lunchtime if I can, and finish off when i get home...


  1. You are way ahead of me on the Christmas card front Helen. The only ones that I have really made up to now have been samples lol. Nice bargain hunting at Kew. Hope it isn't too wet on Saturday. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  2. Morning Helen, your really are on a roll with those Christmas cards at this rate you will have next years made too hee hee!! Great work. Great bargains, i'd have added the biscuits too. Hope the weather man is wrong and rain keeps off at Kew for you this weekend. Happy WoywW Tracey xx
    P.S Thank you for the Bday wishes :)

  3. Pretty cards and great canvas bag and mug. Have fun at the exhibit. Have a really happy WOYWW day. #4

  4. Unless they are mega expensive I would have to buy one of the glass pieces. They are stunning and to own a miniature would be wonderful. I do like the mug and bag though - hope the biscuits were as yummy as expected.
    Now stop putting me to shame with the "C" cards!
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx
    ps sorry I have not been to your Kew posts lately, no idea why not so off there now

  5. Those cards look good for quick production, wish I could do that.
    And that's a nice bag, thanks for sharing.
    Chris #11

  6. I absolutely LOVE the mug. It's a beauty.

    I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to make Halloween cards and you are getting your Christmas cards together.

    Just stopped by to say HI!

  7. Love the nice to see colours other than red and green. Thanks for visiting me already and for my birthday wishes.
    Annie x #8

  8. Hi Helen, I've been too distracted with the cabin to decide on my main Christmas card design and now I am actually without a desk so today's pics are scheduled and no idea what next week will be like probably working on the floor but you know that's not impossible! Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x13x

  9. Love your cards, Helen - a really sophisticated design and so refreshingly different! I had not heard of Dale Chihuly before, so Googled him and wow, what astonishing glass sculptures! I can see why you are a fan. The design on the mug and bag are great.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #14

  10. Oh you’re winning, for sure Helen! lovely cards, fab stamps. I have to get over this thing in my head about not using black on a Christmas ridiculous and old fashioned is that? That sounds like a subtle criticism but it’s genuinely not....I love these cards. Mind you, I have had so much trouble making any card look how I want it that colour is the last problem to consider!!

  11. As always lovely inky creations Helen. Hope tonight is less nervy than Sunday.

    B x

  12. I envy you your great start on your Christmas cards! I've done a few so far and really need to begin in ernest!
    Glenda #19

  13. Yes, you do seem to be on a roll - that's a great stash of cards there - just as my roll has deserted me - perhaps it rolled over to you LOL. I love buying things at a discounted price - whether I need them or not - we have to grab every opportunity to get a good deal, don't we - and all those things are useful - especially the biscuits! Happy rolling! zsuzsa #16

  14. I really haven't moved on the christmas card front since last week - although I do have a lot prepped for my demo last Saturday that I never got around to using as it was the first time I'd been given a power point so I spent the whole day playing with my heat gun and EPst (and still nobody came!!). Nice mug, I am glad we made the effort to go and see the exhibition earlier this year. Have fun!! Happy WOYWW Cindy #19

  15. Hi Helen, nice to see the Christmas cards coming along, nowhere near finished with mine, in fact barely started. Been for a chest x-ray this morning, then went round Tesco with Doug. Used a mobility scooter, and I'n still knackered! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

  16. Hello from #21. Looks like beautiful cards.

  17. Great cards like the bag and the mug,

    Lilian B # 9

  18. You know Helen, I "almost" put that stamp set into a cart over the weekend because of you, it was a slim thing that I decided at the last minute not to. I love how happy the colors are on these cards you have been doing. ~Stacy #23

  19. Love the colours of your Christmas cards, I haven't started yet. Isn't it great when you get a bargain :)

  20. The cards look great and you are WAY ahead of me there. Not made one yet !
    Have a great week
    Soojay 26x

  21. Love the beautiful clean and simple cards. Still haven't started here yet! Happy WOYWW. Have a lovely week. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#6)

  22. Glad to see someone is getting their C cards done early! They're very pretty!! Maybe next week for me....
    Have a great week! Hope this coming Saturday isn't too wet at the Kew.
    Carol N #21

  23. Hi Helen, great job on the Christmas cards. I'm sure once I get my brain in gear it will be full steam ahead for me. Love the stamp! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #27

  24. Super cards Helen. Love the bag and mug, good to get a bargain. I have made Christmas cards but only as samples at the moment for classes, I need to do more! Thanks for popping by. Anne X 25

  25. I'm soooo late at getting round the desks - Weds and Thurs. always such busy days for me! Yes I bet you needed to whip round Kew quickly today to avoid the rain moving south. It has rained non stop for at least 24 hours here. I love your bargains and as for the biscuits - well it would be rude not to!!! xx Jo

  26. You’re one organised little Vegemite there’re Helen, well done on another seven, I’ve made one more last night.. will take breather now till after Sydney and just do blog post, a bit early perhaps or schedule.
    ... Yes after all blogging as forgot about Rudolph day from 25th joined every month this year a first!
    Happy belated WOYWW.
    Thanks for sharing, and God bless, Shaz in Oz.x #20

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  27. ooh good score with the reduced items, LOVE the mug and bag, his exhibition was SO amazing I was really pleased I went down to see it after reading all about it on your blog (and amazing photos).


  28. Thanks for your return visit, Helen, and sorry to be so long replying. It's been a really busy few days. So glad you like my slippers! They were fun to do. I still haven't been for a drive in Katie 2 although I have sat in her. My hubby has been having all the fun!

    Shoshi x

  29. I love the colours you are using for your Christmas cards so far... they look great together. Nice reductions on the Chihuly memorabilia... Maybe the glassworks will come down in price eventually! I hope you enjoyed the final weekend of wonderful glass.
    Alison x

  30. Lovely Christmas cards! I haven't even thought of making them yet! Sorry for the late visit, October has been crazy, looking forward to a quieter November! Lindart #28

  31. Love your cards and the bag and mug are so cute too! Happy WOYWW
    Glenda #18

  32. Hi Helen. Those Christmas cards are great - well done on the roll!! A good time was definitely had at Kew looking at your purchases.
    Yes, thanks - the funeral went well. A beautiful tribute to a lovely fun man, great man of faith and a good dad.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1


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