Wednesday 2 October 2019


Morning fellow deskers.. Normal service is resumed... enabler alert!  It's the first WOYWW  of October and many crafters' thoughts are turning to Christmas...

Now, don't be fooled into thinking I've made a start on my Christmas cards (heaven forbid!)  but Paperartsy had some more product launches last week .....

and so I indulged... and got some of the new Fresco paints (and another distress oxide too)  Because we all know I NEED more Christmas stamps like I need.... more paint probably!!  But I saw some fabulous samples made with this set (and another one from the same theme but manage to resist)  so I had to ...

I did also managed to add another couple of layers to the journal page from last week too... still nowhere near what I'd feel is finished...

I added some drips of Distress Oxide, which did what they should and oxidised, so the colours have changed somewhat

the blue (it looks black but is blue)  bundle to the left is a couple of strips of wide ribbon that I took off a big cosy throw the other day (I bought it to snuggle under on the sofa which is fatal as I am more likely than ever to not do any crafting of an evening...
but it had to be saved. 

there is another stamp set on the way too, which will probably arrive today and so have to be held over for next week... no hints, you'll have to wait and see! 
Have a great Wednesday, happy desk hopping!   
Oh, and the link to Kew (final early opening)  from last week is here   at least from this weekend I can turn the alarm off and just wake (it will still be in loads of time to get up and go!) 


  1. Good to have you back enabling my dear. Can understand you buying more paints, they are so yummy and I know how they jump about and have the habit of falling into baskets.
    Well done on more layers to the journal pages - which reminds me, I need to get one done for tomorrow.
    Enjoy the snuggle, I see the ribbon which is like some I had to take back - well, it was holding the duvet set together and the set just did not fit!
    Hugs, Neet (right behind you) xx

  2. Glad to see you back to your enabling ways Helen lol. I look forward to seeing the new stamps and what you do with the latest goodies. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  3. Morning Helen. Great shots of the last early opening of Kew. Your grey goose had a yellow ring round his eye as well... wonder what the variety is called - must hunt through the bird books.
    Take care. God bless
    Margaret #3

  4. It's hard to resist when you know it's something you love. Paint is a big weakness for me just like stamps... it's all art after all. Have fun adding more to that journal page and the excitement of all those new releases, boy have I missed my creative time.
    WoywW Hugs Tracey xx

  5. Love seeing what you have been tempted with. One reason I'm glad I don't live in the UK any more - no temptations here. Have a good week. Ani #6

  6. I think we probably all need new craft stuff like a hole in the ...... lol!! But I can't resist fabric any more than you can new paints!!
    Have fun.
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  7. Nice stamp set, would have been rude not to! I like the use of leaves that aren’t obviously holly too, man I do get tired of holly on every winter stamp! Enjoy the snuggling I say, if its to the detriment of anything else, what the hell!!

  8. Your journal pages are so lovely to see and I too have started a bit of Christmas card making. It is a slow go for me and I keep plugging along. I keep inserting one here and one there along the way. I do love Christmas and enjoy the cards too!
    Glenda #14

  9. We all have needs like yours...for me it's new fabrics of course. I have a huge pile of Christmas fabrics here sat by me at the mo and to be honest I can't remember buying half of you think we go into a trance when the urge to buy comes on? :-)
    Annie x #9

  10. No no no! you should not have shown me that stamp set! I don't need any more but I have to say I do like it! I have deliberately avoided going onto the PA website but I guess I could have a little look, just a tiny look..... wishing you a (naughty girl!) happy woyww, Angela x15x

  11. Gorgeous stamp set and you can never have too many paints! I love a cuddly throw and it is definitely heading to the season for snuggling under a throw on a cosy chair or sofa. Happy WOYWW. Love & God Bless, Caro x (#12)

  12. I does give us a buzz waiting for something in the post to arrive, doesn't it? And you know what? We deserve it! I can't believe you actually use an alarm clock at weekends to get you out of bed to go to Kews - that's some dedication! I don't think I would have the discipline! Happy Whiz Day! zsuzsa # 16

  13. Just had a few goodies arrive as well - one of which I had forgotten about!! Going to do stoptober/november (4 weeks off the booze anyway) and I think I am going to veto craft supplies for a month as well. That should pay for Christmas!! Certainly is getting snuggly - we don't have the heating on yet but I caved and put the fleece PJs on around 8.30 last night. Cosy indeed. Happy WOYWW Cindy #17

  14. Hi Helen, Ooh those do look like cool stamps :) ~Stacy #23

  15. Fun looking stamps and paints! I'm a die junkie myself, or maybe I should say die addict. I just keep buying dies! LOL!
    Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
    Carol N #21

  16. hahaha - looks like fun ! can't wait to see what else you got next week !!
    Darlene #27

  17. Great new stash, Helen - love the leaf stamps, and your journal page is looking great! Thank you for your two comments and I'm glad you enjoyed reading about my show visit and seeing the lovely quilts etc. I am with you 100 percent re the Pergamano - I greatly admire the work and the patience involved but it's too fiddly for me! As for show purchases, sometimes I'm glad I haven't got kids or I'd never be able to afford to buy all the stuff I want lol lol!! I can be pretty restrained for months and then I go mad when I get the opportunity.

    Thank you for your good wishes for my re-assessment etc. Nothing for it but teeth gritting and get on with it. I just wish the whole thing was over... Glad you like the slippers!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #30

  18. Hi Helen, nice goodies. So hard to resist. I'm on the sofa cooried under a throw - perfect on a chilly night like tonight. I'm sure, though, that now you have the stamp set you'll be making Christmas cards soon. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #22

  19. New stamps look fab Helen, and your page is great!

  20. I decorated for Halloween this weekend. It's definitely going into the holiday season. Yay! Great addition to your journal page.
    April #18

  21. Stopping by to say hi, fellow deskie! Fonda

  22. Looking forward to seeing what you get up to with Sara's lovely new stamps - and those vivid paint colours... wow, what a combination that would be! Good to see the page is progressing - the puddles of chalky colour are really pretty.
    Alison x

  23. ah ha Helen, I see you too have been bitten by the shopping bug! I haven't started my Christmas cards and crafts yet. It feels like it's too early like I am ignoring Halloween and Thanksgiving. But I do need to make some cards for my shop so I will cave soon.
    Thanks for the visit.
    Belinda #29

  24. I don't know about Christmas, but I am just starting Halloween :) Making progress in your journal page, can't wait to see your new stamps x

  25. Hi Helen!
    Never too many paints, papers, stamps, fabric... well, you get the idea lol Creative Blessings! Kelly #25

  26. Love your new Christmas stamps! Great choice! I can certainly empathize with getting comfy and cozy, and then not doing anything at all! Thanks for your visit, have a great wee! Lindart #27

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Oh Helen, how embarrassing! Although I hope all your wees are great, I really meant have a great week! LOL! Lindart #27

  29. I have bought one of those similar sets and looking forward to finding time to play! Love how your journal page is looking! Off to Kew now!! Chrisxx


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