Wednesday 25 September 2019


Not going to say anything about it being Wednesday (Whizzday) again already, that would be predictable and boring.... but really?!!!    anyway, link your desk or crafty space with Julia's Stamping-Ground

My desk floor space today  is playing deja-vu  or spot the difference....

which basically means I've done   *!$%**      all since last week....  I did try to carry on with this journal page from last week... got as far as some black modelling paste stencilled on....

I also moved some brochures to the mat from my week off (and last week's trip to Kew)  that I "intend" to work into a journal page of some kind... can't say I'll be scrapping with them as I never print any of the photos I take (still don't have a printer;  never get organised enough to order prints of any of them...)     I didn't even go crafty shopping again!! 

Kew last Saturday was stunningly beautiful as several of you saw from my Facebook updates as I was there...
the full post is here   but as I don't have anything remotely interesting to share today I'll give you a bit of a hint with these:
 I apologise if you already saw them!
 some of the stunning Dale Chihuly glass sculptures...

I'll be back there  again next Saturday for the last early opening of the year, (which does mean that from now until May I won't have to get up at 5.30 on a Saturday morning any more)

Till then, happy desking and see you soon


  1. Kew is certainly spectacular Helen. I can see why you go back each week. I am sure you will get some crafting done this week. The weather is too awful for anything else lol. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  2. Kew looks lovely and a place on the bucket list so who knows I might get there on day lol

    Happy WOYWDW Lilian B # 7

  3. I really love the blue 'flowers' in the last pic Helen and can see why you enjoy your weekly visits.
    Annie x #11

  4. I think its the weeks when we achieve £$%* all crafting from week to the next that the relentless passage of time makes itself felt - but you did have the excuse of a trip to catch up from! Kew piccies brilliant as always - I do admire your dedication! Nothing but insomnia or an early flight from Gatwick would get me up at 5.30 on any morning. Happy WOYWW Cindy #15

  5. Enjoyed your Facebook photos, thank you.
    I don't think I have done much craftwise but seem to have been working all the same....
    Have a good week and hope it gets drier for you
    Christine #16

  6. Hi Helen, love the photos from Kew, the art installations are amazing, aren't they. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 X

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  8. You certainly make the most of your season ticket at Kews - I'm thinking the same about our Blenheim Palace annual pass - we've got to get our money's worth! But knowing myself - two days after it has expired, I will realise that we forgot to go back! I can't be bothered to get our photos professionally printed either, especially that I normally need them in odd sizes. It would be nice to get a photo printer - a regular printer just doesn't do them justice. Perhaps one day! Happy Wednesday - I hope you managed to stay dry this morning! I'll be dodging showers tomorrow as well! xx zsuzsa #17

  9. I deleted my post because I had my number wrong. Not sure what happened there. What lovely photos from Kews! Happy WOYWW!
    Glenda #18

  10. Hi there dear Helen,
    I so know the feeling that a week has vanished with so little done. However Kew is as lovely as ever, and it was sunny too! Bonus plus!

    Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #14

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  11. Gorgeous Kew photos and love the glass sculptures.
    sandra de #19

  12. The blue floral glass structure is amazing and I imagine even more so irl. Lets hope MK don't try and emulate Colchester tonight!

    B x

  13. Hi Helen, I totally grinned over that since I have gone digital I have not printed any of my shots either. ( and although there is a printer here at home the only computer using it is hubs) :)
    I love those sculpture shots and thanks for sharing them :) ~Stacy #21

  14. Gorgeous photos from Kew - love the last one especially. Happy WOYWW. Have a lovely week. Love & God Bless, Caro x (#7)

  15. The photos from Kew are beautiful as always - never mind if I have seen them on FB, it is still a pleasure to see your photos.
    Cannot believe a week of no spending again. Helen, are you running a temperature?
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  16. I admire those who do art journals. I haven't done so yet, but I hope to some day. I suppose I just need to start. Happy WOYWW!

  17. It's ok, I've done no crafting this week either - well, I did but that's for show next Wed! The Chilhully glass sculptures are truly wonderful, thanks for sharing them with us.
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

  18. snap, done very little crafting this week. Loving your Kew photos, having been recently I can see how you can do something different most weeks there as we only saw about 1/5th of it on our visit!

  19. We can't always be creatively active all the time Lol! though I think your time was slightly taken up at Kew. Sometimes my brain gets tired and I just have to leave the desk until Mr Mojo returns so I shouldn't worry about it, you're here and that's all that matters. Hope you have a lovely creative week and a very happy woyww, Angela x13x

  20. Hi Helen, doing nothing is allowed especially when you've been so busy visiting Kew. Lovely photos. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #24

  21. Your Kew photos are gorgeous! As to not getting much accomplished craft-wise, that was me last week! I did have to sweep up the paper poop on my floor yesterday, lots of little pieces from dies!
    Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
    Carol N #20

  22. Interesting background in the making there, Helen. Kew looks spectacular! Those incredible blue umbrella-like flowers - is that a sculpture or for real? Amazing, whatever! I have never been to Kew but I can well understand why it's one of your favourite haunts.

    Thank you for your visit and for sharing in my outrage over my PIP assessment. The whole thing absolutely stinks, but there's not a lot I can do about it but simply go along with it and hope for the best. The feeling of powerlessness it engenders is one of the worst aspects of the whole thing, and knowing that many of the people who run the set-up are corrupt and rewarded for turning people down really doesn't help. Definitely a week of highs and lows, and meeting Christine and Margaret was one of the former! Also the craft show tomorrow which I am really looking forward to.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #25

  23. Know how you feel sometimes I just do no crafting at all think we all need a break. That last photo is stunning beautiful colours and flower. Ani #5

  24. Have loved your Kew pics this year but I didn't realise you had to get up at 5.30! Well done you. I think it was well worth it and thanks for sharing. xx Jo

  25. Stunning photos as usual Helen!
    Belinda #26

  26. Your Kew photos are stunning - how lovely to live so close to this! I'm sure the crafting will resume when you are ready, I certainly have gone through crafting slumps myself! I have also worked on art journal pages by adding one element a week or every few days, and that's it. At some point they become finished! Have a great week, and thanks for your visit to mine, Lindart #23

  27. I really enjoyed your last Kew pics, the lower sun has made everything different again! I’ve pretty much had a week off from the desk too, it’s amazing isnt it how the time just goes when you have work and such other stuff to un-inspire the old motivation! I like the idea of including some of the brochures into your journal. No one ever said it had to be about phots all the time!

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  29. What no shopping? Am I in the right place?!

    I hadn't registered the black texture paste as I was focussing on the Oxide drips, but looking at this I can't understand how I missed them. Looks like another glorious Kew weekend.
    Alison x


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