Wednesday 9 October 2019


Welcome to Whizzday.. WOYWW week 540.  The day of the week when we gather at Queen Julia's to share our craft spaces.

For a change, I have the promised new stamps to show...which true to form, arrived last Wednesday
I happened to see somewhere, that Dina Wakley had launched some new stamps and well.... I can't resist her silhouette figures!

I'm looking forward to playing with these beauties!

In the meantime though....

don't faint.... it's early October.... and I have started... well made (one) my Christmas cards....

I shamelessly took the colour idea from Nikki Acton on the Paperartsy blog when these stamps were launched...  I love purple for an alternative Christmas card base.

I also had a chance to play with some of the new Paperartsy Fresco paints that I showed you last week... one of the purples, and the sort of aqua blue-green overlaid on the background (which I failed to photograph before stamping and cutting up)

but I do have one finished Christmas card to show for my playtime!

I even managed to tie a relatively neat bow with my ribbon!

no doubt this will be the first and last card for some time, but at least I have one done!

I'll try to visit as many of your desks as I can in my lunchbreak and the rest of you later on!  Happy deskday!

p.s.  if you want last week's Kew link - here it is!  


  1. That's one more than I have made apart from at workshops Helen. Well done. i like the colour scheme. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  2. Morning Helen. Well done - a good start! How do folks manage to tie bows??? Yours looks great - and mine always look so wrong - probably one of the reasons I don't often use ribbons on my cards, despite having enough to sink the proverbial battleship!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  3. Just stopping by to say hello! Fonda #9 Your card looks lovely.

  4. Love the colours on this one Helene. I found a solution to making the dreaded Christmas cards, for the last two years I've made them in January, then the thought of making them doesn't haunt me for the rest of the year. That way if I work with stamps for TV that I like I can make one or two more but without the pressure.

    B x

  5. Love the purple for the card, very non-traditional, I like it. Now for the next 30 cards or so..... tee hee!!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  6. Well done Helen on making a start on the Christmas cards, one is better than me. Beautiful design. It's on my to do list next week to assess Christmas, I used to be so prepared.
    Dina's figures are so versatile, hope to see what you do with them very soon.
    Happy WoywW Hugs Tracey 11x

  7. Well done! Your little bows are amazing. I just can't tie a bow for anything!
    Glenda #10

  8. Now you have started why not get a production line going? You could allocate an hour every weekend day and you soon would be finished. Like the purple for a change.
    Hugs Neet xx

  9. I'm doing a quick whistle stop trip around a few of my favourite blogs between bear making [I've nearly finished one and there's only another 8 more to go!!].
    Well done you with starting the Christmas cards....thats one more than me :-)
    Annie x #12

  10. Hi Helen, fab card! Loving the colours. Great new stamps, have a feeling lots will fall into my basket at the NEC,lol. Huge Alice Cooper fan since the 70's, seen him a few times now and he's always amazing. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  11. Well done on starting your Christmas cards,

    Lilian B #15

  12. I’ll hold my hand up and admit to have wrapping one Christmas present. Only because I was messing about making a tag and wanted to see how it looked
    Lynn x 16

  13. Hi Helen!
    There is nothing wrong with recreating inspired projects, I do it all the time. Let's face it, everyone does and it's fine. I like the purple too. It's nice. I might have to try using purple (see what I mean).
    That water dragon at Kew is so cool. Love your photos.
    Belinda #25

  14. Hi Helen, I ended up getting that PA stamp set and that'a all your fault Lol! You should not tempt me! Anyway I still love it and your card too. Have a lovely woyww and a happy creative week, Angela x14x

  15. The Dina Wakley stamps are fab and that Christmas card is gorgeous! Happy WOYWW. Love & God Bless, Caro xx (#8)

  16. Well, 1 Christmas card is a good start.. LOL! Beautiful!
    What an interesting stamp!
    Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

  17. Hi Helen, purple is my favourite colour. Never thought of using it on Christmas cards though ... might give it a try this year! I enjoyed Barcelona- but will definitely go for longer next time! Have a lovely week Heather xx #28

  18. Love the Dina Wakley stamps, I'll have to have a look at day!!! I bought a couple of Sarah's sets, but only one of the new ones! Love the purple! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. Those stamps could have been made especially for you, Helen. They are just your style. And your cards are lovely - the purple background is very different but beautiful too. I like non-traditional colours too. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #20

  20. Lovely arty stamps, Helen, and your leaf cards are just gorgeous. A simple, sophisticated and stylish design! Great stuff. Thanks for your visit and for your good wishes for Tues. So glad you like the slippers! Our meal out was a great success. I find most people are quite happy to agree to your request (e.g. to turn the music down) if you ask politely and explain why. The oldest member of our party would have found it very difficult. He's a bit hard of hearing, and suffers some mental confusion so needs the ability to concentrate on conversation! We all had such a lovely time and the food was great.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #29

  21. HI Helen, love the purple its so fun and fresh :) ( I don't tie bows I tie knots so, I am suitably impressed ) ~Stacy #26

  22. Beautiful card color for a Christmas card. So nice. Dorlene 327

  23. Great card, love the purple! I am rather tempted by that Dina stamp set too.

  24. Ooh, those new Dina stamps really are gorgeous - looking forward to seeing those in action (and they may have to go on my Christmas list). Love your purple panels, and the finished card is really elegant. Lovely!
    Alison x

  25. Love the new stamps... As for the Christmas cards, go you! I love this idea too. Gorgeous!

  26. Thanks for lovely comments - my back is better today, thankfully. Purple is a fab colour for Christmas cards - makes a change from the traditional. xx Jo

  27. I am SO sorry to be so late visiting. Beside the squirrel problem, I got back online just in time to learn there was going to be a hard freeze tonight. I spent the entire day cutting back my herbs and getting the ones I could lift into the house. The others I covered tonight with sheets.

    I want a stamp that says it all like the focal stamp you used. I'd probably make a few Christmas cards if I did. I'm off to visit Kew now.

  28. lovely to see the stamp and use of purple for a Xmas card and beautifully tied bow. Have a great weekend.
    sandra de


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