Tuesday 15 October 2019


I'm writing this whilst watching Great British Bake Off and nearly started, good morning bakers...

let's start again.  Good Morning Deskers!  Whizzday or WOYWW day again...   time for another desk sharing get together with Julia and the gang - join in here    and even though I'm early prepping this it seems Julia is earlier still... so it's going to be a live post! 

I had planned to have loads to show today... but of course I haven't done a lot..
 I have rushed together another Christmas card using the new stamps from t'other week!

spritzed the card base with Victorian Velvet distress oxide spray, bit of water, bit of blotting...

stamped another of the leafy stamps just in black on white card

used the teeny greeting as an extra layer of background in pink ink and edged the card scrap with it too.

I have put the other 2 purple ones together too, so I now have a grand total of 4 finished cards!

Kew last Saturday was WET - had a fabulous time!  pics are here   hopefully this weekend will be drier! 

so, even though it's Tuesday, welcome to What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday....


  1. Beautiful card! I'm working on C cards for my Nov. class.
    Have a great week!
    Carol N #5

  2. I like the variety of looks you are getting from the same stamp Helen. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

  3. Morning Helen. I like your Christmas cards - especially the purple ones - great. Hope it is indeed drier for you at Kew this weekend!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #8

  4. Morning Helen, you really have found a winning combo with that stamp. I'm all for stamps like these. Give yourself a day to just work on more and I think you could get create all you need. Happy WoywW Hugs Tracey x
    P.S Fingers crossed for a drier weekend for Kew..

  5. We had a wet weekend away in the Cotswold too...when is this rain going to stop? Love the latest cards Helen...4 down only another ??? to go now :-)
    Annie x #9

  6. Love the purple ones in particular; it's my favourite colour!

  7. Ohh yes, I do like the different effects you are getting with that stamp.
    Sandra de @16

  8. I like to use one stamp different ways and yours are lovely! Happy WOYWW!
    Glenda #15

  9. Brilliant cards - I was looking for an easy peasy stamping idea for class next week (very little prep lol, so over die cutting at the mo). Yep I think we might go along those lines..... different stamps of course. I am so over this rain as well, hope it is drier for you this weekend.

  10. Great cards, I like both the positive and negative versions! I've been watching bake off too - the contestants are very poor this year in my opinion, I think the producers went for theYoof market as opposed to people who can actually bake!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

  11. Oh I love the stamp you used on that beautiful pink card. I like how the spritz turned out on that background. Enjoy a great week. Happy WOYWW

  12. I love love love that Christmas stamp - the cards are fabulous and I love the two very different colour schemes. At this rate you could finish making your Christmas cards before October is out!!
    Hope you have a great week, I'm off to visit Kew now!
    Diana xx #17

  13. Still not completed one Christmas card so well done - they are lovely. Have a great week .
    Soojay x

  14. Still working of C cards for other people have made 30 altogether and still ten more to make.

    Lilian B #12

  15. Hi Helen, I really like the design of these Christmas cards you have done so far, everything from the color to the skinny sentiment to those backgrounds :) ~Stacy #24

  16. Hi Helen, the cards are looking good. Think we all mean to get more done but sometimes other stuff just gets in the way like work unfortunately! Hope you've had a very happy woyww, Angela x11x

  17. Happy Belated WOYWW. Thank you for your visit yesterday. I love the colours you are using. Ali x #20

  18. I know I am supposed to be commenting on WOYWW, but I got distracted completely by your photographs. I shall have to revisit as I was flagging at about 100 :). I love the scene with the seat and tree, and then there were this amazing blue centres to the berries, not to forget the fabulous lizards and those slightly weird glass sculptures. Also the desert flowers and what was the blue and white behind the tree? Would love to use some of these as inspiration if you don’t object. The colours of the autumn are fabulous aren’t they! I love photography, but my health mans I don’t get to do as much as I used to.

  19. Hi Helen can see your use traveling well with four cards well done nice design too. Love the rich purple.
    Happy belated WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #10

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  20. Hi Helen! At least you have a Christmas card complete. My box with the Christmas stamps and cards I began last year are still lost somewhere in my craft room!!! :) I suspect it's in my craft closet and it's a hot mess right now. Thanks for stopping by.
    Belinda #25

  21. I actually wrote a comment on Tuesday but didn't post it for some reason or another - maybe the shock of seeing you making "C"cards in October! Good on you Helen but what a shock to my system.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  22. Hi Helen. Great card. I will be glad to get house all back together again!
    Thanks for popping by. Sorry re late reply. Emergency call out to elderly Auntie last night ( mum's sister - she is 94 years old)
    Anne X

  23. Great cards. Cold and showery here this weekend but trees/leaves looking lovely. Every cloud... xx Jo

  24. That Victorian Velvet is a really pretty colour - slightly regretting not getting it now... ah well, it's never too late! Another lovely ESN card to go on the pile. Off to check out soggy Kew!
    Alison x

  25. Those cards are stunning, Helen! X


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