Wednesday 17 October 2018

WOYWW 489 - told you...

..that it would grind to a halt that is..    but before I share my desk, let's introduce why we're here... it's Wednesday... it's time for WOYWW  (anyone else championing Crackerjack there?!)    Again.   wasn't it just Wednesday?

so I spent ALL day at Kew last Saturday (6 hours, nearly 700 photos.... ) if you wanted to you could check them out here (obviously not ALL of them!)  and Sunday it was wet, so after some emergency party wear shopping I did very little. 

Before I went out however, I did assemble some more of the Christmas cards .. but I told you it was too good to be true, no more have been added to the total .   They need glitter or bling of some sort, too.    I know this is a bit of a cheat of a "desk" share this week - sorry!

I am delighted that the details of next year's WOYWW crop have been announced (here on Julia's if you  missed it) and I really hope to go - ten years needs to be celebrated!

Here's one of the Kew photos to whet your appetite - mainly because this is too short and sweet even for me !


  1. Some beautiful autumnal shades captured there Helen. I really hope that you can make the crop next year. Thanks for the early visit to mine! Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  2. Helen you are far to negative with yourself regarding your crafting, look at those cards as nearly finished rather than no more have been made. Your a lot closer than I am on your start on Christmas.
    beautiful Tree at Kew, we have had rain for the last 4 days so it tends to make the trees look slightly shabby round here, hoping to have a couple of dry days so I can capture a shot or two of the colours around me.
    Happy WOYWW & for the early visit, it's Hubby's hospital app not mine, with respiratory & consultant the wait could be a long one..
    Tracey #5

  3. Morning Helen. Your cards are just lovely - finished as far as I am concerned - but a bit of bling goes a long way... so... maybe... So glad you are thinking of getting to the crop next year - that would be great to see you again
    The autumn tree is stunning - well captured! I have an amelanchia (no idea if that is the right way to spell it) in my garden which has been beautiful this year, but the high winds last week have now decimated it.
    Thanks for your visit - glad you "liked" the chaos - I am very fortunate to have those tables - basically because if I did as you do and craft on the floor... well, I'd never get up again!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  4. Love the cards just as they are but I’m sure you’re right....your the expert. That tree is simply stunning.
    Annie x #11

  5. Such elegant xmas cards - love them, though I rarely ponder xmas till after Bonfire Night...
    Happy WOYWW :)
    Claire, no. 1

  6. Love Autumn with its colours and you certainly captured it there.
    Lovely cards - but what is the emergency party wear shop?
    Hugs, Neet 14 xx

  7. New party wear huh? Good, does it include a new pair of thigh high boots?? Lol. You've got the legs to wear them, that's for sure!! Beautiful shots of the colours at Kew, I love Autumn! And I really hope you can make it to CropTen, it'll be such an amazing day :-D
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  8. Gorgeous cards Helen. That stamp is gorgeous. Loving the photo too. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x16x

  9. Here I am laughing at your "short" post. I haven't even started THINKING about Christmas. what can I say, I'm procrastinating.

  10. Hi Helen, the Kew photos were amazing. So much colour from the trees. Still knocking out a few Christmas cards here and there, lol.Love the stamp you're using. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 X

  11. Hi Helen, Nice selection of Christmas cards.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Off to check out your Kew photos.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #7

  12. Lovely cards! You are doing so well with Christmas cards...I'm still on Halloween! And a lovely colourful tree as well! We have some really brilliant orange and red trees this year - I shall have to take photos!

  13. Looks like a great start to lots of Christmas cards! And what a gorgeous tree! Here in southern Arizona U.S. we don't get much for color changes, cacti stays green unless it dies. Oh well. Anyway, thanks for popping by and have a great week!
    Carol N #23

  14. Cards look great Helen, and that tree is stunning!

  15. Yes Helen a second look at cards is good, do love that stamp.. mm I wonder if you know every inch of Kew gardens as you seem to go each Sat.? Must admit there are stunning shots in you below post so thanks for sharing.
    Hugs Shaz. #20

  16. Lovely Christmas cards. I need to start thinking about making sure I have sentiments stamped on the insides of all of mine. Love the autumn colors. Ours are just barely beginning to show here but in another week or two they will be glorious.

    Thanks for the visit. Creative Blessings! Kelly #26

  17. Oh, I can't wait for the fall colors to finally get here! While I love green and we've had lots of that from all the rain, I enjoy the seasons changing! Your Christmas cards are lovely!
    Angie #21

  18. Thanks for your visit earlier, no diecutting got done I'm afraid, life stepped in!!
    Love those cards and the tree ..... did visit 'Kew', beeaauutiful!
    have a good week
    Christine #27

  19. Hi Helen, the Christmas cards are looking great, I do like the stamp you have used, and the lovely colours. Have a lovely week Heather x #33

  20. Hi Helen, those cards are so pretty :) and I love the colors on the tree too! ~Stacy #32

  21. This PennyBlack brushstroke stamp is gorgeous in any colour! In my mind their best range.. I'm eyeing up all of them! Well done on your X-mas card making!

  22. I'd say you have done well considering I made a start at the beginning of the year with what I thought was a plan and haven't made one for about six months now!! I am coming back to have a proper look at Kew soon! Hugs, Chrisx


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